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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#40 bensch patrick fixed merging Orxonox GUI and Orxonox

What I am thinking of is a UnrealTournament Style GUI that pops up the first time you start the game and every time the game terminates unexpectedly so you are able to change any critical software settings. Furthermore there are some other features, that would be fancy to have:

Feature Requests:

  • a performance meter, that calculates the speed of the CPU and graphics hardware to show a diagram of how fast the pc is compared to others. it should be able to suggest some reasonable graphics settings.
  • possibility to download any update to the software and its media-data.
  • possibility to send bug messages to the orxonox developer team. maybe with a debug engine, that will send the last debug output of orxonox with the debug message

all these possibilities sound very good but the user should always (and always) have the opportinuty to choose if he/she wants to go online to do these things!

#41 bensch bensch fixed MakeFile - cleanup

Clean-up and all's

  1. Merge all relevant branches back to the trunk
  2. Edit the style of the, so everything looks the same
    • Importance: order/codedesign/workability
  3. Move the files in Source into some more intuitive sub-structure
  4. Edit the's
    • Design
#42 bensch bensch fixed Light-Class

Light is very important for seeing things, so it is a good idea to give it its own class

  • ToDo:
    • The Class is initialized so there remains
    1. Extension for Spot-Lights
    2. Light should move only if one tells it so for this to work:
      • Lights must be initialized and transformed in the right order of the modelview-transformation
      • Lights can move with the Camera
      • Lights can fly with an entity.

Really important is the Position of the light→setPosition function in if this gets mixed up, the Light will not be positioned in the right order.

This also has to do (most possibly) with the strage Fog-position of dave's branche

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