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Version 1 (modified by bknecht, 16 years ago) (diff)



The universe of Orxonox is the near future of our world. Besides the human race there are two alien races - the Asheroc and the Noxons - of which the humans have not much knowledge. The player will play a person of the human race and therefore mostly find himself in places where the humans live or have business. Those places are defined in the style guides, so are races and their technology.


The universe of Orxonox developed from our present. As this is most certainly not the future our ancestors will face, we want to draw a believable future world, which is not so optimistic, but very exciting. In this segment, we explain the development of the universe in form of examples and time lines so the developer has an idea how things have to look like. The history is also important to answer some "why?" questions and to manifest the background story of Orxonox to create a better atmosphere in the actual game. The player will not have access to the history just like this. He maybe have the possibility to access some history records, but besides that he will face a world which knows what happened to it in the last few years. Nobody will talk to the player about the past, because they assume the character he plays knows the same they do.

Click here? to read the whole history.


There are three races in the game: Humans, Asheroc and Noxons. Read about their characteristics, history, society, religion, technology, relationships with each other and their goals in the game.


You know them, you're a human, right? You know we'll mess up our future. The humans in Orxonox struggle with their half destroyed world, but nevertheless fight to survive and are very creative in finding solutions to all their problems. However not all humans have the strength to compete in the harsh world.


An ancient alien race. They have huge knowledge about the universe, but they are also arrogant and overconfident. They like to trick other species into trusting them to screw them over. They are not too aggressive but have the technology to vaporize half of the Earth in an instance. They are very careful to seem powerful to other races to intimidate them.

They're technology is beyond human understanding and members of the Asheroc have overcome the deadly traps of biological bodies. They evolved into a phase of energy and spirit and are detached from the world of matter.


A pretty young alien race, which got united early in their history. Religion is everything to them and everything a Noxon does has a religious background. The most holy thing for the Noxons is their ability to totally alter their genetic code. Ships, buildings and weapons are living things (Noxons), genetically designed to fulfill their purpose.

Noxons are super advanced on a biological level. They have creatures for everything. They pray to the god of the night and orient their lives according to the prophecies they receive in their prayers.