Last change
on this file since 10728 was
checked in by rgrieder, 17 years ago
f* svn: It doesn't even inform you if you attempt to set a non existing property. It is svn:eol-style and not eol-style when using the command by the way…
Property svn:eol-style set to
File size:
3.4 KB
Line | |
1 | [KeyBinder] |
2 | KeyUNASSIGNED=openConsole |
3 | KeyESCAPE=exit |
4 | Key1= |
5 | Key2= |
6 | Key3= |
7 | Key4= |
8 | Key5= |
9 | Key6= |
10 | Key7= |
11 | Key8= |
12 | Key9= |
13 | Key0= |
14 | KeyMINUS= |
15 | KeyEQUALS=openConsole |
16 | KeyBACK= |
17 | KeyTAB=cycleNavigationFocus |
18 | KeyQ=moveRoll |
19 | KeyW=moveLongitudinal |
20 | KeyE=scale -1 moveRoll |
21 | KeyR= |
22 | KeyT= |
23 | KeyY= |
24 | KeyU= |
25 | KeyI= |
26 | KeyO= |
27 | KeyP= |
28 | KeyLBRACKET= |
29 | KeyRBRACKET= |
30 | KeyRETURN= |
31 | KeyLCONTROL= |
32 | KeyA=scale -1 moveLateral |
33 | KeyS=scale -1 moveLongitudinal |
34 | KeyD=moveLateral |
35 | KeyF= |
36 | KeyG= |
37 | KeyH=scale -0.3 moveYaw |
38 | KeyJ=scale -0.3 movePitch |
39 | KeyK=scale 0.3 movePitch |
40 | KeyL=scale 0.3 moveYaw |
41 | KeySEMICOLON= |
43 | KeyGRAVE=openConsole |
44 | KeyLSHIFT= |
45 | KeyBACKSLASH= |
46 | KeyZ= |
47 | KeyX= |
48 | KeyC= |
49 | KeyV= |
50 | KeyB= |
51 | KeyN= |
52 | KeyM= |
53 | KeyCOMMA= |
54 | KeyPERIOD= |
55 | KeySLASH= |
56 | KeyRSHIFT= |
57 | KeyMULTIPLY= |
58 | KeyLMENU= |
59 | KeySPACE= |
60 | KeyCAPITAL= |
61 | KeyF1=toggleFPS |
62 | KeyF2=toggleRenderTime |
63 | KeyF3= |
64 | KeyF4= |
65 | KeyF5= |
66 | KeyF6= |
67 | KeyF7= |
68 | KeyF8= |
69 | KeyF9= |
70 | KeyF10= |
71 | KeyNUMLOCK= |
72 | KeySCROLL= |
73 | KeyNUMPAD7= |
74 | KeyNUMPAD8= |
75 | KeyNUMPAD9= |
76 | KeySUBTRACT= |
77 | KeyNUMPAD4= |
78 | KeyNUMPAD5= |
79 | KeyNUMPAD6= |
80 | KeyADD= |
81 | KeyNUMPAD1= |
82 | KeyNUMPAD2= |
83 | KeyNUMPAD3= |
84 | KeyNUMPAD0= |
85 | KeyDECIMAL= |
86 | Key= |
87 | KeyOEM_102= |
88 | KeyF11= |
89 | KeyF12= |
90 | KeyF13= |
91 | KeyF14= |
92 | KeyF15= |
93 | KeyKANA= |
94 | KeyABNT_C1= |
95 | KeyCONVERT= |
96 | KeyNOCONVERT= |
97 | KeyYEN= |
98 | KeyABNT_C2= |
100 | KeyPREVTRACK= |
101 | KeyAT= |
102 | KeyCOLON= |
103 | KeyUNDERLINE= |
104 | KeyKANJI= |
105 | KeySTOP= |
106 | KeyAX= |
107 | KeyUNLABELED= |
108 | KeyNEXTTRACK= |
109 | KeyNUMPADENTER=openConsole |
110 | KeyRCONTROL= |
111 | KeyMUTE= |
112 | KeyCALCULATOR= |
113 | KeyPLAYPAUSE= |
114 | KeyMEDIASTOP= |
115 | KeyVOLUMEDOWN= |
116 | KeyVOLUMEUP= |
117 | KeyWEBHOME= |
119 | KeyDIVIDE= |
120 | KeySYSRQ= |
121 | KeyRMENU= |
122 | KeyPAUSE= |
123 | KeyHOME= |
124 | KeyUP= |
125 | KeyPGUP= |
126 | KeyLEFT= |
127 | KeyRIGHT= |
128 | KeyEND= |
129 | KeyDOWN= |
130 | KeyPGDOWN= |
131 | KeyINSERT= |
132 | KeyDELETE= |
133 | KeyLWIN= |
134 | KeyRWIN= |
135 | KeyAPPS= |
136 | KeyPOWER= |
137 | KeySLEEP= |
138 | KeyWAKE= |
139 | KeyWEBSEARCH= |
141 | KeyWEBREFRESH= |
142 | KeyWEBSTOP=exit |
143 | KeyWEBFORWARD= |
144 | KeyWEBBACK= |
145 | KeyMYCOMPUTER= |
146 | KeyMAIL= |
148 | MouseLeft=fire |
149 | MouseRight= |
150 | MouseMiddle= |
151 | MouseButton3= |
152 | MouseButton4= |
153 | MouseButton5= |
154 | MouseButton6= |
155 | MouseButton7= |
156 | MouseWheel1Up= |
157 | MouseWheel1Down= |
158 | MouseWheel2Up= |
159 | MouseWheel2Down= |
160 | MouseXPos=scale 1 moveYaw |
161 | MouseXNeg=scale -1 moveYaw |
162 | MouseYPos=scale 1 movePitch |
163 | MouseYNeg=scale -1 movePitch |
164 | Empty1Pos= |
165 | Empty1Neg= |
166 | Empty2Pos= |
167 | Empty2Neg= |
168 | JoyAxis1Pos=scale -1 movePitch |
169 | JoyAxis1Neg=scale 1 movePitch |
170 | JoyAxis2Pos= |
171 | JoyAxis2Neg= |
172 | JoyAxis3Pos= |
173 | JoyAxis3Neg= |
174 | JoyAxis4Pos= |
175 | JoyAxis4Neg= |
176 | JoyAxis5Pos= |
177 | JoyAxis5Neg= |
178 | JoyAxis6Pos= |
179 | JoyAxis6Neg= |
180 | JoyAxis7Pos= |
181 | JoyAxis7Neg= |
182 | JoyAxis8Pos= |
183 | JoyAxis8Neg= |
184 | JoyAxis9Pos=scale 1 moveYaw |
185 | JoyAxis9Neg=scale -1 moveYaw |
186 | JoyAxis10Pos= |
187 | JoyAxis10Neg= |
188 | JoyAxis11Pos=scale -1 moveLongitudinal |
189 | JoyAxis11Neg=scale 1 moveLongitudinal |
190 | JoyAxis12Pos=scale 1 moveLateral |
191 | JoyAxis12Neg=scale -1 moveLateral |
192 | JoyAxis13Pos= |
193 | JoyAxis13Neg= |
194 | JoyAxis14Pos= |
195 | JoyAxis14Neg= |
196 | JoyAxis15Pos= |
197 | JoyAxis15Neg= |
198 | JoyAxis16Pos= |
199 | JoyAxis16Neg= |
200 | JoyAxis17Pos= |
201 | JoyAxis17Neg= |
202 | JoyAxis18Pos= |
203 | JoyAxis18Neg= |
204 | JoyAxis19Pos= |
205 | JoyAxis19Neg= |
206 | JoyAxis20Pos= |
207 | JoyAxis20Neg= |
208 | JoyAxis21Pos= |
209 | JoyAxis21Neg= |
210 | JoyAxis22Pos= |
211 | JoyAxis22Neg= |
212 | JoyAxis23Pos= |
213 | JoyAxis23Neg= |
214 | JoyAxis24Pos= |
215 | JoyAxis24Neg= |
216 | JoyButton0=cycleNavigationFocus |
217 | JoyButton1= |
218 | JoyButton2= |
219 | JoyButton3= |
220 | JoyButton4= |
221 | JoyButton5= |
222 | JoyButton6=scale 1 moveRoll |
223 | JoyButton7=scale -1 moveRoll |
224 | JoyButton8= |
225 | JoyButton9=fire |
226 | JoyButton10= |
227 | JoyButton11= |
228 | JoyButton12= |
229 | JoyButton13= |
230 | JoyButton14= |
231 | JoyButton15= |
232 | JoyButton16= |
233 | JoyButton17= |
234 | JoyButton18= |
235 | JoyButton19= |
236 | JoyButton20= |
237 | JoyButton21= |
238 | JoyButton22= |
239 | JoyButton23= |
240 | JoyButton24= |
241 | JoyButton25= |
242 | JoyButton26= |
243 | JoyButton27= |
244 | JoyButton28= |
245 | JoyButton29= |
246 | JoyButton30= |
247 | JoyButton31= |
248 | JoyPOV1North= |
249 | JoyPOV1South= |
250 | JoyPOV1East= |
251 | JoyPOV1West= |
252 | JoyPOV2North= |
253 | JoyPOV2South= |
254 | JoyPOV2East= |
255 | JoyPOV2West= |
256 | JoyPOV3North= |
257 | JoyPOV3South= |
258 | JoyPOV3East= |
259 | JoyPOV3West= |
260 | JoyPOV4North= |
261 | JoyPOV4South= |
262 | JoyPOV4East= |
263 | JoyPOV4West= |
264 | |
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