ps.1.4 // conversion from Cg generated ARB_fragment_program to ps.1.4 by NFZ // command line args: -profile arbfp1 -entry main_fp // program main_fp // c0 : distortionRange // c1 : tintColour // testure 0 : noiseMap // texture 1 : reflectMap // texture 2 : refractMap // v0.x : fresnel // : noiseCoord // t1.xyw : projectionCoord def c2, 2, 1, 0, 0 // Cg: distort.x = tex3D(noiseMap, noiseCoord).x; // arbfp1: TEX R0.x, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 3D; // sample noise map using noiseCoord in TEX unit 0 texld r0, // get projected texture coordinates from TEX coord 1 // will be used in phase 2 texcrd r1.xy, t1_dw.xyw mov r1.z, c2.y // Cg: distort.y = tex3D(noiseMap, noiseCoord + yoffset).x; // arbfp1: ADD, fragment.texcoord[0], c1; // arbfp1: TEX R1.x, R1, texture[0], 3D; // arbfp1: MOV R0.y, R1.x; // Cg: distort = (distort * 2 - 1) * distortionRange; // arbfp1: MAD R0.xy, R0, c0.x, -c0.y; // arbfp1: MUL R0.xy, R0, u0.x; // (distort * 2 - 1) same as 2*(distort -.5) so use _bx2 // Cg: final = projectionCoord.xy / projectionCoord.w; // Cg: final += distort; // arbfp1: RCP R0.w, fragment.texcoord[1].w; // arbfp1: MAD R0.xy, fragment.texcoord[1], R0.w, R0; // final = (distort * projectionCoord.w) + projectionCoord.xy // for ps.1.4 have to re-arrange things a bit to perturb projected texture coordinates mad, r0_bx2, c0.x, r1 phase // do dependant texture reads // Cg: reflectionColour = tex2D(reflectMap, final); // arbfp1: TEX R0, R0, texture[1], 2D; // sampe reflectMap using dependant read : texunit 1 texld r1, // Cg: refractionColour = tex2D(refractMap, final) + tintColour; // arbfp1: TEX R1, R0, texture[2], 2D; // sample refractMap : texunit 2 texld r2, // adding tintColour that is in global c1 // arbfp1: ADD R1, R1, u1; add r2, r2, c1 // Cg: col = lerp(refractionColour, reflectionColour, fresnel); // arbfp1: ADD R0, R0, -R1; // arbfp1: MAD result.color, fragment.color.primary.x, R0, R1; lrp r0, v0.x, r1, r2