/*! @file Tickable.h @brief Definition of the Tickable interface. The Tickable interface provides a tick(dt) function, that gets called every frame. float dt is the time since the last frame in seconds. Attention: Classes derived from a Tickable that want to have a tick(dt) function on their part, MUST call the parent::tick(dt) function explicit in their implementation of tick(dt) because it's a virtual function. */ #ifndef _Tickable_H__ #define _Tickable_H__ #include "../core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "OgreFrameListener.h" namespace orxonox { class TickFrameListener; // Forward declaration //! The Tickable interface provides a tick(dt) function, that gets called every frame. class Tickable : virtual public OrxonoxClass { public: /** @brief Gets called every frame. @param dt The time since the last frame in seconds */ virtual void tick(float dt) = 0; protected: /** @brief Constructor: Registers the object in the Tickable-list */ Tickable() { RegisterRootObject(Tickable); } }; //! The TickFrameListener calls the tick(dt) function of all Tickables every frame. class TickFrameListener : public Ogre::FrameListener { private: /** @brief Gets called before a frame gets rendered. */ bool frameStarted(const Ogre::FrameEvent &evt) { // Iterate through all Tickables and call their tick(dt) function for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ) (it++)->tick(evt.timeSinceLastFrame); return FrameListener::frameStarted(evt); } }; } #endif