/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Cyrill Frei * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "FpsPlayer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "core/Template.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "items/Engine.h" #include "Scene.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponPack.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSlot.h" #include "weaponsystem/Weapon.h" #include namespace orxonox { const float orientationGain_ = 100; const float jumpValue_ = 300; CreateFactory(FpsPlayer); FpsPlayer::FpsPlayer(BaseObject* creator) : Pawn(creator) { RegisterObject(FpsPlayer); this->speed_ = 200; this->localVelocity_ = Vector3::ZERO; /* * this->primaryThrust_ = 100; * this->auxilaryThrust_ = 30; * this->rotationThrust_ = 10; * * this->localLinearAcceleration_.setValue(0, 0, 0); * this->localAngularAcceleration_.setValue(0, 0, 0); * this->bBoost_ = false; * this->bPermanentBoost_ = false; * this->steering_ = Vector3::ZERO; */ this->bInvertYAxis_ = false; this->setDestroyWhenPlayerLeft(true); // FpsPlayer is always a physical object per default // Be aware of this call: The collision type legality check will not reach derived classes! this->setCollisionType(WorldEntity::Dynamic); // Get notification about collisions this->enableCollisionCallback(); this->setConfigValues(); this->registerVariables(); //this->weaponNode = this->cameraPositionRootNode_; this->weaponNode_ = this->getScene()->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); this->attachNode(this->weaponNode_); } FpsPlayer::~FpsPlayer() { if (this->isInitialized()) { if (this->mesh_.getEntity()) this->detachOgreObject(this->mesh_.getEntity()); if (this->weaponNode_ && this->getScene()->getSceneManager()) this->getScene()->getSceneManager()->destroySceneNode(this->weaponNode_->getName()); } } void FpsPlayer::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(FpsPlayer, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParamVariable(FpsPlayer, "primaryThrust", primaryThrust_, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParamVariable(FpsPlayer, "auxilaryThrust", auxilaryThrust_, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParamVariable(FpsPlayer, "rotationThrust", rotationThrust_, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(FpsPlayer, "weapon", setMeshSource, getMeshSource, xmlelement, mode); } void FpsPlayer::registerVariables() { registerVariable(this->primaryThrust_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->auxilaryThrust_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->rotationThrust_, VariableDirection::ToClient); registerVariable(this->weaponMashName_, VariableDirection::ToClient); } void FpsPlayer::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(bInvertYAxis_, false).description("Set this to true for joystick-like mouse behaviour (mouse up = targetting down)."); } bool FpsPlayer::isCollisionTypeLegal(WorldEntity::CollisionType type) const { if (type != WorldEntity::Dynamic) { orxout(internal_warning) << "Cannot tell a FpsPlayer not to be dynamic! Ignoring." << endl; assert(false); // Only in debug mode return false; } else return true; } void FpsPlayer::tick(float dt) { if (this->hasLocalController()) { this->setOrientation(savedOrientation_); this->thisTickBoost_ = false; float localSpeedSquared = this->localVelocity_.squaredLength(); float localSpeed; if (localSpeedSquared > 1.0) localSpeed = this->speed_ / sqrtf(localSpeedSquared); else localSpeed = this->speed_; this->localVelocity_.x *= localSpeed; this->localVelocity_.z *= localSpeed; Vector3 temp = this->getOrientation() * this->localVelocity_; if (localVelocity_.y == jumpValue_) this->setVelocity(Vector3(temp.x, temp.y + this->getVelocity().y, temp.z)); else this->setVelocity(Vector3(temp.x, this->getVelocity().y, temp.z)); this->localVelocity_.x = 0; this->localVelocity_.y = 0; this->localVelocity_.z = 0; if (!this->isInMouseLook()) { this->yaw(Radian(this->yaw_ * this->getMouseLookSpeed()), WorldEntity::Parent); Radian pitch = this->cameraPositionRootNode_->getOrientation().getPitch(); if (pitch < Radian(math::pi_2) && pitch > Radian(-math::pi_2)) { this->cameraPositionRootNode_->pitch(Radian(this->pitch_ * this->getMouseLookSpeed())); } else if (pitch < Radian(-math::pi_2)) { if (this->pitch_ > 0.0f) this->cameraPositionRootNode_->pitch(Radian(this->pitch_ * this->getMouseLookSpeed())); else if (pitch < Radian(-math::pi_2)) this->cameraPositionRootNode_->pitch(-pitch + Radian(-math::pi_2)); } else if (pitch > Radian(math::pi_2)) { if (this->pitch_ < 0.0f) this->cameraPositionRootNode_->pitch(Radian(this->pitch_ * this->getMouseLookSpeed())); else if (pitch > Radian(math::pi_2)) this->cameraPositionRootNode_->pitch(-pitch + Radian(math::pi_2)); } this->weaponNode_->setOrientation(this->cameraPositionRootNode_->getOrientation()); } this->yaw_ = this->pitch_ = this->roll_ = 0; this->setAngularVelocity(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); this->savedOrientation_ = this->getOrientation(); } SUPER(FpsPlayer, tick, dt); } void FpsPlayer::changedMesh() { if (GameMode::showsGraphics()) { if (this->mesh_.getEntity()) this->weaponNode_->detachObject(this->mesh_.getEntity()); this->mesh_.setMeshSource(this->getScene()->getSceneManager(), this->meshSrc_); if (this->mesh_.getEntity()) { this->weaponNode_->attachObject(this->mesh_.getEntity()); } } } void FpsPlayer::setPlayer(PlayerInfo* player) { ControllableEntity::setPlayer(player); // this->setSyncMode(ObjectDirection::ToClient); } void FpsPlayer::startLocalHumanControl() { ControllableEntity::startLocalHumanControl(); } void FpsPlayer::moveFrontBack(const Vector2& value) { this->localVelocity_.z -= value.x; } void FpsPlayer::moveRightLeft(const Vector2& value) { this->localVelocity_.x += value.x; } void FpsPlayer::moveUpDown(const Vector2& value) { //this->localVelocity_.y += value.x; } void FpsPlayer::rotateYaw(const Vector2& value) { this->yaw_ += value.y; ControllableEntity::rotateYaw(value); } void FpsPlayer::rotatePitch(const Vector2& value) { this->pitch_ += value.y; ControllableEntity::rotatePitch(value); } void FpsPlayer::rotateRoll(const Vector2& value) { this->roll_ += value.y; ControllableEntity::rotateRoll(value); } void FpsPlayer::fire() { } void FpsPlayer::boost(bool bBoost) //acctually jump { if (this->isFloor_) { if (!this->thisTickBoost_) this->localVelocity_.y = jumpValue_; //this->physicalBody_->applyCentralImpulse(btVector3(0, jumpvalue, 0)); this->thisTickBoost_ = true; this->isFloor_ = false; } } bool FpsPlayer::collidesAgainst(WorldEntity* otherObject, btManifoldPoint& contactPoint) { if (contactPoint.m_normalWorldOnB.y() > 0.6) this->isFloor_ = true; else this->isFloor_ = false; return false; } void FpsPlayer::addedWeaponPack(WeaponPack* wPack) { for (size_t i = 0; i < wPack->getNumWeapons(); ++i) { Weapon* weapon = wPack->getWeapon(i); if (weapon->getWeaponSlot()) { weapon->getWeaponSlot()->removeWeapon(); weapon->detachFromParent(); weapon->attachToNode(this->weaponNode_); } } } }