/* * First try of a ControllerDirector. Target: An event occurs in the levelTry.oxw * file, which is "heard" by an object of the type of this class. It then SHOULD * (because it is not working) execute the party function. */ #include "ControllerDirector.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" //#include "network/NetworkFunction.h" #include "infos/HumanPlayer.h" #include "interfaces/PlayerTrigger.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "core/LuaState.h" namespace orxonox { RegisterClass(ControllerDirector); ControllerDirector::ControllerDirector(Context* context) : ArtificialController(context) { // Register the object with the framework RegisterObject(ControllerDirector); // output a message to ensure we know the constructor was run orxout()<<"hello universe constructor"<< endl; // Initialize member variables this->player_ = NULL; this->entity_ = NULL; this->pTrigger_ = NULL; this->context_ = context; } void ControllerDirector::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(ControllerDirector, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); orxout()<< "ControllerDirector::XMLPort " << "An instance of ControllerDirector has been created." << endl; } void ControllerDirector::XMLEventPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { // Call the xmleventport functions of the classes we derive from SUPER(ControllerDirector, XMLEventPort, xmlelement, mode); // Add an event sink for a "takeControl" event, which leads to the // function takeControl() being called. XMLPortEventSink(ControllerDirector, BaseObject, "takeControl", takeControl, xmlelement, mode); } void ControllerDirector::takeControl(Controller * controller, BaseObject * trigger) { /* Output a message confirming that the function was called */ orxout()<<"test takecontrol."<< endl; /* First, we set up a new controller to attach to the unit that * triggered our event. */ static int ctrlid = 1; bool prepok = preparationToTakeControl(trigger); if( prepok == true) { /* Create a scriptcontroller object */ ScriptController *newctrl = new ScriptController(this->context_); /* Make the player we were given its slave */ newctrl->setPlayer(this->player_); /* Start controlling that object */ newctrl->takeControl(ctrlid); } else return; /* Set up a luastate to use for running the scripts */ LuaState * ls = new LuaState(); /* Assemble a string to define a controller id variable in lua space */ std::stringstream tmp; tmp << "newctrlid = " << ctrlid; std::string todo = tmp.str(); /* Run the string using the luastate created earlier */ ls->doString(todo); /* Now run the script on this controller. This will still have the above * variable "newctrlid" defined, which means it can make use of it. */ ls->doFile("testscript.lua"); /* Increase the controller ID so we have a different one for * the next time it is triggered */ ctrlid += 1; } bool ControllerDirector::preparationToTakeControl(BaseObject * trigger) { this->pTrigger_ = orxonox_cast(trigger); this->player_ = NULL; orxout() << "Preparation to take Control!" << endl; // Check whether it is a player trigger and extract pawn from it if(this->pTrigger_ != NULL) { // Get the object which triggered the event. this->player_ = this->pTrigger_->getTriggeringPlayer(); // Check if there actually was a player returned. if( this->player_ == NULL) return false; } else { orxout() << "ControllerDirector::preparationToTakeControl " << "Not a player trigger, can't extract pawn from it.." << endl; return false; } this->entity_ = this->player_->getControllableEntity(); assert(this->entity_); return true; } /* // Currently unused void ControllerDirector::setNewController(Controller * controller) { orxout() << "New Controller is going to be set!" << endl; this->entity_->setDestroyWhenPlayerLeft(false); this->player_->pauseControl(); this->entity_->setController(controller); this->player_->startControl(this->entity_); //this->setControllableEntity(this->entity_); } */ }