[12177] | 1 | -- Returns a new menu sheet |
| 2 | -- See MenuSheet.new for details about the parameters |
| 3 | function createMenuSheet(name, bHidePrevious, tShowCursor, tUseKeyboard, bBlockJoyStick) |
| 4 | local sheet = require("MenuSheet").new(name, bHidePrevious, tShowCursor, tUseKeyboard, bBlockJoyStick) |
| 5 | _G[sheet.name] = sheet -- Global access required because of the event handlers |
| 6 | return sheet |
| 7 | end |
| 8 | |
| 9 | -- Returns a new HUD sheet |
| 10 | function createHUDSheet(name) |
| 11 | local sheet = require("HUDSheet").new(name) |
| 12 | _G[sheet.name] = sheet -- Global access required because of the event handlers |
| 13 | return sheet |
| 14 | end |
| 15 | |
| 16 | function openDecisionPopup( text, callbackPtr ) |
| 17 | showMenuSheet("DecisionPopup", false, true) |
| 18 | DecisionPopup.setCallback(callbackPtr) |
| 19 | DecisionPopup.setText(text) |
| 20 | end |
| 21 | |
| 22 | function openInfoPopup(text, functionPtr, closeButton, arguments) |
| 23 | showMenuSheet("InfoPopup", false, true) |
| 24 | InfoPopup.execute(functionPtr, arguments) |
| 25 | InfoPopup.setText(text) |
| 26 | InfoPopup.setCloseButton(closeButton) |
| 27 | end |
| 28 | |
| 29 | function getMinTextSize(window) |
| 30 | local size = {} |
| 31 | |
| 32 | local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(window:getLookNFeel()) |
| 33 | |
| 34 | local lineSpacing = window:getFont():getLineSpacing() |
| 35 | --local textExtent = window:getFont():getTextExtent(window:getText()) |
| 36 | local textExtent = orxonox.GUIManager:getFontTextExtent(window:getFont(), window:getText()) -- workaround for bug in cegui lua scripts |
| 37 | |
| 38 | local height = lineSpacing + window:getUnclippedOuterRect():get():getHeight() - lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window):getHeight() |
| 39 | local width = textExtent + window:getUnclippedOuterRect():get():getWidth() - lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window):getWidth() |
| 40 | |
| 41 | table.insert(size, height) |
| 42 | table.insert(size, width) |
| 43 | return size |
| 44 | end |
| 45 | |
| 46 | function getScrollingStepSize(window) |
| 47 | local height = window:getUnclippedOuterRect():get():getHeight() |
| 48 | local maxHeight = window:getRootWindow():getUnclippedOuterRect():get():getHeight() |
| 49 | local ratio = height/maxHeight |
| 50 | return 0.008*ratio/0.3204 |
| 51 | end |
| 52 | |
| 53 | function getStaticTextWindowHeight(window) |
| 54 | -- Get the area the text is formatted and drawn into. |
| 55 | local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(window:getLookNFeel()) |
| 56 | local formattedArea = lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window) |
| 57 | -- Calculate the pixel height of the frame by subtracting the height of the area above from the total height of the window. |
| 58 | local frameHeight = window:getUnclippedOuterRect():get():getHeight() - formattedArea:getHeight() |
| 59 | |
| 60 | local height = 0 |
| 61 | if ORXONOX_OLD_CEGUI then |
| 62 | local lines = window:getFont():getFormattedLineCount(window:getText(), formattedArea, CEGUI.WordWrapLeftAligned) |
| 63 | height = lines * window:getFont():getLineSpacing() + frameHeight |
| 64 | else |
| 65 | height = math.floor(CEGUI.PropertyHelper:stringToFloat(window:getProperty("VertExtent")) + frameHeight) + 1 |
| 66 | end |
| 67 | return height |
| 68 | end |