/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Oli Scheuss * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "DroneController.h" #include "worldentities/Drone.h" #include "util/Math.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/command/Executor.h" #include "worldentities/ControllableEntity.h" namespace orxonox { /** @brief Constructor. */ CreateFactory(DroneController); static const float ACTION_INTERVAL = 1.0f; DroneController::DroneController(BaseObject* creator) : ArtificialController(creator) { RegisterObject(DroneController); this->owner_ = 0; this->drone_ = 0; this->isShooting_ = false; this->setAccuracy(10); this->actionTimer_.setTimer(ACTION_INTERVAL, true, createExecutor(createFunctor(&DroneController::action, this))); this->owner_.setCallback(createFunctor(&DroneController::ownerDied, this)); } DroneController::~DroneController() { } void DroneController::setOwner(Pawn* owner){ this->owner_ = owner; } void DroneController::setDrone(Drone* drone) { this->drone_ = drone; this->setControllableEntity(drone); } void DroneController::action() { float random; float maxrand = 100.0f / ACTION_INTERVAL; float distanceToTargetSquared = 0; if (this->target_) distanceToTargetSquared = (getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->target_->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength(); random = rnd(maxrand); if ( random < 30 || (!this->target_) || distanceToTargetSquared > (this->getDrone()->getMaxShootingRange()*this->getDrone()->getMaxShootingRange())) this->searchNewTarget(); } /** @brief The controlling happens here. This method defines what the controller has to do each tick. @param dt The duration of the tick. */ /* PORTALS workaround: if the owner uses a portal -> distance between owner and drone is huge -> is detected by drone -> drone searches for portal -> drone adds portal as waypoint -> drone flies towards portal //ignores owner -> if the drone used a portal, then the distance to the owner is small -> remove waypoint // back to normal mode */ void DroneController::tick(float dt) { if (this->getDrone() && this->getOwner()) { if (this->waypoints_.size() > 0 ) //Waypoint functionality: Drone should follow it's master through portals {// Idea: after using the the portal, the master is far away. WorldEntity* wPoint = this->waypoints_[this->waypoints_.size()-1]; if(wPoint) { float distanceToOwnerSquared = (this->getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength(); this->absoluteMoveToPosition(wPoint->getWorldPosition()); //simplified function - needs WORKAROUND if (distanceToOwnerSquared <= 90000.0f) //WORKAROUND: if the Drone is again near its owner, the portal has been used correctly. { this->waypoints_.pop_back(); // if goal is reached, remove it from the list this->positionReached(); //needed?? } } else this->waypoints_.pop_back(); // remove invalid waypoints } else { if (this->target_) { float distanceToTargetSquared = (this->getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->target_->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength(); if (distanceToTargetSquared < (this->getDrone()->getMaxShootingRange()*this->getDrone()->getMaxShootingRange())) { this->isShooting_ = true; this->aimAtTarget(); if(!this->friendlyFire()) this->getDrone()->fire(0); } } float maxDistanceSquared = this->getDrone()->getMaxDistanceToOwner()*this->getDrone()->getMaxDistanceToOwner(); float minDistanceSquared = this->getDrone()->getMinDistanceToOwner()*this->getDrone()->getMinDistanceToOwner(); if((this->getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength() > 20.0f*maxDistanceSquared) {//FIX: if the drone's owner uses portal, the drone searches for the portal & adds it as a waypoint. this->updatePointsOfInterest("PortalEndPoint", 500.0f); //possible conflict: speed-pickup } if ((this->getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength() > maxDistanceSquared) { this->moveToPosition(this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()); //fly towards owner } else if((this->getDrone()->getWorldPosition() - this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()).squaredLength() < minDistanceSquared) { this->moveToPosition(-this->getOwner()->getWorldPosition()); //fly away from owner } else if (!this->isShooting_) { float random = rnd(2.0f); float randomSelection = rnd(6.0f); if((int)randomSelection==0) drone_->moveUpDown(random); else if((int)randomSelection==1) drone_->moveRightLeft(random); else if((int)randomSelection==2) drone_->moveFrontBack(random); else if((int)randomSelection==3) drone_->rotateYaw(random); else if((int)randomSelection==4) drone_->rotatePitch(random); else if((int)randomSelection==5) drone_->rotateRoll(random); } this->isShooting_ = false; } } SUPER(AIController, tick, dt); } void DroneController::ownerDied() { // if (this->target_) { //Drone has some kind of Stockholm-Syndrom --> gets attached to Owners Killer // this->setOwner(target_); // this->searchNewTarget(); // } if (this->drone_) this->drone_->destroy(); else this->destroy(); } bool DroneController::friendlyFire() { ControllableEntity* droneEntity_ = this->getControllableEntity(); if (!droneEntity_) return false; if(!owner_) return false; if(this->bHasTargetPosition_) { Vector3 ownerPosition_ = owner_->getPosition(); Vector3 toOwner_ = owner_->getPosition() - droneEntity_->getPosition(); Vector3 toTarget_ = targetPosition_ - droneEntity_->getPosition(); if(toTarget_.length() < toOwner_.length()) return false; //owner is far away = in safty float angleToOwner = getAngle(droneEntity_->getPosition(), droneEntity_->getOrientation() * WorldEntity::FRONT, ownerPosition_); float angleToTarget = getAngle(droneEntity_->getPosition(), droneEntity_->getOrientation() * WorldEntity::FRONT, targetPosition_); float angle = angleToOwner - angleToTarget;//angle between target and owner, observed by the drone if(std::sin(angle)*toOwner_.length() < 5.0f)//calculate owner's distance to shooting line return true; } return false;//Default return value: Usually there is no friendlyFire } }