/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Definition of the OrxonoxOverlay class. */ #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" #include "OrxonoxOverlay.h" #include #include #include #include #include "util/Convert.h" #include "util/Exception.h" #include "util/String.h" #include "core/Core.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" namespace orxonox { unsigned int OrxonoxOverlay::hudOverlayCounter_s = 0; std::map OrxonoxOverlay::overlays_s; SetConsoleCommand(OrxonoxOverlay, scaleOverlay, false).accessLevel(AccessLevel::User); SetConsoleCommand(OrxonoxOverlay, scrollOverlay, false).accessLevel(AccessLevel::User); SetConsoleCommand(OrxonoxOverlay, rotateOverlay, false).accessLevel(AccessLevel::User); OrxonoxOverlay::OrxonoxOverlay(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator) { RegisterObject(OrxonoxOverlay); this->owner_ = 0; this->group_ = 0; if (!Core::showsGraphics()) ThrowException(NoGraphics, "Can't create OrxonoxOverlay, graphics engine not initialized"); // create the Ogre::Overlay overlay_ = Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().create("OrxonoxOverlay_overlay_" + convertToString(hudOverlayCounter_s++)); // create background panel (can be used to show any picture) this->background_ = static_cast( Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().createOverlayElement("Panel", "OrxonoxOverlay_background_" + convertToString(hudOverlayCounter_s++))); this->overlay_->add2D(this->background_); // We'll have to set the aspect ratio to a default value first. // GSGraphics gets informed about our construction here and can update us in the next tick. this->windowAspectRatio_ = 1.0; this->sizeCorrectionChanged(); this->changedVisibility(); setSize(Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f)); setPickPoint(Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); setPosition(Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); setRotation(Degree(0.0)); setAspectCorrection(true); setBackgroundMaterial(""); } /** @brief Make sure everything gets removed/destroyed. @remark We assume that the Ogre::OverlayManager exists (there is an assert in Ogre for that!) */ OrxonoxOverlay::~OrxonoxOverlay() { if (this->isInitialized()) { // erase ourself from the map with all overlays std::map::iterator it = overlays_s.find(this->getName()); if (it != overlays_s.end()) overlays_s.erase(it); Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().destroyOverlayElement(this->background_); Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().destroy(this->overlay_); } } /** @brief Loads the OrxonoxOverlay. This has to be called before usage, otherwise strange behaviour is guaranteed! (there should be no segfaults however). @copydoc BaseObject::XMLPort() */ void OrxonoxOverlay::XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(OrxonoxOverlay, XMLPort, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "size", setSize, getSize, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "pickpoint", setPickPoint, getPickPoint, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "position", setPosition, getPosition, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "rotation", setRotation, getRotation, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "correctaspect", setAspectCorrection, getAspectCorrection, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(OrxonoxOverlay, "background", setBackgroundMaterial, getBackgroundMaterial, xmlElement, mode); } void OrxonoxOverlay::changedName() { SUPER(OrxonoxOverlay, changedName); OrxonoxOverlay::overlays_s.erase(this->getOldName()); if (OrxonoxOverlay::overlays_s.find(this->getName()) != OrxonoxOverlay::overlays_s.end()) COUT(1) << "Overlay names should be unique or you cannnot access them via console. Name: \"" << this->getName() << "\"" << std::endl; OrxonoxOverlay::overlays_s[this->getName()] = this; } //! Only sets the background material name if not "" void OrxonoxOverlay::setBackgroundMaterial(const std::string& material) { if (this->background_ && material != "") this->background_->setMaterialName(material); } //! Returns the the material name of the background const std::string& OrxonoxOverlay::getBackgroundMaterial() const { if (this->background_) return this->background_->getMaterialName(); else return BLANKSTRING; } //! Called by BaseObject when visibility has changed. void OrxonoxOverlay::changedVisibility() { if (!this->overlay_) return; if (this->isVisible()) this->overlay_->show(); else this->overlay_->hide(); } /** @brief Called by the GraphicsEngine whenever the window size changes. Calculates the aspect ratio only. */ void OrxonoxOverlay::windowResized(int newWidth, int newHeight) { this->windowAspectRatio_ = newWidth/(float)newHeight; this->sizeCorrectionChanged(); } /** @brief Called whenever the rotation angle has changed. */ void OrxonoxOverlay::angleChanged() { if (!this->overlay_) return; this->overlay_->setRotate(this->angle_); this->sizeCorrectionChanged(); } /** @brief Called whenever the aspect ratio or the angle has changed. The method calculates a correction factor for the size to compensate for aspect distortion if desired. @remarks This only works when the angle is about 0 or 90 degrees. */ void OrxonoxOverlay::sizeCorrectionChanged() { if (this->bCorrectAspect_) { float angle = this->angle_.valueDegrees(); if (angle < 0.0) angle = -angle; angle -= 180.0 * (int)(angle / 180.0); // take the reverse if angle is about 90 degrees float tempAspect; if (angle > 89.0 && angle < 91.0) { tempAspect = 1.0 / this->windowAspectRatio_; rotState_ = Vertical; } else if (angle > 179 || angle < 1) { tempAspect = this->windowAspectRatio_; rotState_ = Horizontal; } else { tempAspect = 1.0; rotState_ = Inbetween; } // note: this is only an approximation that is mostly valid when the // magnitude of the width is about the magnitude of the height. // Correctly we would have to take the square root of width*height this->sizeCorrection_.x = 2.0 / (tempAspect + 1.0); this->sizeCorrection_.y = tempAspect * this->sizeCorrection_.x; } else { this->sizeCorrection_ = Vector2::UNIT_SCALE; } this->sizeChanged(); } /** @brief Sets the overlay size using the actual corrected size. */ void OrxonoxOverlay::sizeChanged() { if (!this->overlay_) return; this->overlay_->setScale(size_.x * sizeCorrection_.x, size_.y * sizeCorrection_.y); positionChanged(); } /** @brief Determines the position of the overlay. This works also well when a rotation angle is applied. The overlay always gets aligned correctly as well as possible. */ void OrxonoxOverlay::positionChanged() { if (!this->overlay_) return; // transform the angle to a range of 0 - pi/2 first. float angle = this->angle_.valueRadians(); if (angle < 0.0) angle = -angle; angle -= Ogre::Math::PI * (int)(angle / (Ogre::Math::PI)); if (angle > Ogre::Math::PI * 0.5) angle = Ogre::Math::PI - angle; // do some mathematical fiddling for a bounding box Vector2 actualSize = size_ * sizeCorrection_; float radius = actualSize.length(); float phi = atan(actualSize.y / actualSize.x); Vector2 boundingBox(radius * cos(angle - phi), radius * sin(angle + phi)); // calculate the scrolling offset Vector2 scroll = (position_ - 0.5 - boundingBox * (pickPoint_ - 0.5)) * 2.0; this->overlay_->setScroll(scroll.x, -scroll.y); } //########### Console commands ############ /** @brief Scales an overlay by its name. @param name The name of the overlay defined BaseObject::setName() (usually done with the "name" attribute in the xml file). */ /*static*/ void OrxonoxOverlay::scaleOverlay(const std::string& name, float scale) { std::map::const_iterator it = overlays_s.find(name); if (it != overlays_s.end()) (*it).second->scale(Vector2(scale, scale)); } /** @brief Scrolls an overlay by its name. @param name The name of the overlay defined BaseObject::setName() (usually done with the "name" attribute in the xml file). */ /*static*/ void OrxonoxOverlay::scrollOverlay(const std::string& name, const Vector2& scroll) { std::map::const_iterator it = overlays_s.find(name); if (it != overlays_s.end()) (*it).second->scroll(scroll); } /** @brief Rotates an overlay by its name. @param name The name of the overlay defined BaseObject::setName() (usually done with the "name" attribute in the xml file). */ /*static*/ void OrxonoxOverlay::rotateOverlay(const std::string& name, const Degree& angle) { std::map::const_iterator it = overlays_s.find(name); if (it != overlays_s.end()) (*it).second->rotate(angle); } }