# # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist # > www.orxonox.net < # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Author: # Reto Grieder # Description: # Configures the external libraries. Whenever possible, the find scripts # from the CMake module path are used, but that required some adjustments # for certain libraries (Boost, OpenAL, TCL) # INCLUDE(CompareVersionStrings) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) ################ Misc Options ################### OPTION(LIBRARY_USE_PACKAGE_IF_SUPPORTED "When set to false CMake will only look in the standard paths for libraries" ON) ############## Platform Scripts ################# # Scripts for specific library and CMake config INCLUDE(LibraryConfigTardis) INCLUDE(LibraryConfigApple) INCLUDE(LibraryConfigMSVC) INCLUDE(LibraryConfigMinGW) # User script SET(LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT "" CACHE FILEPATH "Specify a CMake script if you wish to write your own library path config. See LibraryConfigTardis.cmake or LibraryConfigMinGW.cmake for examples.") IF(LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT) IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}.cmake) INCLUDE(${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}) ELSEIF(EXISTS ${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}) INCLUDE(${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}) ELSEIF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}) INCLUDE(${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/${LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT}) ENDIF() ENDIF(LIBRARY_CONFIG_USER_SCRIPT) ############### Library finding ################# # Performs the search and sets the variables # FIND_PACKAGE(OGRE 1.4 EXACT REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(ENet 1.1 REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(Ogg REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(Vorbis REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(ALUT REQUIRED) FIND_PACKAGE(ZLIB REQUIRED) IF(WIN32) FIND_PACKAGE(DirectX REQUIRED) ENDIF(WIN32) ##### CEGUI ##### # We make use of the CEGUI script module called CEGUILua. # However there is a small issue with that: We use Tolua, a C++ binding # generator ourselves. And we also have to use our bindings in the same # lua state is CEGUILua's. Unfortunately this implies that both lua runtime # version are equal or else you get segmentation faults. # In order to match the Lua versions we decided to ship CEGUILua in our # repository, mainly because there is no way to determine which version of # Lua CEGUILua was linked against (you'd have to specify yourself) and secondly # because we can then choose the Lua version. Future plans might involve only # accepting Lua 5.1. # Insert all internally supported CEGUILua versions here SET(CEGUILUA_INTERNAL_SUPPORT 0.5.0 0.6.0 0.6.1 0.6.2) OPTION(CEGUILUA_USE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY "Force the use of external CEGUILua library" OFF) FIND_PACKAGE(CEGUI 0.5 REQUIRED) ##### Lua ##### IF(CEGUILUA_USE_EXTERNAL_LIBRARY) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS(${CEGUI_VERSION} "0.6" _version_comparison) IF(version_comparison LESS 0) SET(LUA_VERSION_REQUEST 5.0) ELSE() SET(LUA_VERSION_REQUEST 5.1) ENDIF() ELSE() SET(LUA_VERSION_REQUEST 5) ENDIF() FIND_PACKAGE(Lua ${LUA_VERSION_REQUEST} EXACT REQUIRED) ##### OpenAL ##### FIND_PACKAGE(OpenAL REQUIRED) # ALUT's headers include openal headers, but like , not # Unfortunately this is not the case on all systems, so FindOpenAL.cmake # specifies the directory/AL, which now causes problems with ALUT. IF(DEFINED OPENAL_FOUND_FIRST_TIME) SET(OPENAL_FOUND_FIRST_TIME FALSE CACHE INTERNAL "") ELSE() SET(OPENAL_FOUND_FIRST_TIME TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*)/AL$" "\\1" _openal_dir_2 ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR}) IF(_openal_dir_2) SET(OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR ${OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${_openal_dir_2} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) ENDIF() ENDIF() # Notfiy user FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(OpenAL DEFAULT_MSG OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR) # Hide variables created by the script MARK_AS_ADVANCED(OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR OPENAL_LIBRARY) ##### TCL ##### # We only require TCL, so avoid confusing user about other TCL stuff by # applying a little workaround SET(Tclsh_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) FIND_PACKAGE(TCL 8.4 REQUIRED QUIET) # Display messages separately SET(TCL_FIND_QUIETLY FALSE) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(TCL DEFAULT_MSG TCL_LIBRARY TCL_INCLUDE_PATH) ##### Boost ##### # Expand the next statement if newer boost versions than 1.36.1 are released SET(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS 1.37 1.37.0) FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.34 REQUIRED thread filesystem) # With MSVC, automatic linking is performed for boost. So wee need to tell # the linker where to find them. Also note that when running FindBoost for the # first time, it will set ${Boost_LIBRARIES} to "" but afterwards to the libs. IF (MSVC) # Little bit hacky, but Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS doesn't get set right when having # debug and optimized libraries. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(BOOST_LINK_DIR "${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY_RELEASE}" PATH) LINK_DIRECTORIES(${BOOST_LINK_DIR}) ENDIF (MSVC) ####### Static/Dynamic linking options ########## # On Windows dynamically linked libraries need some special treatment # You may want to edit these settings if you provide your own libraries # Note: Default option in the libraries vary, but our default option is dynamic IF(WIN32) OPTION(LINK_BOOST_DYNAMIC "Link Boost dynamically on Windows" TRUE) OPTION(LINK_CEGUI_DYNAMIC "Link CEGUI dynamicylly on Windows" TRUE) OPTION(LINK_ENET_DYNAMIC "Link ENet dynamically on Windows" TRUE) OPTION(LINK_OGRE_DYNAMIC "Link OGRE dynamically on Windows" TRUE) OPTION(LINK_TCL_DYNAMIC "Link TCL dynamically on Windows" TRUE) OPTION(LINK_ZLIB_DYNAMIC "Link ZLib dynamically on Windows" TRUE) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS("${LUA_VERSION}" "5.1" _version_comparison) IF(_version_comparison LESS 0) OPTION(LINK_LUA_DYNAMIC "Link Lua dynamically on Windows" FALSE) ELSE(_version_comparison LESS 0) OPTION(LINK_LUA_DYNAMIC "Link Lua dynamically on Windows" TRUE) ENDIF(_version_comparison LESS 0) ENDIF(WIN32)