/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Implementation of the GUIManager class. */ #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" #include "GUIManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CEGUILUA_USE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY # include #else # include #endif #include "util/Exception.h" #include "core/input/InputManager.h" #include "core/input/SimpleInputState.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/Core.h" #include "ToluaBindCore.h" #include "ToluaBindOrxonox.h" extern "C" { #include } namespace orxonox { SetConsoleCommandShortcut(GUIManager, showGUI_s).keybindMode(KeybindMode::OnPress); GUIManager* GUIManager::singletonRef_s = 0; GUIManager::GUIManager() //: emptySceneManager_(0) : backgroundSceneManager_(0) //, emptyCamera_(0) , backgroundCamera_(0) //, viewport_(0) , renderWindow_(0) , guiRenderer_(0) , resourceProvider_(0) , scriptModule_(0) , guiSystem_(0) , state_(Uninitialised) { assert(singletonRef_s == 0); singletonRef_s = this; } GUIManager::~GUIManager() { if (backgroundCamera_) backgroundSceneManager_->destroyCamera(backgroundCamera_); if (backgroundSceneManager_) { // We have to make sure the SceneManager is not anymore referenced. // For the case that the target SceneManager was yet another one, it // wouldn't matter anyway since this is the destructor. guiRenderer_->setTargetSceneManager(0); Ogre::Root::getSingleton().destroySceneManager(backgroundSceneManager_); } InputManager::getInstance().requestDestroyState("gui"); if (guiSystem_) delete guiSystem_; if (scriptModule_) { // destroy our own tolua interfaces lua_pushnil(luaState_); lua_setglobal(luaState_, "Orxonox"); lua_pushnil(luaState_); lua_setglobal(luaState_, "Core"); // TODO: deleting the script module fails an assertion. // However there is not much we can do about it since it occurs too when // we don't open Core or Orxonox. Might be a CEGUI issue. // The memory leak is not a problem anyway.. delete scriptModule_; } if (guiRenderer_) delete guiRenderer_; singletonRef_s = 0; } bool GUIManager::initialise(Ogre::RenderWindow* renderWindow) { using namespace CEGUI; if (state_ == Uninitialised) { COUT(3) << "Initialising CEGUI." << std::endl; try { // save the render window renderWindow_ = renderWindow; // Full screen viewport with Z order = 0 (top most). Don't yet feed a camera (so nothing gets rendered) //this->viewport_ = renderWindow_->addViewport(0, 3); //this->viewport_->setOverlaysEnabled(false); //this->viewport_->setShadowsEnabled(false); //this->viewport_->setSkiesEnabled(false); //this->viewport_->setClearEveryFrame(false); // Note: No SceneManager specified yet this->guiRenderer_ = new OgreCEGUIRenderer(renderWindow_, Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN, true, 3000); this->resourceProvider_ = guiRenderer_->createResourceProvider(); this->resourceProvider_->setDefaultResourceGroup("GUI"); // setup scripting this->scriptModule_ = new LuaScriptModule(); this->luaState_ = this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(); // Create our own logger to specify the filepath boost::filesystem::path ceguiLogFilepath(Core::getLogPath() + "cegui.log"); this->ceguiLogger_ = new DefaultLogger(); this->ceguiLogger_->setLogFilename(ceguiLogFilepath.file_string()); // set the log level according to ours (translate by subtracting 1) this->ceguiLogger_->setLoggingLevel( (LoggingLevel)(Core::getSoftDebugLevel(OutputHandler::LD_Logfile) - 1)); // create the CEGUI system singleton this->guiSystem_ = new System(this->guiRenderer_, this->resourceProvider_, 0, this->scriptModule_); // do this after 'new CEGUI::Sytem' because that creates the lua state in the first place tolua_Core_open(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState()); tolua_Orxonox_open(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState()); // register us as input handler SimpleInputState* state = InputManager::getInstance().createInputState("gui", 30); state->setHandler(this); state->setJoyStickHandler(&InputManager::EMPTY_HANDLER); // load the background scene loadScenes(); //CEGUI::KeyEventArgs e; //e.codepoint } catch (CEGUI::Exception& ex) { #if CEGUI_VERSION_MAJOR == 0 && CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR < 6 throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str()); #else throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getLine(), ex.getFileName().c_str(), ex.getName().c_str()); #endif } state_ = Ready; } return true; } void GUIManager::loadScenes() { // first of all, we need to have our own SceneManager for the GUI. The reason // is that we might have multiple viewports when in play mode (e.g. the view of // a camera fixed at the back of the ship). That forces us to create our own // full screen viewport that is on top of all the others, but doesn't clear the // port before rendering, so everything from the GUI gets on top eventually. // But in order to realise that, we also need a SceneManager with an empty scene, // because the SceneManager is responsible for the render queue. //this->emptySceneManager_ = Ogre::Root::getSingleton() // .createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "GUI/EmptySceneManager"); // we also need a camera or we won't see anything at all. // The camera settings don't matter at all for an empty scene since the GUI // gets rendered on top of the screen rather than into the scene. //this->emptyCamera_ = this->emptySceneManager_->createCamera("GUI/EmptyCamera"); // Create another SceneManager that enables to display some 3D // scene in the background of the main menu. this->backgroundSceneManager_ = Ogre::Root::getSingleton() .createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "GUI/BackgroundSceneManager"); this->backgroundCamera_ = backgroundSceneManager_->createCamera("GUI/BackgroundCamera"); // TODO: create something 3D try { this->scriptModule_->executeScriptFile("loadGUI.lua", "GUI"); } catch (CEGUI::Exception& ex) { #if CEGUI_VERSION_MINOR < 6 throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str()); #else throw GeneralException(ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getLine(), ex.getFileName().c_str(), ex.getName().c_str()); #endif } } void GUIManager::showGUI(const std::string& name, Ogre::SceneManager* sceneManager)// bool showBackground) { if (state_ != Uninitialised) { if (state_ == OnDisplay) hideGUI(); COUT(3) << "Loading GUI " << name << std::endl; try { if (!sceneManager) { // currently, only an image is loaded. We could do 3D, see loadBackground. //this->viewport_->setClearEveryFrame(true); this->guiRenderer_->setTargetSceneManager(this->backgroundSceneManager_); //this->viewport_->setCamera(this->backgroundCamera_); lua_pushboolean(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), true); lua_setglobal(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), "showBackground"); } else { //this->viewport_->setClearEveryFrame(false); this->guiRenderer_->setTargetSceneManager(sceneManager); //this->viewport_->setCamera(this->emptyCamera_); lua_pushboolean(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), false); lua_setglobal(this->scriptModule_->getLuaState(), "showBackground"); } this->scriptModule_->executeScriptGlobal("showMainMenu"); InputManager::getInstance().requestEnterState("gui"); this->state_ = OnDisplay; } catch (CEGUI::Exception& ex) { COUT(2) << "Error while executing lua script. Message:\n" << ex.getMessage() << std::endl; } catch (...) { COUT(2) << "Could show a menu due to unknown reasons." << std::endl; } } else { COUT(2) << "Warning: GUI Manager not yet initialised, cannot load a GUI" << std::endl; } } void GUIManager::hideGUI() { if (this->state_ != OnDisplay) return; //this->viewport_->setCamera(0); this->guiRenderer_->setTargetSceneManager(0); this->state_ = Ready; InputManager::getInstance().requestLeaveState("gui"); } void GUIManager::mouseButtonPressed(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum id) { try { guiSystem_->injectMouseButtonDown(convertButton(id)); } catch (CEGUI::ScriptException& ex) { // We simply ignore the exception and proceed COUT(1) << ex.getMessage() << std::endl; } } void GUIManager::mouseButtonReleased(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum id) { try { guiSystem_->injectMouseButtonUp(convertButton(id)); } catch (CEGUI::ScriptException& ex) { // We simply ignore the exception and proceed COUT(1) << ex.getMessage() << std::endl; } } inline CEGUI::MouseButton GUIManager::convertButton(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button) { switch (button) { case MouseButtonCode::Left: return CEGUI::LeftButton; case MouseButtonCode::Right: return CEGUI::RightButton; case MouseButtonCode::Middle: return CEGUI::MiddleButton; case MouseButtonCode::Button3: return CEGUI::X1Button; case MouseButtonCode::Button4: return CEGUI::X2Button; default: return CEGUI::NoButton; } } }