/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Daniel 'Huty' Haggenmueller * Co-authors: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * */ /** @file PickupSpawner.cc @brief Implementation of the PickupSpawner class. */ #include "PickupSpawner.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/GameMode.h" #include "core/Template.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "PickupManager.h" #include "PickupRepresentation.h" namespace orxonox { RegisterClass(PickupSpawner); /** @brief Constructor. Creates a blank PickupSpawner. @param creator Pointer to the object which created this item. */ PickupSpawner::PickupSpawner(Context* context) : StaticEntity(context), pickup_(nullptr), representation_(nullptr), pickupTemplate_(nullptr) { RegisterObject(PickupSpawner); this->initialize(); } /** @brief Registers the object and sets some default values. */ void PickupSpawner::initialize(void) { this->triggerDistance_ = 10; this->respawnTime_ = 5.0f; this->maxSpawnedItems_ = INF; this->spawnsRemaining_ = INF; this->selfDestruct_ = false; this->setPickupable(nullptr); } /** @brief Destructor. */ PickupSpawner::~PickupSpawner() { if(this->isInitialized() && this->selfDestruct_ && this->pickup_ != nullptr) this->pickup_->destroy(); } /** @brief Factory method, Creates a fully functional PickupSpawner. @param creator The creator of this PickupSpawner. @param pickup The Pickupable to be spawned by this PickupSpawner. @param carrier The PickupCarrier that carried the input pickup before it was dropped. @param triggerDistance The distance at which the PickupSpawner will trigger. */ /*static*/ PickupSpawner* PickupSpawner::createDroppedPickup(Context* context, Pickupable* pickup, PickupCarrier* carrier, float triggerDistance) { PickupSpawner* spawner = new PickupSpawner(context); spawner->setPickupable(pickup); spawner->setTriggerDistance(triggerDistance); spawner->setMaxSpawnedItems(1); spawner->setPosition(carrier->getCarrierPosition()); spawner->block(carrier); return spawner; } /** @brief Method for creating a PickupSpawner through XML. @param xmlelement XML element which contains the PickupSpawner. @param mode XMLPort mode. */ void PickupSpawner::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(PickupSpawner, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(PickupSpawner, "pickup", setPickupTemplateName, getPickupTemplateName, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(PickupSpawner, "triggerDistance", setTriggerDistance, getTriggerDistance, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(PickupSpawner, "respawnTime", setRespawnTime, getRespawnTime, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(PickupSpawner, "maxSpawnedItems", setMaxSpawnedItems, getMaxSpawnedItems, xmlelement, mode); } /** @brief Tick, checks if any Pawn is close enough to trigger. @param dt Time since last tick. */ //TODO: Replace with collisions? void PickupSpawner::tick(float dt) { SUPER(PickupSpawner, tick, dt); // If the PickupSpawner is active. if(GameMode::isMaster() && this->isActive()) { // TODO: why is this a WeakPtr when the comment says StrongPtr? WeakPtr spawner = this; // Create a strong pointer to keep the PickupSpawner alive until we iterated through all Pawns (in case a Pawn takes the last pickup) // Remove PickupCarriers from the blocked list if they have exceeded their time. for(std::map::iterator it = this->blocked_.begin(); it != this->blocked_.end(); ) { std::map::iterator temp = it; it++; if(temp->second < std::time(0)) this->blocked_.erase(temp); } // Iterate trough all Pawns. for(ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { if(spawner == nullptr) // Stop if the PickupSpawner has been deleted (e.g. because it has run out of pickups to distribute). break; Vector3 distance = it->getWorldPosition() - this->getWorldPosition(); PickupCarrier* carrier = static_cast(*it); // If a PickupCarrier, that fits the target-range of the Pickupable spawned by this PickupSpawner, is in trigger-distance and the carrier is not blocked. if(distance.length() < this->triggerDistance_ && carrier != nullptr && this->blocked_.find(carrier) == this->blocked_.end()) { if(carrier->isTarget(this->pickup_)) this->trigger(*it); } } } } /** @brief Trigger the PickupSpawner. Adds the pickup to the Pawn that triggered, sets the timer to re-activate and deactives the PickupSpawner. @param carrier Carrier which triggered the PickupSpawner. */ void PickupSpawner::trigger(PickupCarrier* carrier) { orxout(verbose, context::pickups) << "PickupSpawner (&" << this << ") triggered and active." << endl; PickupCarrier* target = carrier->getTarget(this->pickup_); this->block(carrier); assert(target); bool pickedUp = this->pickup_->pickup(target); assert(pickedUp); pickedUp = false; // To avoid compiler warning. this->setPickupable(nullptr); this->decrementSpawnsRemaining(); } void PickupSpawner::setPickupTemplateName(const std::string& name) { Template* temp = Template::getTemplate(name); if (temp) this->setPickupTemplate(temp); } void PickupSpawner::setPickupTemplate(Template* temp) { this->pickupTemplate_ = temp; this->pickupTemplateName_ = temp->getName(); this->setPickupable(this->createPickup()); } /** @brief Sets the maximum number of spawned items. @param items The maximum number of spawned items to be set. */ void PickupSpawner::setMaxSpawnedItems(int items) { this->maxSpawnedItems_ = items; this->spawnsRemaining_ = items; } /** @brief Decrements the number of remaining spawns. Sets the PickupSpawner to inactive for the duration of the respawnTime. Destroys the PickupSpawner if the number of remaining spawns has reached zero. */ void PickupSpawner::decrementSpawnsRemaining(void) { if(this->spawnsRemaining_ != INF) this->spawnsRemaining_--; this->setActive(false); if(this->spawnsRemaining_ != 0 && this->respawnTime_ > 0) { this->startRespawnTimer(); this->fireEvent(); } else { orxout(verbose, context::pickups) << "PickupSpawner (&" << this << ") empty, selfdestruct initialized." << endl; this->destroy(); } } /** @brief Starts the respawn timer. */ void PickupSpawner::startRespawnTimer(void) { this->respawnTimer_.setTimer(this->respawnTime_, false, createExecutor(createFunctor(&PickupSpawner::respawnTimerCallback, this))); } /** @brief Invoked by the timer, re-activates the PickupSpawner. */ void PickupSpawner::respawnTimerCallback() { orxout(verbose, context::pickups) << "PickupSpawner (&" << this << ") reactivated." << endl; this->setPickupable(this->createPickup()); } /** @brief Creates a new Pickupable. @return The Pickupable created. */ Pickupable* PickupSpawner::createPickup(void) { if(this->spawnsRemaining_ == 0) { orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "Massive Error: PickupSpawner still alive until having spawned last item." << endl; return nullptr; } if (this->pickupTemplate_ != nullptr) { Identifier* identifier = this->pickupTemplate_->getBaseclassIdentifier(); if (identifier != nullptr) { Pickupable* pickup = orxonox_cast(identifier->fabricate(this->getContext())); orxonox_cast(pickup)->addTemplate(this->pickupTemplate_); return pickup; } else orxout(internal_error, context::pickups) << "No base class defined in pickup-template " << this->pickupTemplateName_ << endl; } return nullptr; } /** @brief Sets a Pickupable for the PickupSpawner to spawn. @param pickup The Pickupable to be set. */ void PickupSpawner::setPickupable(Pickupable* pickup) { if (this->representation_ != nullptr) { this->representation_->destroy(); this->representation_ = nullptr; } if (pickup != nullptr) { if (this->pickup_ != nullptr) this->pickup_->destroy(); PickupRepresentation* representation = PickupManager::getInstance().getRepresentation(pickup->getRepresentationName()); this->representation_ = representation->createSpawnerRepresentation(this); this->attach(this->representation_); this->setActive(true); } else { this->setActive(false); } this->pickup_ = pickup; } }