winMgr = CEGUI.WindowManager:getSingleton() guiMgr = orxonox.GUIManager:getInstance() inputMgr = orxonox.InputManager:getInstance() local schemeMgr = CEGUI.SchemeManager:getSingleton() local system = CEGUI.System:getSingleton() local cursor = CEGUI.MouseCursor:getSingleton() -- Load all required skins schemeMgr:loadScheme("TaharezGreenLook.scheme") --schemeMgr:loadScheme("TaharezLook.scheme") --schemeMgr:loadScheme("WindowsLook.scheme") --schemeMgr:loadScheme("VanillaLook.scheme") --schemeMgr:loadScheme("SleekSpaceLook.scheme") -- Connect skin specific window types with our own window types -- By loading a different file (if there is) you can change the skin -- of the menus or the HUD independently schemeMgr:loadScheme("TaharezGreenMenuWidgets.scheme") menuImageSet = "TaharezGreenLook" schemeMgr:loadScheme("TaharezGreenHUDWidgets.scheme") hudImageSet = "TaharezGreenLook" -- Just a remaining test hack schemeMgr:loadScheme("OrxonoxGUIScheme.scheme") system:setDefaultMouseCursor(menuImageSet, "MouseArrow") system:setDefaultFont("BlueHighway-12") system:setDefaultTooltip("MenuWidgets/Tooltip") local loadedSheets = {} local activeMenuSheets = {size = 0, topSheet = nil} --activeHUDSheets = {size = 0, topSheet = nil} local root = nil -- Require all tools require("GUITools") ----------------------- --- Local functions --- ----------------------- -- Loads the GUI with the specified name -- The name corresponds to the filename of the *.lua and *.layout files -- but without the extension local function loadSheet(name) -- Check if it has already been loaded local sheet = loadedSheets[name] if sheet == nil then -- Load the sheet sheet = require(name) if sheet == nil then return end sheet:load() loadedSheets[name] = sheet -- Hide new GUI as we do not want to show it accidentally sheet:hide() end return sheet end local function hideCursor() if cursor:isVisible() then cursor:hide() end end local function showCursor() if not cursor:isVisible() and orxonox.InputManager:getInstance():isMouseExclusive() then cursor:show() end end local function find(table, value) for i, v in ipairs(table) do if v == value then return i end end return nil end ------------------------ --- Global functions --- ------------------------ -- ? function showGUI(name, bHidePrevious, bShowCursor, ptr) gui = showGUI(name, bHidePrevious, bShowCursor) gui.overlay = ptr end -- Shows the specified menu sheet and loads it if neccessary function showGUI(name, bHidePrevious, bShowCursor) -- Handle default value for bShowCursor if bShowCursor == nil then if activeMenuSheets.size > 0 then bShowCursor = activeMenuSheets.topSheet.bShowCursor else bShowCursor = true end end -- Hide if already displayed (to make sure it is up front in the end) if activeMenuSheets[name] ~= nil then hideGUI(name) end if not root then setBackground("") end -- Get sheet (or load it) local menuSheet = loadSheet(name) if not menuSheet then return end -- Add sheet to the root window root:addChildWindow(menuSheet.window) -- Pause game control if this is the first menu to be displayed -- HUGE HACK? if activeMenuSheets.size == 0 then orxonox.HumanController:pauseControl() end -- Handle input distribution orxonox.InputManager:getInstance():enterState(menuSheet.inputState) if bShowCursor then showCursor() else hideCursor() end -- Add the sheet in a tuple of additional information local sheetTuple = { ["menuSheet"] = menuSheet, ["name"] = name, ["bShowCursor"] = bShowCursor, ["bHidePrevious"] = bHidePrevious } table.insert(activeMenuSheets, sheetTuple) -- indexed array access activeMenuSheets[name] = sheetTuple -- name access activeMenuSheets.size = activeMenuSheets.size + 1 activeMenuSheets.topSheet = sheetTuple -- Hide all previous sheets if necessary if bHidePrevious then for i = 1, activeMenuSheets.size - 1 do activeMenuSheets[i].menuSheet:hide() end end menuSheet:show() return menuSheet end function hideGUI(name) local sheetTuple = activeMenuSheets[name] if sheetTuple == nil then return end -- Hide the sheet sheetTuple.menuSheet:hide() -- Show sheets that were hidden by the sheet to be removed local i = activeMenuSheets.size -- Only do something if all sheets on top of sheetTuple -- have bHidePrevious == false and sheetTuple.bHidePrevious == true while i > 0 do if activeMenuSheets[i].bHidePrevious == true then if activeMenuSheets[i] == sheetTuple then i = i - 1 while i > 0 do activeMenuSheets[i].menuSheet:show() if activeMenuSheets[i].bHidePrevious == true then break end i = i - 1 end end break end i = i - 1 end -- Remove sheet with its tuple from the table root:removeChildWindow(sheetTuple.menuSheet.window) table.remove(activeMenuSheets, find(activeMenuSheets, sheetTuple)) activeMenuSheets[name] = nil activeMenuSheets.size = activeMenuSheets.size - 1 activeMenuSheets.topSheet = activeMenuSheets[activeMenuSheets.size] -- Leave the input state orxonox.InputManager:getInstance():leaveState(sheetTuple.menuSheet.inputState) -- See whether to show or hide cursor if activeMenuSheets.size > 0 and activeMenuSheets.topSheet.bShowCursor then showCursor() else hideCursor() end -- Resume control if the last menu is hidden if activeMenuSheets.size == 0 then orxonox.HumanController:resumeControl() hideCursor() end end -- Hides all menu GUI sheets function hideAllGUIs() while activeMenuSheets.size ~= 0 do hideGUI( end end function keyESC() -- HUGE, very HUGE hacks! if activeMenuSheets.size == 1 and activeMenuSheets[1].name == "MainMenu" then orxonox.execute("exit") elseif activeMenuSheets.size > 0 then orxonox.execute("hideGUI " else showGUI("InGameMenu") end end function setBackground(name) local newroot if root ~= nil then root:rename("oldRootWindow") end if name ~= "" then newroot = winMgr:loadWindowLayout(name .. ".layout") newroot:rename("AbsoluteRootWindow") system:setGUISheet(newroot) else newroot = winMgr:createWindow("DefaultWindow", "AbsoluteRootWindow") newroot:setProperty("Alpha", "0.0") newroot:setSize(CEGUI.UVector2(CEGUI.UDim(1.0,0),CEGUI.UDim(1.0,0))) system:setGUISheet(newroot) end if root ~= nil then local child while root:getChildCount()~=0 do child = root:getChildAtIdx(0) root:removeChildWindow(child) newroot:addChildWindow(child) end winMgr:destroyWindow(root) end newroot:show() root = newroot end