-- GUISheet.lua local P = {} _G[_REQUIREDNAME or "GUISheet"] = P P.__index = P -- Don't use directly --> use HUDSheet.new or MenuSheet.new function P.new(_name) local newSheet = { name = _name } setmetatable(newSheet, P) return newSheet end -- Override this function if you need to do work on load function P:onLoad() end -- hide function for the GUI function P:hide() self.window:hide() self.bVisible = false end -- show function for the GUI function P:show() self.window:show() self.bVisible = true end function P:load() -- Load the layout that describes the sheet self.window = winMgr:loadWindowLayout(self.name .. ".layout") if self.window == nil then error("Could not load layout file for GUI sheet '"..self.name.."'") end -- Hide it at first self:hide() -- Allow sheets to do some work upon loading self:onLoad() return self end return P