/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Benjamin Knecht , (C) 2007 * Co-authors: * Felix Schulthess * */ /** @file @brief Implementation of an partial interface to Ogre. */ #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" #include "GraphicsEngine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "core/Debug.h" #include "core/CommandExecutor.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/Exception.h" #include "overlays/console/InGameConsole.h" #include "overlays/OverlayGroup.h" #include "tools/ParticleInterface.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "tools/WindowEventListener.h" #include "objects/CameraHandler.h" namespace orxonox { GraphicsEngine* GraphicsEngine::singletonRef_s = 0; /** @brief Returns the singleton instance. @return The only instance of GraphicsEngine. */ /*static*/ GraphicsEngine& GraphicsEngine::getSingleton() { assert(singletonRef_s); return *singletonRef_s; } /** @brief Non-initialising constructor. */ GraphicsEngine::GraphicsEngine() : root_(0) , renderWindow_(0) , levelSceneManager_(0) , viewport_(0) { RegisterObject(GraphicsEngine); assert(singletonRef_s == 0); singletonRef_s = this; this->detailLevelParticle_ = 0; this->setConfigValues(); CCOUT(4) << "Constructed" << std::endl; } void GraphicsEngine::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(resourceFile_, "resources.cfg").description("Location of the resources file in the data path."); SetConfigValue(ogreConfigFile_, "ogre.cfg").description("Location of the Ogre config file"); SetConfigValue(ogrePluginsFile_, "plugins.cfg").description("Location of the Ogre plugins file"); SetConfigValue(ogreLogFile_, "ogre.log").description("Logfile for messages from Ogre. \ Use \"\" to suppress log file creation."); SetConfigValue(ogreLogLevelTrivial_ , 5).description("Corresponding orxonox debug level for ogre Trivial"); SetConfigValue(ogreLogLevelNormal_ , 4).description("Corresponding orxonox debug level for ogre Normal"); SetConfigValue(ogreLogLevelCritical_, 2).description("Corresponding orxonox debug level for ogre Critical"); unsigned int old = this->detailLevelParticle_; SetConfigValue(detailLevelParticle_, 2).description("O: off, 1: low, 2: normal, 3: high"); if (this->detailLevelParticle_ != old) for (Iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it; ++it) it->detailLevelChanged(this->detailLevelParticle_); } /** @brief Destroys all the Ogre related objects */ GraphicsEngine::~GraphicsEngine() { CCOUT(4) << "Destroying objects..." << std::endl; Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::removeWindowEventListener(this->renderWindow_, this); if (this->root_) delete this->root_; this->root_ = 0; this->levelSceneManager_ = 0; this->renderWindow_ = 0; #if ORXONOX_PLATFORM == ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WIN32 // delete the ogre log and the logManager (since we have created it). if (Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr() != 0) { Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().getDefaultLog()->removeListener(this); Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().destroyLog(Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().getDefaultLog()); delete Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr(); } CCOUT(4) << "Destroying objects done" << std::endl; #endif singletonRef_s = 0; } /** @brief Creates the Ogre Root object and sets up the ogre log. */ void GraphicsEngine::setup() { CCOUT(3) << "Setting up..." << std::endl; // TODO: LogManager doesn't work on linux platform. The why is yet unknown. #if ORXONOX_PLATFORM == ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WIN32 // create a new logManager Ogre::LogManager* logger = new Ogre::LogManager(); CCOUT(4) << "Ogre LogManager created" << std::endl; // create our own log that we can listen to Ogre::Log *myLog; if (this->ogreLogFile_ == "") myLog = logger->createLog("ogre.log", true, false, true); else myLog = logger->createLog(this->ogreLogFile_, true, false, false); CCOUT(4) << "Ogre Log created" << std::endl; myLog->setLogDetail(Ogre::LL_BOREME); myLog->addListener(this); #endif // Root will detect that we've already created a Log CCOUT(4) << "Creating Ogre Root..." << std::endl; if (ogrePluginsFile_ == "") { COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre plugins file set to \"\". Defaulting to plugins.cfg" << std::endl; ModifyConfigValue(ogrePluginsFile_, tset, "plugins.cfg"); } if (ogreConfigFile_ == "") { COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre config file set to \"\". Defaulting to config.cfg" << std::endl; ModifyConfigValue(ogreConfigFile_, tset, "config.cfg"); } if (ogreLogFile_ == "") { COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre log file set to \"\". Defaulting to ogre.log" << std::endl; ModifyConfigValue(ogreLogFile_, tset, "ogre.log"); } root_ = new Ogre::Root(ogrePluginsFile_, ogreConfigFile_, ogreLogFile_); if (!root_->getInstalledPlugins().size()) { ThrowException(PluginsNotFound, "No Ogre plugins declared. Cannot load Ogre."); } #if 0 // Ogre 1.4.3 doesn't support setDebugOutputEnabled(.) //#if ORXONOX_PLATFORM != ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WIN32 // tame the ogre ouput so we don't get all the mess in the console Ogre::Log* defaultLog = Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().getDefaultLog(); defaultLog->setDebugOutputEnabled(false); defaultLog->setLogDetail(Ogre::LL_BOREME); defaultLog->addListener(this); #endif CCOUT(4) << "Creating Ogre Root done" << std::endl; // specify where Ogre has to look for resources. This call doesn't parse anything yet! declareRessourceLocations(); CCOUT(3) << "Set up done." << std::endl; } void GraphicsEngine::declareRessourceLocations() { CCOUT(4) << "Declaring Resources" << std::endl; //TODO: Specify layout of data file and maybe use xml-loader //TODO: Work with ressource groups (should be generated by a special loader) if (resourceFile_ == "") { COUT(2) << "Warning: Ogre resource file set to \"\". Defaulting to resources.cfg" << std::endl; ModifyConfigValue(resourceFile_, tset, "resources.cfg"); } // Load resource paths from data file using configfile ressource type Ogre::ConfigFile cf; try { cf.load(Settings::getDataPath() + resourceFile_); } catch (Ogre::Exception& ex) { COUT(1) << ex.getFullDescription() << std::endl; COUT(0) << "Have you forgotten to set the data path in orxnox.ini?" << std::endl; throw; } // Go through all sections & settings in the file Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator(); std::string secName, typeName, archName; while (seci.hasMoreElements()) { try { secName = seci.peekNextKey(); Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext(); Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i; for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i) { typeName = i->first; // for instance "FileSystem" or "Zip" archName = i->second; // name (and location) of archive Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation( std::string(Settings::getDataPath() + archName), typeName, secName); } } catch (Ogre::Exception& ex) { COUT(1) << ex.getFullDescription() << std::endl; } } } bool GraphicsEngine::loadRenderer() { CCOUT(4) << "Configuring Renderer" << std::endl; // check for file existence because Ogre displays exceptions if not std::ifstream probe; probe.open(ogreConfigFile_.c_str()); if (!probe) { // create a zero sized file std::ofstream creator; creator.open(ogreConfigFile_.c_str()); creator.close(); } else probe.close(); if (!root_->restoreConfig()) if (!root_->showConfigDialog()) return false; CCOUT(4) << "Creating render window" << std::endl; try { this->renderWindow_ = root_->initialise(true, "OrxonoxV2"); } catch (...) { COUT(2) << "Error: There was an exception when initialising Ogre Root." << std::endl; return false; } if (!root_->isInitialised()) { CCOUT(2) << "Error: Initialising Ogre root object failed." << std::endl; return false; } Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::addWindowEventListener(this->renderWindow_, this); //Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().setDefaultNumMipmaps(5); // create a full screen viewport this->viewport_ = this->renderWindow_->addViewport(0, 0); return true; } bool GraphicsEngine::initialiseResources() { CCOUT(4) << "Initialising resources" << std::endl; //TODO: Do NOT load all the groups, why are we doing that? And do we really do that? initialise != load... try { Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseAllResourceGroups(); /*Ogre::StringVector str = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().loadResourceGroup(str[i]); }*/ } catch (Ogre::Exception& e) { CCOUT(2) << "Error: There was an Error when initialising the resources." << std::endl; CCOUT(2) << "ErrorMessage: " << e.getFullDescription() << std::endl; return false; } return true; } /** @brief Creates the SceneManager */ bool GraphicsEngine::createNewScene() { CCOUT(4) << "Creating new SceneManager..." << std::endl; if (levelSceneManager_) { CCOUT(2) << "SceneManager already exists! Skipping." << std::endl; return false; } this->levelSceneManager_ = this->root_->createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "LevelSceneManager"); CCOUT(3) << "Created SceneManager: " << levelSceneManager_ << std::endl; return true; } /** @brief Returns the window handle of the render window. At least the InputHandler uses this to create the OIS::InputManager @return The window handle of the render window */ size_t GraphicsEngine::getWindowHandle() { if (this->renderWindow_) { size_t windowHnd = 0; this->renderWindow_->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd); return windowHnd; } else return 0; } /** @brief Get the width of the render window @return The width of the render window */ int GraphicsEngine::getWindowWidth() const { if (this->renderWindow_) return this->renderWindow_->getWidth(); else return 0; } /** @brief Get the height of the render window @return The height of the render window */ int GraphicsEngine::getWindowHeight() const { if (this->renderWindow_) return this->renderWindow_->getHeight(); else return 0; } /** @brief Returns the window aspect ratio height/width. @return The window aspect ratio */ float GraphicsEngine::getWindowAspectRatio() const { if (this->renderWindow_) return (float)this->renderWindow_->getHeight() / (float)this->renderWindow_->getWidth(); else return 1.0f; } /** @brief Method called by the LogListener interface from Ogre. We use it to capture Ogre log messages and handle it ourselves. @param message The message to be logged @param lml The message level the log is using @param maskDebug If we are printing to the console or not @param logName The name of this log (so you can have several listeners for different logs, and identify them) */ void GraphicsEngine::messageLogged(const std::string& message, Ogre::LogMessageLevel lml, bool maskDebug, const std::string &logName) { int orxonoxLevel; switch (lml) { case Ogre::LML_TRIVIAL: orxonoxLevel = this->ogreLogLevelTrivial_; break; case Ogre::LML_NORMAL: orxonoxLevel = this->ogreLogLevelNormal_; break; case Ogre::LML_CRITICAL: orxonoxLevel = this->ogreLogLevelCritical_; break; default: orxonoxLevel = 0; } OutputHandler::getOutStream().setOutputLevel(orxonoxLevel) << "Ogre: " << message << std::endl; } /** @brief Window has moved. @param rw The render window it occured in */ void GraphicsEngine::windowMoved(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) { for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ++it) it->windowMoved(); } /** @brief Window has resized. @param rw The render window it occured in @note GraphicsEngine has a render window stored itself. This is the same as rw. But we have to be careful when using multiple render windows! */ void GraphicsEngine::windowResized(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) { for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ++it) it->windowResized(this->renderWindow_->getWidth(), this->renderWindow_->getHeight()); } /** @brief Window focus has changed. @param rw The render window it occured in */ void GraphicsEngine::windowFocusChanged(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) { for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ++it) it->windowFocusChanged(); } /** @brief Window was closed. @param rw The render window it occured in */ void GraphicsEngine::windowClosed(Ogre::RenderWindow *rw) { // using CommandExecutor in order to avoid depending on Orxonox.h. CommandExecutor::execute("exit", false); } }