# Find OGRE includes and library # # This module defines # OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR # OGRE_LIBRARIES, the libraries to link against to use OGRE. # OGRE_LIB_DIR, the location of the libraries # OGRE_FOUND, If false, do not try to use OGRE # # Copyright � 2007, Matt Williams # Modified by Nicolas Schlumberger to make it work on the Tardis-Infrastucture of the ETH Zurich # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. IF (OGRE_LIBRARIES AND OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(OGRE_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) # Already in cache, be silent ENDIF (OGRE_LIBRARIES AND OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR) IF (WIN32) #Windows MESSAGE(STATUS "Looking for OGRE") SET(OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR ../libs/ogre/OgreMain/include) SET(OGRE_LIB_DIR${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../libs/ogre/Samples/Common/bin/Release) SET(OGRE_LIBRARIES debug OgreMain_d optimized OgreMain) ELSE (WIN32) #Unix FIND_PACKAGE(PkgConfig) PKG_SEARCH_MODULE(OGRE OGRE /usr/include/OGRE /usr/pack/ogre-1.4.5-sd/i686-debian-linux3.1/lib/pkgconfig/OGRE.pc) # tardis specific hack SET(OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIRS}) SET(OGRE_LIB_DIR ${OGRE_LIBDIR}) SET(OGRE_LIBRARIES ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} CACHE STRING "") ENDIF (WIN32) #Do some preparation SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS(OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR) SEPARATE_ARGUMENTS(OGRE_LIBRARIES) SET(OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR} CACHE PATH "") SET(OGRE_LIBRARIES ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} CACHE STRING "") SET(OGRE_LIB_DIR ${OGRE_LIB_DIR} CACHE PATH "") IF (OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR AND OGRE_LIBRARIES) SET(OGRE_FOUND TRUE) ENDIF (OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR AND OGRE_LIBRARIES) IF (OGRE_FOUND) IF (NOT OGRE_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS " libraries : ${OGRE_LIBRARIES} from ${OGRE_LIB_DIR}") MESSAGE(STATUS " includes : ${OGRE_INCLUDE_DIR}") ENDIF (NOT OGRE_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE (OGRE_FOUND) IF (OGRE_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find OGRE") ENDIF (OGRE_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF (OGRE_FOUND)