/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * Benjamin Knecht , (C) 2007 * */ /** @file @brief Orxonox Main Class */ // Precompiled Headers #include "OrxonoxStableHeaders.h" #include "Orxonox.h" //****** STD ******* #include //****** OGRE ****** #include #include #include #include #include #include //***** ORXONOX **** // util //#include "util/Sleep.h" #include "util/ArgReader.h" // core #include "core/ConfigFileManager.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/Debug.h" #include "core/Loader.h" #include "core/input/InputManager.h" #include "core/TclBind.h" #include "core/Core.h" // audio #include "audio/AudioManager.h" // network #include "network/Server.h" #include "network/Client.h" // objects and tools #include "hud/HUD.h" #include "objects/Tickable.h" #include "GraphicsEngine.h" #include "Settings.h" // FIXME: is this really file scope? // globals for the server or client network::Client *client_g = 0; network::Server *server_g = 0; namespace orxonox { SetConsoleCommandShortcut(Orxonox, exit).setKeybindMode(KeybindMode::OnPress); SetConsoleCommandShortcut(Orxonox, slomo).setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::Offline).setDefaultValue(0, 1.0).setAxisParamIndex(0).setIsAxisRelative(false); SetConsoleCommandShortcut(Orxonox, setTimeFactor).setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::Offline).setDefaultValue(0, 1.0); /** @brief Reference to the only instance of the class. */ Orxonox *Orxonox::singletonRef_s = 0; /** * Create a new instance of Orxonox. Avoid doing any actual work here. */ Orxonox::Orxonox() : ogre_(0), //auMan_(0), timer_(0), // turn on frame smoothing by setting a value different from 0 frameSmoothingTime_(0.0f), orxonoxHUD_(0), bAbort_(false), timefactor_(1.0f), mode_(STANDALONE), serverIp_(""), serverPort_(NETWORK_PORT) { } /** * Destruct Orxonox. */ Orxonox::~Orxonox() { // keep in mind: the order of deletion is very important! // if (this->orxonoxHUD_) // delete this->orxonoxHUD_; Loader::close(); InputManager::destroy(); //if (this->auMan_) // delete this->auMan_; if (this->timer_) delete this->timer_; GraphicsEngine::getSingleton().destroy(); if (network::Client::getSingleton()) network::Client::destroySingleton(); if (server_g) delete server_g; } /** Asks the mainloop nicely to abort. */ void Orxonox::abortRequest() { COUT(3) << "Orxonox: Abort requested." << std::endl; bAbort_ = true; } /** * @return singleton reference */ Orxonox* Orxonox::getSingleton() { if (!singletonRef_s) singletonRef_s = new Orxonox(); return singletonRef_s; } /** @brief Destroys the Orxonox singleton. */ void Orxonox::destroySingleton() { if (singletonRef_s) delete singletonRef_s; singletonRef_s = 0; } /** * initialization of Orxonox object * @param argc argument counter * @param argv list of argumenst * @param path path to config (in home dir or something) */ bool Orxonox::init(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef _DEBUG ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setFile(CFT_Settings, "orxonox_d.ini"); #else ConfigFileManager::getSingleton()->setFile(CFT_Settings, "orxonox.ini"); #endif Factory::createClassHierarchy(); std::string mode; std::string tempDataPath; ArgReader ar(argc, argv); ar.checkArgument("mode", &mode, false); ar.checkArgument("data", &tempDataPath, false); ar.checkArgument("ip", &serverIp_, false); ar.checkArgument("port", &serverPort_, false); if(ar.errorHandling()) { COUT(1) << "Error while parsing command line arguments" << std::endl; COUT(1) << ar.getErrorString(); COUT(0) << "Usage:" << std::endl << "orxonox [mode client|server|dedicated|standalone] " << "[--data PATH] [--ip IP] [--port PORT]" << std::endl; return false; } if (mode == "client") mode_ = CLIENT; else if (mode == "server") mode_ = SERVER; else if (mode == "dedicated") mode_ = DEDICATED; else { if (mode == "") mode = "standalone"; if (mode != "standalone") { COUT(2) << "Warning: mode \"" << mode << "\" doesn't exist. " << "Defaulting to standalone" << std::endl; mode = "standalone"; } mode_ = STANDALONE; } COUT(3) << "Orxonox: Mode is " << mode << "." << std::endl; if (tempDataPath != "") { if (tempDataPath[tempDataPath.size() - 1] != '/') tempDataPath += "/"; Settings::tsetDataPath(tempDataPath); } // initialise TCL TclBind::getInstance().setDataPath(Settings::getDataPath()); //if (mode_ == DEDICATED) // TODO: decide what to do here //else // for playable server, client and standalone, the startup // procedure until the GUI is identical ogre_ = &GraphicsEngine::getSingleton(); if (!ogre_->setup()) // creates ogre root and other essentials return false; return true; } /** * start modules */ bool Orxonox::start() { if (mode_ == DEDICATED) { // do something else } else { // not dedicated server if (!ogre_->loadRenderer()) // creates the render window return false; // Calls the InputManager which sets up the input devices. // The render window width and height are used to set up the mouse movement. if (!InputManager::initialise(ogre_->getWindowHandle(), ogre_->getWindowWidth(), ogre_->getWindowHeight(), true, true, true)) return false; // TODO: Spread this so that this call only initialises things needed for the GUI if (!ogre_->initialiseResources()) return false; // TOOD: load the GUI here // set InputManager to GUI mode InputManager::setInputState(InputManager::IS_GUI); // TODO: run GUI here // The following lines depend very much on the GUI output, so they're probably misplaced here.. InputManager::setInputState(InputManager::IS_NONE); // create Ogre SceneManager ogre_->createNewScene(); if (!loadPlayground()) return false; } switch (mode_) { case SERVER: if (!serverLoad()) return false; break; case CLIENT: if (!clientLoad()) return false; break; case DEDICATED: if (!serverLoad()) return false; break; default: if (!standaloneLoad()) return false; } InputManager::setInputState(InputManager::IS_NORMAL); return startRenderLoop(); } /** * Loads everything in the scene except for the actual objects. * This includes HUD, Console.. */ bool Orxonox::loadPlayground() { // Init audio //auMan_ = new audio::AudioManager(); //auMan_->ambientAdd("a1"); //auMan_->ambientAdd("a2"); //auMan_->ambientAdd("a3"); //auMan->ambientAdd("ambient1"); //auMan_->ambientStart(); // Load the HUD COUT(3) << "Orxonox: Loading HUD..." << std::endl; orxonoxHUD_ = &HUD::getSingleton(); return true; } /** * Level loading method for server mode. */ bool Orxonox::serverLoad() { COUT(2) << "Loading level in server mode" << std::endl; server_g = new network::Server(serverPort_); if (!loadScene()) return false; server_g->open(); return true; } /** * Level loading method for client mode. */ bool Orxonox::clientLoad() { COUT(2) << "Loading level in client mode" << std::endl;\ if (serverIp_.compare("") == 0) client_g = network::Client::createSingleton(); else client_g = network::Client::createSingleton(serverIp_, serverPort_); if(!client_g->establishConnection()) return false; client_g->tick(0); return true; } /** * Level loading method for standalone mode. */ bool Orxonox::standaloneLoad() { COUT(2) << "Loading level in standalone mode" << std::endl; if (!loadScene()) return false; return true; } /** * Helper method to load a level. */ bool Orxonox::loadScene() { Level* startlevel = new Level("levels/sample.oxw"); Loader::open(startlevel); // HACK: shader stuff for presentation /*Ogre::SceneManager* mSceneMgr = GraphicsEngine::getSingleton().getSceneManager(); mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.4,0.4,0.4)); Ogre::Light* dirlight = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light1"); dirlight->setType(Ogre::Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); dirlight->setDirection(Vector3( 0, 1, 5 )); dirlight->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue(0.6, 0.6, 0.4)); dirlight->setSpecularColour(ColourValue(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));*/ return true; } /** Main loop of the orxonox game. About the loop: The design is almost exactly like the one in ogre, so that if any part of ogre registers a framelisteners, it will still behave correctly. Furthermore the time smoothing feature from ogre has been implemented too. If turned on (see orxonox constructor), it will calculate the dt_n by means of the recent most dt_n-1, dt_n-2, etc. */ bool Orxonox::startRenderLoop() { // first check whether ogre root object has been created if (Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr() == 0) { COUT(2) << "Orxonox Error: Could not start rendering. No Ogre root object found" << std::endl; return false; } Ogre::Root& ogreRoot = Ogre::Root::getSingleton(); // Contains the times of recently fired events // eventTimes[4] is the list for the times required for the fps counter std::deque eventTimes[3]; // Clear event times for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) eventTimes[i].clear(); // use the ogre timer class to measure time. if (!timer_) timer_ = new Ogre::Timer(); timer_->reset(); float renderTime = 0.0f; float frameTime = 0.0f; clock_t time = 0; //Ogre::SceneManager* mSceneMgr = GraphicsEngine::getSingleton().getSceneManager(); //Ogre::Viewport* mViewport = mSceneMgr->getCurrentViewport(); //Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().addCompositor(mViewport, "Bloom"); //Ogre::CompositorManager::getSingleton().addCompositor(mViewport, "MotionBlur"); COUT(3) << "Orxonox: Starting the main loop." << std::endl; while (!bAbort_) { // get current time unsigned long now = timer_->getMilliseconds(); // create an event to pass to the frameStarted method in ogre Ogre::FrameEvent evt; evt.timeSinceLastEvent = calculateEventTime(now, eventTimes[0]); evt.timeSinceLastFrame = calculateEventTime(now, eventTimes[1]); frameTime += evt.timeSinceLastFrame; // show the current time in the HUD // HUD::getSingleton().setTime(now); if (mode_ != DEDICATED && frameTime > 0.4f) { HUD::getSingleton().setRenderTimeRatio(renderTime / frameTime); frameTime = 0.0f; renderTime = 0.0f; } // tick the core Core::tick((float)evt.timeSinceLastFrame); // Call those objects that need the real time for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ++it) it->tick((float)evt.timeSinceLastFrame); // Call the scene objects for (Iterator it = ObjectList::start(); it; ++it) it->tick((float)evt.timeSinceLastFrame * this->timefactor_); //AudioManager::tick(); if (client_g) client_g->tick((float)evt.timeSinceLastFrame); if (server_g) server_g->tick((float)evt.timeSinceLastFrame); // don't forget to call _fireFrameStarted in ogre to make sure // everything goes smoothly ogreRoot._fireFrameStarted(evt); // get current time now = timer_->getMilliseconds(); calculateEventTime(now, eventTimes[2]); if (mode_ != DEDICATED) { // Pump messages in all registered RenderWindows // This calls the WindowEventListener objects. Ogre::WindowEventUtilities::messagePump(); // render ogreRoot._updateAllRenderTargets(); } // get current time now = timer_->getMilliseconds(); // create an event to pass to the frameEnded method in ogre evt.timeSinceLastEvent = calculateEventTime(now, eventTimes[0]); renderTime += calculateEventTime(now, eventTimes[2]); // again, just to be sure ogre works fine ogreRoot._fireFrameEnded(evt); //msleep(200); } if (mode_ == CLIENT) network::Client::getSingleton()->closeConnection(); else if (mode_ == SERVER) server_g->close(); return true; } /** Method for calculating the average time between recently fired events. Code directly taken from OgreRoot.cc @param now The current time in ms. @param type The type of event to be considered. */ float Orxonox::calculateEventTime(unsigned long now, std::deque ×) { // Calculate the average time passed between events of the given type // during the last frameSmoothingTime_ seconds. times.push_back(now); if(times.size() == 1) return 0; // Times up to frameSmoothingTime_ seconds old should be kept unsigned long discardThreshold = (unsigned long)(frameSmoothingTime_ * 1000.0f); // Find the oldest time to keep std::deque::iterator it = times.begin(); // We need at least two times std::deque::iterator end = times.end() - 2; while(it != end) { if (now - *it > discardThreshold) ++it; else break; } // Remove old times times.erase(times.begin(), it); return (float)(times.back() - times.front()) / ((times.size() - 1) * 1000); } }