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source: code/branches/input/visual_studio/vc8 @ 1083

Name Size Rev Age Author Last Change
audio.vcproj 3.7 KB 975   17 years rgrieder - cleaned up some Vc++ stuff
core.vcproj 7.1 KB 975   17 years rgrieder - cleaned up some Vc++ stuff
network.vcproj 6.9 KB 975   17 years rgrieder - cleaned up some Vc++ stuff
orxonox.vcproj 8.8 KB 1022   17 years rgrieder - modified the input handler - few more little changes
tixml.vcproj 3.4 KB 1022   17 years rgrieder - modified the input handler - few more little changes
tolua++.vcproj 3.5 KB 1022   17 years rgrieder - modified the input handler - few more little changes
util.vcproj 4.5 KB 975   17 years rgrieder - cleaned up some Vc++ stuff
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