# # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist # > www.orxonox.net < # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Author: # Reto Grieder # Description: # Adds a library or an executable like ADD_LIBRARY/ADD_EXECUTABLE, but # accepts a lot more input information. Simply supply the keywords # described below in any order you wish. # The output is then stored in "_arg_ARGNAME" where ARGNAME is the the # name of the switch or list. # # Switches: (when given --> TRUE, FALSE otherwise) # FIND_HEADER_FILES: Searches the current directory for all header files # and adds them to the target. # EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL: Inherited from ADD_LIBRARY/ADD_EXECUTABLE # ORXONOX_EXTERNAL: Specify this for third party libraries # NO_DLL_INTERFACE: Link statically with MSVC # NO_SOURCE_GROUPS: Don't create msvc source groups # MODULE: For dynamic module libraries (libraries only) # WIN32: Inherited from ADD_EXECUTABLE (executables only) # PCH_NO_DEFAULT: Do not make precompiled header files default if # specified with PCH_FILE # NO_INSTALL: Do not install the target at all # NO_VERSION: Prevents adding any version to a target # # Lists: # LINK_LIBRARIES: Redirects to TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES # VERSION: Set version to the binary # SOURCE_FILES: Source files for the target # DEFINE_SYMBOL: Sets the DEFINE_SYMBOL target property # TOLUA_FILES: Files with tolua interface # PCH_FILE: Precompiled header file # PCH_EXCLUDE: Source files to be excluded from PCH support # OUTPUT_NAME: If you want a different name than the target name # Note: # This function also installs the target! # Prerequisistes: # ORXONOX_DEFAULT_LINK, ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES, ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES_GENERATED # Parameters: # _target_name, ARGN for the macro arguments # INCLUDE(CMakeDependentOption) INCLUDE(CapitaliseName) INCLUDE(GenerateToluaBindings) INCLUDE(ParseMacroArguments) INCLUDE(SourceFileUtilities) IF(PCH_COMPILER_SUPPORT) INCLUDE(PrecompiledHeaderFiles) ENDIF() MACRO(ORXONOX_ADD_LIBRARY _target_name) TU_ADD_TARGET(${_target_name} LIBRARY "MODULE" ${ARGN}) ENDMACRO(ORXONOX_ADD_LIBRARY) MACRO(ORXONOX_ADD_EXECUTABLE _target_name) TU_ADD_TARGET(${_target_name} EXECUTABLE "WIN32" ${ARGN}) ENDMACRO(ORXONOX_ADD_EXECUTABLE) MACRO(TU_ADD_TARGET _target_name _target_type _additional_switches) CAPITALISE_NAME(${_target_name} _target_name_capitalised) STRING(TOUPPER "${_target_name}" _target_name_upper) # Specify all possible options (either switch or with add. arguments) SET(_switches FIND_HEADER_FILES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ORXONOX_EXTERNAL NO_DLL_INTERFACE NO_SOURCE_GROUPS PCH_NO_DEFAULT NO_INSTALL NO_VERSION ${_additional_switches}) SET(_list_names LINK_LIBRARIES VERSION SOURCE_FILES DEFINE_SYMBOL TOLUA_FILES PCH_FILE PCH_EXCLUDE OUTPUT_NAME) PARSE_MACRO_ARGUMENTS("${_switches}" "${_list_names}" ${ARGN}) # Process source files with support for compilations # Note: All file paths are relative to the root source directory, even the # name of the compilation file. SET(_${_target_name}_source_files) SET(_get_compilation_file FALSE) SET(_add_to_compilation FALSE) FOREACH(_file ${_arg_SOURCE_FILES}) IF(_file STREQUAL "COMPILATION_BEGIN") # Next file is the name of the compilation SET(_get_compilation_file TRUE) ELSEIF(_file STREQUAL "COMPILATION_END") IF(NOT _compilation_file) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "No name provided for source file compilation") ENDIF() IF(NOT _compilation_include_string) MESSAGE(STATUS "Warning: Empty source file compilation!") ENDIF() IF(NOT DISABLE_COMPILATIONS) IF(EXISTS ${_compilation_file}) FILE(READ ${_compilation_file} _include_string_file) ENDIF() IF(NOT _compilation_include_string STREQUAL "${_include_string_file}") FILE(WRITE ${_compilation_file} "${_compilation_include_string}") ENDIF() LIST(APPEND _${_target_name}_source_files ${_compilation_file}) ENDIF() SET(_add_to_compilation FALSE) ELSEIF(_get_compilation_file) SET(_compilation_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_file}) SET(_get_compilation_file FALSE) SET(_add_to_compilation TRUE) SET(_compilation_include_string) ELSE() # Default, add source file # Prepare relative paths IF(NOT _file MATCHES "^(.\\:|\\/)") # Path can be relative to the current source directory if the file was # not added with the source file macros. Otherwise there is a "./" at # the beginning of each file and the filename is relative # to the CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^\\.\\/(.+)$" "\\1" _temp ${_file}) IF(NOT ${_temp} STREQUAL ${_file}) SET(_file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${_temp}) ELSE() SET(_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_file}) ENDIF() ENDIF() LIST(APPEND _${_target_name}_source_files ${_file}) # Handle compilations IF(_add_to_compilation AND NOT DISABLE_COMPILATIONS) IF(_file MATCHES "\\.(c|cc|cpp|cxx)$") SET(_compilation_include_string "${_compilation_include_string}#include \"${_file}\"\n") ENDIF() # Don't compile these files, even if they are source files SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_file} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH(_file) # Assemble all header files of the library IF(_arg_FIND_HEADER_FILES) GET_ALL_HEADER_FILES(_${_target_name}_header_files) ENDIF() # Combine source and header files SET(_${_target_name}_files ${_${_target_name}_header_files} ${_${_target_name}_source_files} ) # Remove potential duplicates LIST(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _${_target_name}_files) # TOLUA_FILES IF(_arg_TOLUA_FILES) GENERATE_TOLUA_BINDINGS(${_target_name_capitalised} _${_target_name}_files INPUTFILES ${_arg_TOLUA_FILES}) ENDIF() # First part (pre target) of precompiled header files IF(PCH_COMPILER_SUPPORT AND _arg_PCH_FILE) # Provide convenient option to control PCH IF(_arg_PCH_NO_DEFAULT) SET(PCH_DEFAULT FALSE) ELSE() SET(PCH_DEFAULT TRUE) ENDIF() CMAKE_DEPENDENT_OPTION(PCH_ENABLE_${_target_name_upper} "Enable using precompiled header files for library ${_target_name}." ${PCH_DEFAULT} PCH_ENABLE OFF) IF(PCH_ENABLE_${_target_name_upper}) PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_PRE_TARGET(${_target_name} ${_arg_PCH_FILE} _${_target_name}_files EXCLUDE ${_arg_PCH_EXCLUDE}) ENDIF() ENDIF() # Generate the source groups IF(MSVC AND NOT _arg_NO_SOURCE_GROUPS) GENERATE_SOURCE_GROUPS(${_${_target_name}_files}) IF(NOT _arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL) # Move the ...Prereqs.h and the PCH files to the 'Config' section IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_target_name_capitalised}Prereqs.h) SOURCE_GROUP("Config" FILES ${_target_name_capitalised}Prereqs.h) ENDIF() IF(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_arg_PCH_FILE}) SOURCE_GROUP("Config" FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_arg_PCH_FILE}) ENDIF() # Also include all config files LIST(APPEND _${_target_name}_files ${ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES} ${ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES_GENERATED}) # Add unprocessed config files to the 'Config' section SOURCE_GROUP("Config" FILES ${ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES}) # Add generated config files to the 'Generated' section SOURCE_GROUP("Generated" FILES ${ORXONOX_CONFIG_FILES_GENERATED}) ENDIF() ENDIF() # Set link mode (SHARED/STATIC) IF(MSVC AND _arg_NO_DLL_INTERFACE) # Certain libraries don't have dllexport/dllimport and can't be linked shared with MSVC SET(_link_mode STATIC) ELSEIF(_arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL) # Externals can be linked shared or statically SET(_link_mode ${ORXONOX_EXTERNAL_LINK_MODE}) ELSE() # All our own libraries are linked dynamically because of static symbols SET(_link_mode SHARED) ENDIF() # No warnings needed from third party libraries IF(_arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL) REMOVE_COMPILER_FLAGS("-W3 -W4" MSVC) ADD_COMPILER_FLAGS("-w") ENDIF() # Don't compile header files FOREACH(_file ${_${_target_name}_files}) IF(NOT _file MATCHES "\\.(c|cc|cpp|cxx)$") SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_file} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH(_file) # Add the library/executable IF("${_target_type}" STREQUAL "LIBRARY") ADD_LIBRARY(${_target_name} ${_link_mode} ${_arg_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL} ${_${_target_name}_files}) ELSE() ADD_EXECUTABLE(${_target_name} ${_arg_WIN32} ${_arg_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL} ${_${_target_name}_files}) ENDIF() # Change library prefix to "lib" IF(MSVC AND ${_target_type} STREQUAL "LIBRARY") SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES PREFIX "lib" ) ENDIF() # MSVC hack to exclude external library sources from the intellisense database # (IntelliSense stops working when adding "-Zm1000" as compile flag. "/Zm1000" # would not work because of the slash) IF(_arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL AND MSVC) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_compile_flags ${_target_name} COMPILE_FLAGS) IF(NOT _compile_flags) SET(_compile_flags) ENDIF() SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${_compile_flags} -Zm1000") ENDIF() # Configure modules IF (_arg_MODULE) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} # Windows LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} # Unix ) ADD_MODULE(${_target_name}) # Ensure that the main program depends on the module SET(ORXONOX_MODULES ${ORXONOX_MODULES} ${_target_name} CACHE STRING "" FORCE) ENDIF() # Static library flags are not globally available IF(ORXONOX_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS ${ORXONOX_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS}) ENDIF() # LINK_LIBRARIES IF(_arg_LINK_LIBRARIES) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${_target_name} ${_arg_LINK_LIBRARIES}) ENDIF() # DEFINE_SYMBOL IF(_arg_DEFINE_SYMBOL) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL ${_arg_DEFINE_SYMBOL}) ELSEIF(NOT _arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL) # Automatically add the macro definitions for our own libraries SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL "${_target_name_upper}_SHARED_BUILD") ENDIF() # VERSION IF(_arg_VERSION) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES VERSION ${_arg_VERSION}) ELSEIF(NOT _arg_ORXONOX_EXTERNAL AND NOT _arg_NO_VERSION AND NOT ${_target_type} STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES VERSION ${ORXONOX_VERSION}) ENDIF() # OUTPUT_NAME IF(_arg_OUTPUT_NAME) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${_target_name} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${_arg_OUTPUT_NAME}) ENDIF() # Second part of precompiled header files IF(PCH_COMPILER_SUPPORT AND PCH_ENABLE_${_target_name_upper} AND _arg_PCH_FILE) PRECOMPILED_HEADER_FILES_POST_TARGET(${_target_name} ${_arg_PCH_FILE}) ENDIF() # Install all targets except for static ones (executables also have SHARED in _link_mode) IF(${_link_mode} STREQUAL "SHARED" AND NOT _arg_NO_INSTALL) IF(_arg_MODULE) INSTALL(TARGETS ${_target_name} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${MODULE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${MODULE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} ) ELSE() INSTALL(TARGETS ${_target_name} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${LIBRARY_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} ) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO(TU_ADD_TARGET) # Creates a helper file with name ${ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION} # This helps finding dynamically loadable modules at runtime FUNCTION(ADD_MODULE _target) # We use the properties to get the name because the librarys name may differ from # the target name (for example orxonox <-> liborxonox) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(_target_loc ${_target} LOCATION) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_target_name ${_target_loc} NAME_WE) IF(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) FOREACH(_config ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}) SET(_module_filename ${CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${_config}/${_target_name}${ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION}) FILE(WRITE ${_module_filename}) INSTALL( FILES ${_module_filename} DESTINATION ${MODULE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} CONFIGURATIONS ${_config} ) ENDFOREACH() ELSE() SET(_module_filename ${CMAKE_MODULE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${_target_name}${ORXONOX_MODULE_EXTENSION}) FILE(WRITE ${_module_filename}) INSTALL( FILES ${_module_filename} DESTINATION ${MODULE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY} ) ENDIF() ENDFUNCTION(ADD_MODULE)