-- Returns a new menu sheet -- See MenuSheet.new for details about the parameters function createMenuSheet(name, bHidePrevious, tShowCursor, tUseKeyboard, bBlockJoyStick) local sheet = require("MenuSheet").new(name, bHidePrevious, tShowCursor, tUseKeyboard, bBlockJoyStick) _G[sheet.name] = sheet -- Global access required because of the event handlers return sheet end -- Returns a new HUD sheet function createHUDSheet(name) local sheet = require("HUDSheet").new(name) _G[sheet.name] = sheet -- Global access required because of the event handlers return sheet end function openDecisionPopup( text, callbackPtr ) showMenuSheet("DecisionPopup", false, true) DecisionPopup.setCallback(callbackPtr) DecisionPopup.setText(text) end function openInfoPopup(text, functionPtr, closeButton, arguments) showMenuSheet("InfoPopup", false, true) InfoPopup.execute(functionPtr, arguments) InfoPopup.setText(text) InfoPopup.setCloseButton(closeButton) end function getMinTextSize(window) local size = {} local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(window:getLookNFeel()) local height = window:getFont():getLineSpacing() + window:getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() - lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window):getHeight() local width = window:getFont():getTextExtent(window:getText()) + window:getUnclippedPixelRect():getWidth() - lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window):getWidth() table.insert(size, height) table.insert(size, width) return size end function getScrollingStepSize(window) local height = window:getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() local maxHeight = CEGUI.System:getSingleton():getGUISheet():getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() local ratio = height/maxHeight return 0.008*ratio/0.3204 end function getStaticTextWindowHeight(window) local lookAndFeel = CEGUI.WidgetLookManager:getSingleton():getWidgetLook(window:getLookNFeel()) local formattedArea = lookAndFeel:getNamedArea("WithFrameTextRenderArea"):getArea():getPixelRect(window) local frameHeight = window:getUnclippedPixelRect():getHeight() - formattedArea:getHeight() local lines = window:getFont():getFormattedLineCount(window:getText(), formattedArea, CEGUI.WordWrapLeftAligned) local height = lines * window:getFont():getLineSpacing() + frameHeight return height end --@arguments: -- list: 2-dimensional table, arguments are items that contain a button and its function -- code: code of any key on the keyboard -- P: menusheet -- n: number of rows -- m: number of colums function buttonIteratorHelper(list, code, P, n, m) --key down if code == "208" then if P.index < 0 then -- initial status P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index + m) % (m*n) while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index + m) % (m*n) end end --key up elseif code == "200" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif(P.index == 0) then P.oldindex = P.index P.index = m*n-m while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index-m)%(m*n) end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index -m) % (m*n) while list[P.index+1] == nil do cout(0,P.index) P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index-m)%(m*n) end end --key right elseif code == "205" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif (P.index+1) % m == 0 then -- we are at the right-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 -m while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do if (P.index+1) % m == 0 then -- we are at the right-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1-m else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 end end end --key left elseif code == "203" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif P.index % m == 0 then -- we are at the left-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index +m-1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do if P.index % m == 0 then -- we are at the left-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 + m else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 end end end end if (code == "208" or code == "200" or code == "203" or code == "205") and P.oldindex~= P.index then local system = CEGUI.System:getSingleton() local window = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MainMenuBackground") local item = list[P.index+1] local child = item["button"] --teste ob der Button nicht schon gehighlightet ist cout(0,child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge")) if child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge") == "set:TaharezGreenLook image:ButtonRightHighlight" then --nop else child:setProperty("NormalImageRightEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge"),1,-7) .. "Highlight") child:setProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge"),1,-7) .. "Highlight") child:setProperty("NormalImageBackground", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageBackground"),1,-7) .. "Highlight") if P.oldindex >= 0 then if list[P.oldindex+1] ~= nil then local item = list[P.oldindex+1] local oldChild = item["button"] oldChild:setProperty("NormalImageRightEdge", string.sub(oldChild:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") oldChild:setProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge", string.sub(oldChild:getProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") oldChild:setProperty("NormalImageBackground", string.sub(oldChild:getProperty("NormalImageBackground"),1,-10) .. "Normal") end end end local i = 1 while i < (n*m) do if i == P.index +1 then i = i+1 else if list[i] ~= nil then local item = list[i] local child = item["button"] if child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge") == "set:TaharezGreenLook image:ButtonRightHighlight" then child:setProperty("NormalImageRightEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") child:setProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") child:setProperty("NormalImageBackground", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageBackground"),1,-10) .. "Normal") end end end i=i+1 end end --enter if code == "28" then local item = list[P.index+1] local child = item["button"] child:setProperty("NormalImageRightEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") child:setProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge"),1,-10) .. "Normal") child:setProperty("NormalImageBackground", string.sub(child:getProperty("NormalImageBackground"),1,-10) .. "Normal") local foo = item["function"] foo() end cout(0, P.oldindex) cout(0, P.index) end function indexTester(list,code,P,n,m) --key down if code == "208" then if P.index < 0 then -- initial status P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index + m) % (m*n) while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index + m) % (m*n) end end --key up elseif code == "200" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif(P.index == 0) then P.oldindex = P.index P.index = m*n-m while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index-m)%(m*n) end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = (P.index -m) % (m*n) while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -m end end --key right elseif code == "205" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif (P.index+1) % m == 0 then -- we are at the right-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 -m while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do if (P.index+1) % m == 0 then -- we are at the right-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1-m else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index + 1 end end end --key left elseif code == "203" then if P.index < 0 then P.index = 0 P.oldindex = -1 elseif P.index % m == 0 then -- we are at the left-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index +m-1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 end else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 while list[P.index+1] == nil do if P.index % m == 0 then -- we are at the left-end of a row P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 + m else P.oldindex = P.index P.index = P.index -1 end end end end cout(0, P.oldindex) cout(0, P.index) end