* ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist
* > www.orxonox.net <
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Author:
* Fabian 'x3n' Landau
* Co-authors:
* ...
@defgroup ConsoleCommand Console commands
@ingroup Command
@ingroup Command ConsoleCommand
@brief Declaration the SetConsoleCommand() macro.
@anchor ConsoleCommandExample
Console commands can be used to write scripts, use key-bindings or simply to be
entered into the shell by the user. Instances of orxonox::ConsoleCommand define
the function of a command, and also more information like, for example, if it is
active, default values, and possible arguments.
Commands need to be registered to the system statically on startup by using the
SetConsoleCommand() or DeclareConsoleCommand() macros outside of a function.
This ensures that commands are known to the system at any time, so they can be
evaluated (see orxonox::CommandExecutor::evaluate()), for example for key-bindings.
void myCoutFunction(const std::string& text) // Define a static function
orxout() << "Text: " << text << endl; // Print the text to the console
SetConsoleCommand("cout", &myCoutFunction); // Register the function as command with name "cout"
Now you can open the shell and execute the command:
$ cout Hello World
Internally this command is now passed to orxonox::CommandExecutor::execute():
CommandExecutor::execute("cout HelloWorld");
CommandExecutor searches for a command with name "cout" and passes the arguments
"Hello World" to it. Because we registered myCoutFunction() with this command,
as a result the following text will be printed to the console:
Text: Hello World
You can add more attributes to the ConsoleCommand, by using the command-chain feature
of SetConsoleCommand(). For example like this:
SetConsoleCommand("cout", &myCoutFunction)
.addGroup("output", "text")
.defaultValues("no text");
Open the shell again and try it:
$ cout Hello World
Text: Hello World
$ output text Hello World
Text: Hello World
$ cout
Text: no text
If you execute it online (note: the access level is "Offline"), you will see the
following (or something similar):
$ cout Hello World
Error: Can't execute command "cout", access denied.
If a command is executed, the arguments are passed to an underlying function,
whitch is wrapped by an orxonox::Functor which again is wrapped by an orxonox::Executor.
The Functor contains the function-pointer, as well as the object-pointer in
case of a non-static member-function. The executor stores possible default-values
for each argument of the function.
The function of a command can be changed at any time. It's possible to just exchange
the function-pointer of the underlying Functor if the headers of the functions are
exactly the same. But you can also exchange the Functor itself or even completely
replace the Executor. Also the other attributes of a ConsoleCommand can be modified
during the game, for example it can be activated or deactivated.
To do so, the function ModifyConsoleCommand() has to be used. It returns an instance
of orxonox::ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator which has an interface similar to
orxonox::ConsoleCommand, but with slight differences. You can use it the same way like
SetConsoleCommand(), meaning you can use command-chains to change different attributes at
the same time. ModifyConsoleCommand() must not be executed statically, but rather in a
function at some point of the execution of the program.
void myOtherCoutFunction(const std::string& text) // Define a new static function
orxout() << "Uppercase: " << getUppercase(text) << endl; // Print the text in uppercase to the console
// ... // somewhere in the code
ModifyConsoleCommand("cout").setFunction(&myOtherCoutFunction); // Modify the underlying function of the command
// ...
If you now enter the command into the shell, you'll see a different behavior:
$ cout Hello World
Uppercase: HELLO WORLD
$ cout
Uppercase: NO TEXT
A few important notes about changing functions:
Instead of changing the function with setFunction(), you can also create a command-stack
by using pushFunction() and popFunction(). It's important to note a few things about that,
because the underlying structure of Executor and Functor has a few pitfalls:
- If you push a new function-pointer, the same executor as before will be used (and, if
the headers match, even the same functor can be used, which is very fast)
- If you push a new Functor, the same executor as before will be used
- If you push a new Executor, everything is changed
Note that the executor contains the @b default @b values, so if you just exchange the
Functor, the default values remain the same. However if you decide to change the default
values at any point of the stack, this will also change the default values on all
other stack-levels that share the same executor. If you don't like this behavior,
you have to explicitly push a new executor before changing the default values, either by
calling pushFunction(executor) or by calling pushFunction(void) which pushes a copy of
the current executor to the stack.
Another important point are object pointers in case of non-static member-functions.
Whenever you set or push a new function, you must add the object pointer again
because objects are stored in the Functor which is usually exchanged if you change
the function.
You can also use a stack for objects, but note that this object-stack is different for each
function - so if you set a new function, the object-stack will be cleared. If you push
a new function, the old object-stack is stored in the stack, so it can be restored if
you pop the function.
Appart from SetConsoleCommand() you can also call DeclareConsoleCommand(). In contrast
to SetConsoleCommand(), this doesn't assign a function to the command. Indeed you have
to pass a function-pointer to DeclareConsoleCommand(), but it is only used to determine
the header of the future command-function. This allows to declare a command statically,
thus it's possible to evaluate key-bindings of this command, but the actual function
can be assigned at a later point.
DeclareConsoleCommand("cout", &prototype::void__string);
If you try to execute the command now, you see the following (or something similar):
$ cout Hello World
Error: Can't execute command "cout", command is not active.
You first have to assign a function to use the command:
// ...
// ...
Now you can use it:
$ cout Hello World
Text: Hello World
Note that the initial function prototype::void__string is defined in the namespace
orxonox::prototype. If there's no function with the desired header, you can extend
the collection of functions or simply use another function that has the same header.
#ifndef _ConsoleCommandIncludes_H__
#define _ConsoleCommandIncludes_H__
#include "core/CorePrereqs.h"
#include "ConsoleCommand.h"
#include "ConsoleCommandManager.h"
#include "util/VA_NARGS.h"
#include "core/module/StaticallyInitializedInstance.h"
@brief Defines a console command. The macro is overloaded for 2-4 parameters.
This is an overloaded macro. Depending on the number of arguments a different
overloaded implementation of the macro will be chosen.
Console commands created with SetConsoleCommand() become active immediately and
the given function-pointer (and optionally the object) will be used to execute
the command.
#define SetConsoleCommand(...) \
@brief This macro is executed if you call SetConsoleCommand() with 2 arguments.
@param name The name (string) of the console command
@param functionpointer The function-pointer of the corresponding command-function
#define SetConsoleCommand2(name, functionpointer) \
SetConsoleCommandGeneric("", name, orxonox::createFunctor(functionpointer))
@brief This macro is executed if you call SetConsoleCommand() with 3 arguments.
@param group The group (string) of the console command
@param name The name (string) of the console command
@param functionpointer The function-pointer of the corresponding command-function
#define SetConsoleCommand3(group, name, functionpointer) \
SetConsoleCommandGeneric(group, name, orxonox::createFunctor(functionpointer))
@brief This macro is executed if you call SetConsoleCommand() with 4 arguments.
@param group The group (string) of the console command
@param name The name (string) of the console command
@param functionpointer The function-pointer of the corresponding command-function
@param object The object that will be assigned to the command. Used for member-functions.
#define SetConsoleCommand4(group, name, functionpointer, object) \
SetConsoleCommandGeneric(group, name, orxonox::createFunctor(functionpointer, object))
/// Internal macro
#define SetConsoleCommandGeneric(group, name, functor) \
static orxonox::ConsoleCommand& BOOST_PP_CAT(__consolecommand_, __UNIQUE_NUMBER__) \
= (new orxonox::SI_CC(new orxonox::ConsoleCommand(group, name, orxonox::createExecutor(functor))))->getCommand()
@brief Declares a console command. The macro is overloaded for 2-3 parameters.
This is an overloaded macro. Depending on the number of arguments a different
overloaded implementation of the macro will be chosen.
Console commands created with DeclareConsoleCommand() don't use the the given
function-pointer to execute the command, it is only used to define the header
of the future command-function. The command is inactive until you manually
set a function with orxonox::ModifyConsoleCommand(). You can use a different
function-pointer than in the final command, as long as it has the same header.
#define DeclareConsoleCommand(...) \
@brief This macro is executed if you call DeclareConsoleCommand() with 2 arguments.
@param name The name (string) of the console command
@param functionpointer The function-pointer of an arbitrary function that has the same header as the final function
#define DeclareConsoleCommand2(name, functionpointer) \
DeclareConsoleCommandGeneric("", name, orxonox::createFunctor(functionpointer))
@brief This macro is executed if you call DeclareConsoleCommand() with 3 arguments.
@param group The group (string) of the console command
@param name The name (string) of the console command
@param functionpointer The function-pointer of an arbitrary function that has the same header as the final function
#define DeclareConsoleCommand3(group, name, functionpointer) \
DeclareConsoleCommandGeneric(group, name, orxonox::createFunctor(functionpointer))
/// Internal macro
#define DeclareConsoleCommandGeneric(group, name, functor) \
static orxonox::ConsoleCommand& BOOST_PP_CAT(__consolecommand_, __UNIQUE_NUMBER__) \
= (new orxonox::SI_CC(new orxonox::ConsoleCommand(group, name, orxonox::createExecutor(functor), false)))->getCommand()
namespace orxonox
class _CoreExport StaticallyInitializedConsoleCommand : public StaticallyInitializedInstance
StaticallyInitializedConsoleCommand(ConsoleCommand* command)
: StaticallyInitializedInstance(StaticInitialization::CONSOLE_COMMAND)
, command_(command)
~StaticallyInitializedConsoleCommand() { delete command_; }
virtual void load() override;
virtual void unload() override;
inline ConsoleCommand& getCommand()
{ return *this->command_; }
ConsoleCommand* command_;
typedef StaticallyInitializedConsoleCommand SI_CC;
@brief Returns a manipulator for a command with the given name.
@note If the command doesn't exist, the manipulator contains a nullptr to the command,
but it can still be used without checks, because all functions of ConsoleCommandManipulator
check internally if the command exists.
inline ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator ModifyConsoleCommand(const std::string& name)
{ return ConsoleCommandManager::getInstance().getCommand(name, true); }
@brief Returns a manipulator for a command with the given group and name.
@note If the command doesn't exist, the manipulator contains a nullptr to the command,
but it can still be used without checks, because all functions of ConsoleCommandManipulator
check internally if the command exists.
inline ConsoleCommand::ConsoleCommandManipulator ModifyConsoleCommand(const std::string& group, const std::string& name)
{ return ConsoleCommandManager::getInstance().getCommand(group, name, true); }
#endif /* _ConsoleCommandIncludes_H__ */