/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Oliver Scheuss * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "TrafficControl.h" #include "synchronisable/Synchronisable.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include #include namespace orxonox { static const unsigned int SCHED_PRIORITY_OFFSET = (unsigned int)-1; objInfo::objInfo(uint32_t ID, uint32_t creatorID, int32_t curGsID, int32_t diffGsID, uint32_t size, unsigned int prioperm, unsigned int priosched) { objID = ID; objCreatorID = creatorID; objCurGS = curGsID; objDiffGS = diffGsID; objSize = size; objValuePerm = prioperm; objValueSched = priosched; } objInfo::objInfo() { objID = OBJECTID_UNKNOWN; objCreatorID = OBJECTID_UNKNOWN; objCurGS = GAMESTATEID_INITIAL; objDiffGS = objCurGS; objSize = 0; objValuePerm = 0; objValueSched = 0; } obj::obj() { objID = OBJECTID_UNKNOWN; objCreatorID = OBJECTID_UNKNOWN; objSize = 0; objDataOffset = 0; } obj::obj( uint32_t ID, uint32_t creatorID, uint32_t size, uint32_t offset ) { objID = ID; objCreatorID = creatorID; objSize = size; objDataOffset = offset; } /** *Initializing protected members */ TrafficControl *TrafficControl::instance_=0; /** * @brief Constructor: assures that only one reference will be created and sets the pointer */ TrafficControl::TrafficControl() { RegisterObject(TrafficControl); assert(instance_==0); instance_=this; this->setConfigValues(); } /** * @brief Destructor: resets the instance pointer to 0 */ TrafficControl::~TrafficControl() { instance_=0; } /** *Definition of public members */ void TrafficControl::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue ( bActive_, false ); SetConfigValue ( targetSize, 10000 ); } /** * sort-algorithm for sorting the objectlist after priorities */ bool TrafficControl::prioritySort(uint32_t clientID, obj i, obj j) { assert(clientListPerm_.find(clientID) != clientListPerm_.end()); //make sure the client exists in our list assert(clientListPerm_[clientID].find(i.objID) != clientListPerm_[clientID].end()); // make sure the object i is in the client list assert(clientListPerm_[clientID].find(j.objID) != clientListPerm_[clientID].end()); // make sure the object j is in the client list int prio1 = clientListPerm_[clientID][i.objID].objValuePerm + clientListPerm_[clientID][i.objID].objValueSched; int prio2 = clientListPerm_[clientID][j.objID].objValuePerm + clientListPerm_[clientID][j.objID].objValueSched; return prio1 < prio2; } /** * sort-algorithm for sorting the objectList after position in original data stream */ bool TrafficControl::dataSort(obj i, obj j) { int pos1 = i.objDataOffset; int pos2 = j.objDataOffset; return pos1 < pos2; } void TrafficControl::processObjectList(unsigned int clientID, unsigned int gamestateID, std::list& list) { currentClientID=clientID; currentGamestateID=gamestateID; evaluateList(clientID, list); return; } TrafficControl *TrafficControl::getInstance() { assert(instance_); return instance_; } void TrafficControl::ack(unsigned int clientID, unsigned int gamestateID) { if ( !this->bActive_ ) return; std::list::iterator itvec; // iterator to iterate through the acked objects //assertions to make sure the maps already exist assert(clientListTemp_.find(clientID) != clientListTemp_.end() ); assert(clientListPerm_.find(clientID) != clientListPerm_.end() ); assert( clientListTemp_[clientID].find(gamestateID) != clientListTemp_[clientID].end() ); // shortcut for maps std::map& objectListPerm = clientListPerm_[clientID]; std::map >& objectListTemp = clientListTemp_[clientID]; for(itvec = objectListTemp[gamestateID].begin(); itvec != objectListTemp[gamestateID].end(); itvec++) { if(objectListPerm.find((*itvec).objID) != objectListPerm.end()) // check whether the obj already exists in our lists { objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objCurGS = gamestateID; objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objValueSched = 0; //set scheduling value back } else { assert(0); objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objCurGS = gamestateID; objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objID = (*itvec).objID; objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objCreatorID = (*itvec).objCreatorID; objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objSize = (*itvec).objSize; } } // remove temporary list (with acked objects) from the map objectListTemp.erase( objectListTemp.find(gamestateID) ); } /** *Definition of private members */ /** *updateClientListPerm *returns void */ void TrafficControl::insertinClientListPerm(unsigned int clientID, obj objinf) { std::map >::iterator itperm;//iterator clientListPerm over clientIDs unsigned int gsid=GAMESTATEID_INITIAL, gsdiff=currentGamestateID, prioperm=Synchronisable::getSynchronisable(objinf.objID)->getPriority(), priomom=0; clientListPerm_[clientID][objinf.objID] = objInfo(objinf.objID, objinf.objCreatorID,gsid,gsdiff, objinf.objSize,prioperm,priomom); } /** * updateClientListTemp * takes the shortened list which will be sent to the gsmanager and puts the *info into clientListTemp */ void TrafficControl::updateClientListTemp(std::list& list) { clientListTemp_[currentClientID][currentGamestateID] = list; } /** *cut *takes the current list that has to be returned to the gsmanager and shortens it in criteria of bandwidth of clientID(XY) */ void TrafficControl::cut(std::list& list, unsigned int targetsize) { unsigned int size=0; std::list::iterator itvec, ittemp; assert(!list.empty()); for(itvec = list.begin(); itvec != list.end();) { assert( (*itvec).objSize < 1000); if ( ( size + (*itvec).objSize ) < targetsize ) { size += (*itvec).objSize;//objSize is given in bytes ++itvec; } else { clientListPerm_[currentClientID][(*itvec).objID].objValueSched += SCHED_PRIORITY_OFFSET; // NOTE: SCHED_PRIORITY_OFFSET is negative list.erase(itvec, list.end()); break; } // printList(list, currentClientID); } assert(!list.empty()); } /** *evaluateList evaluates whether new obj are there, whether there are things to be updatet and manipulates all this. */ void TrafficControl::evaluateList(unsigned int clientID, std::list& list) { if( bActive_ ) { //now the sorting //compare listToProcess vs clientListPerm //if listToProcess contains new Objects, add them to clientListPerm std::list::iterator itvec; std::map& objectListPerm = clientListPerm_[clientID]; for( itvec=list.begin(); itvec != list.end(); itvec++) { if ( objectListPerm.find( (*itvec).objID) != objectListPerm.end() ) { // we already have the object in our map //obj bleibt in liste und permanente prio wird berechnet objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objDiffGS = currentGamestateID - objectListPerm[(*itvec).objID].objCurGS; continue;//check next objId } else { // insert the object into clientListPerm insertinClientListPerm(clientID,*itvec); continue;//check next objId } } //end compare listToProcess vs clientListPerm //sort copied list according to priorities // use boost bind here because we need to pass a memberfunction to stl sort // sort( list.begin(), list.end(), boost::bind(&TrafficControl::prioritySort, this, clientID, _1, _2) ); list.sort( boost::bind(&TrafficControl::prioritySort, this, clientID, _1, _2) ); // list.sort(boost::bind(&TrafficControl::prioritySort, this, clientID, _1, _2) ); //now we check, that the creator of an object always exists on a client std::list::iterator itcreator; for(itvec = list.begin(); itvec != list.end(); itvec++) { fixCreatorDependencies(itvec, list, clientID); } //end of sorting //now the cutting, work the same obj out in processobjectlist and copiedlist, compression rate muss noch festgelegt werden. // printList(list, clientID); cut(list, targetSize); //now sort again after objDataOffset // sort(list.begin(), list.end(), boost::bind(&TrafficControl::dataSort, this, _1, _2) ); list.sort( boost::bind(&TrafficControl::dataSort, this, _1, _2) ); //diese Funktion updateClientList muss noch gemacht werden updateClientListTemp(list); //end of sorting } } void TrafficControl::printList(std::list& list, unsigned int clientID) { std::list::iterator it; COUT(0) << "=========== Objectlist ===========" << endl; for( it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); it++) COUT(0) << "ObjectID: " << (*it).objID << " creatorID: " << (*it).objCreatorID << " Priority: " << clientListPerm_[clientID][(*it).objID].objValuePerm + clientListPerm_[clientID][(*it).objID].objValueSched << " size: " << (*it).objSize << endl; } void TrafficControl::fixCreatorDependencies(std::list::iterator it1, std::list& list, unsigned int clientID) { if ( (*it1).objCreatorID == OBJECTID_UNKNOWN ) return; if( clientListPerm_[clientID][(*it1).objCreatorID].objCurGS != GAMESTATEID_INITIAL ) return; std::list::iterator it2, it3=it1; for( it2 = ++it3; it2 != list.end(); it2++ ) { if( (*it2).objID == (*it1).objCreatorID ) { it3 = list.insert(it1, *it2); //insert creator before it1 list.erase(it2); // printList(list, clientID); fixCreatorDependencies( it3, list, clientID ); break; } } } void TrafficControl::clientDisconnected(unsigned int clientID) { assert(clientListTemp_.find(clientID) != clientListTemp_.end() ); assert(clientListPerm_.find(clientID) != clientListPerm_.end() ); clientListTemp_.erase(clientListTemp_.find(clientID)); clientListPerm_.erase(clientListPerm_.find(clientID)); } }//namespace network