/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Oliver Scheuss * Co-authors: * ... * */ // // C++ Implementation: GameStateManager // // Description: // // // Author: Oliver Scheuss, (C) 2007 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "GamestateManager.h" #include #include // #include #include "packet/Acknowledgement.h" #include "packet/Gamestate.h" #include "synchronisable/NetworkCallbackManager.h" #include "core/ThreadPool.h" #include "core/command/Executor.h" #include "core/GameMode.h" #include "util/Debug.h" #include "util/Clock.h" // #include "TrafficControl.h" namespace orxonox { GamestateManager::GamestateManager() : currentGamestate_(0), id_(0) { // trafficControl_ = new TrafficControl(); // threadMutex_ = new boost::mutex(); // threadPool_ = new ThreadPool(); } GamestateManager::~GamestateManager() { if( this->currentGamestate_ ) delete this->currentGamestate_;std::map::iterator it; for( it = gamestateQueue.begin(); it != gamestateQueue.end(); ++it ) delete it->second; std::map::iterator peerIt; std::map::iterator gamestateIt; for( peerIt = peerMap_.begin(); peerIt != peerMap_.end(); ++peerIt ) { for( gamestateIt = peerIt->second.gamestates.begin(); gamestateIt != peerIt->second.gamestates.end(); ++gamestateIt ) delete gamestateIt->second; } // this->trafficControl_->destroy(); // delete this->threadMutex_; // delete this->threadPool_; } bool GamestateManager::update(){ // cleanup(); return getSnapshot(); } bool GamestateManager::addGamestate(packet::Gamestate *gs, unsigned int clientID) { assert(gs); std::map::iterator it = gamestateQueue.find(clientID); if(it!=gamestateQueue.end()){ // delete obsolete gamestate delete it->second; } gamestateQueue[clientID] = gs; return true; } bool GamestateManager::processGamestates() { if( this->gamestateQueue.empty() ) return true; std::map::iterator it; // now push only the most recent gamestates we received (ignore obsolete ones) for(it = gamestateQueue.begin(); it!=gamestateQueue.end(); it++){ bool b = processGamestate(it->second); assert(b); sendAck( it->second->getID(), it->second->getPeerID() ); delete it->second; } // now clear the queue gamestateQueue.clear(); //and call all queued callbacks NetworkCallbackManager::callCallbacks(); return true; } bool GamestateManager::sendAck(unsigned int gamestateID, uint32_t peerID) { assert( gamestateID != ACKID_NACK ); packet::Acknowledgement *ack = new packet::Acknowledgement(gamestateID, peerID); if( !this->sendPacket(ack)) { COUT(3) << "could not ack gamestate: " << gamestateID << std::endl; return false; } else { COUT(5) << "acked a gamestate: " << gamestateID << std::endl; return true; } } bool GamestateManager::getSnapshot(){ if ( currentGamestate_ != 0 ) delete currentGamestate_; uint8_t gsMode; if( GameMode::isMaster() ) gsMode = packet::GAMESTATE_MODE_SERVER; else gsMode = packet::GAMESTATE_MODE_CLIENT; uint32_t newID; if( GameMode::isMaster() ) newID = ++id_; else { assert(peerMap_.size()!=0); newID = peerMap_[NETWORK_PEER_ID_SERVER].lastReceivedGamestateID; if( newID == GAMESTATEID_INITIAL ) { return false; } } currentGamestate_ = new packet::Gamestate(); if(!currentGamestate_->collectData(newID, gsMode)) { //we have no data to send delete currentGamestate_; currentGamestate_=0; return false; } return true; } std::vector GamestateManager::getGamestates() { if(!currentGamestate_) return std::vector(); std::vector peerGamestates; std::map::iterator peerIt; for( peerIt=peerMap_.begin(); peerIt!=peerMap_.end(); ++peerIt ) { if( !peerIt->second.isSynched ) { COUT(5) << "Server: not sending gamestate" << std::endl; continue; } COUT(5) << "client id: " << peerIt->first << std::endl; COUT(5) << "Server: doing gamestate gamestate preparation" << std::endl; int peerID = peerIt->first; //get client id unsigned int lastAckedGamestateID = peerIt->second.lastAckedGamestateID; packet::Gamestate* baseGamestate=0; if(lastAckedGamestateID != GAMESTATEID_INITIAL) { assert(peerMap_.find(peerID)!=peerMap_.end()); std::map::iterator it = peerMap_[peerID].gamestates.find(lastAckedGamestateID); assert(it!=peerMap_[peerID].gamestates.end()); baseGamestate = it->second; } peerGamestates.push_back(0); // insert an empty gamestate* to be changed finishGamestate( peerID, peerGamestates.back(), baseGamestate, currentGamestate_ ); if( peerGamestates.back()==0 ) // nothing to send to remove pointer from vector peerGamestates.pop_back(); //FunctorMember* functor = // ExecutorMember* executor = createExecutor( createFunctor(&GamestateManager::finishGamestate, this) ); // executor->setDefaultValues( cid, &clientGamestates.back(), client, currentGamestate_ ); // (*static_cast(executor))(); // this->threadPool_->passFunction( executor, true ); // (*functor)( cid, &(clientGamestates.back()), client, currentGamestate_ ); } // threadPool_->synchronise(); return peerGamestates; } void GamestateManager::finishGamestate( unsigned int peerID, packet::Gamestate*& destgamestate, packet::Gamestate* base, packet::Gamestate* gamestate ) { //why are we searching the same client's gamestate id as we searched in //Server::sendGameState? // save the (undiffed) gamestate in the clients gamestate map //chose wheather the next gamestate is the first or not // packet::Gamestate *gs = gamestate->doSelection(clientID, 20000); // packet::Gamestate* gs = new packet::Gamestate(*gamestate); // packet::Gamestate* gs = gamestate; packet::Gamestate *gs = new packet::Gamestate(*gamestate); //TODO: is this neccessary ? // packet::Gamestate *gs = new packet::Gamestate(); // gs->collectData( id_, 0x1 ); // this->threadMutex_->lock(); peerMap_[peerID].gamestates[gamestate->getID()]=gs; // this->threadMutex_->unlock(); Clock clock; clock.capture(); if(base) { packet::Gamestate *diffed1 = gs->diffVariables(base); if( diffed1->getDataSize() == 0 ) { delete diffed1; destgamestate = 0; return; } gs = diffed1; } else { gs = new packet::Gamestate(*gs); } // bool b = gs->compressData(); // assert(b); clock.capture(); COUT(5) << "diff and compress time: " << clock.getDeltaTime() << endl; // COUT(5) << "sending gamestate with id " << gs->getID(); // if(gamestate->isDiffed()) // COUT(5) << " and baseid " << gs->getBaseID() << endl; // else // COUT(5) << endl; gs->setPeerID(peerID); destgamestate = gs; } bool GamestateManager::ackGamestate(unsigned int gamestateID, unsigned int peerID) { // ClientInformation *temp = ClientInformation::findClient(peerID); // assert(temp); std::map::iterator it = this->peerMap_.find(peerID); assert(it!=this->peerMap_.end()); unsigned int curid = it->second.lastAckedGamestateID; assert(gamestateID != ACKID_NACK); // if(gamestateID == ACKID_NACK){ // it->second.lastAckedGamestateID = GAMESTATEID_INITIAL; // // temp->setGamestateID(GAMESTATEID_INITIAL); // // now delete all saved gamestates for this client // std::map::iterator it2; // for(it2 = it->second.gamestates.begin(); it2!=it->second.gamestates.end(); ++it2 ){ // delete it2->second; // } // it->second.gamestates.clear(); // return true; // } assert(curid==GAMESTATEID_INITIAL || curid<=gamestateID); COUT(5) << "acking gamestate " << gamestateID << " for peerID: " << peerID << " curid: " << curid << std::endl; std::map::iterator it2; for( it2=it->second.gamestates.begin(); it2!=it->second.gamestates.end(); ) { if( it2->second->getID() < gamestateID ) { delete it2->second; it->second.gamestates.erase(it2++); } else ++it2; } // std::map::iterator it; // for(it = gamestateMap_[peerID].begin(); it!=gamestateMap_[peerID].end() && it->firstsecond; // gamestateMap_[peerID].erase(it++); // } it->second.lastAckedGamestateID = gamestateID; // temp->setGamestateID(gamestateID); // TrafficControl::processAck(peerID, gamestateID); return true; } uint32_t GamestateManager::getLastReceivedGamestateID(unsigned int peerID) { assert( this->peerMap_.find(peerID)!=this->peerMap_.end() ); if( this->peerMap_.find(peerID) != this->peerMap_.end() ) return this->peerMap_[peerID].lastReceivedGamestateID; else return GAMESTATEID_INITIAL; } void GamestateManager::addPeer(uint32_t peerID) { assert(peerMap_.find(peerID)==peerMap_.end()); peerMap_[peerID].peerID = peerID; peerMap_[peerID].lastReceivedGamestateID = GAMESTATEID_INITIAL; peerMap_[peerID].lastAckedGamestateID = GAMESTATEID_INITIAL; if( GameMode::isMaster() ) peerMap_[peerID].isSynched = false; else peerMap_[peerID].isSynched = true; } void GamestateManager::removePeer(uint32_t peerID) { assert(peerMap_.find(peerID)!=peerMap_.end()); std::map::iterator peerIt; for( peerIt = peerMap_[peerID].gamestates.begin(); peerIt!=peerMap_[peerID].gamestates.end(); ++peerIt ) { delete peerIt->second; } peerMap_.erase(peerMap_.find(peerID)); } // void GamestateManager::removeClient(ClientInformation* client){ // assert(client); // std::map >::iterator clientMap = gamestateMap_.find(client->getID()); // // first delete all remained gamestates // std::map::iterator it; // for(it=clientMap->second.begin(); it!=clientMap->second.end(); it++) // delete it->second; // // now delete the clients gamestatemap // gamestateMap_.erase(clientMap); // } bool GamestateManager::processGamestate(packet::Gamestate *gs) { if(gs->isCompressed()) { bool b = gs->decompressData(); assert(b); } assert(!gs->isDiffed()); uint8_t gsMode; if( GameMode::isMaster() ) gsMode = packet::GAMESTATE_MODE_SERVER; else gsMode = packet::GAMESTATE_MODE_CLIENT; if( gs->spreadData(gsMode) ) { this->peerMap_[gs->getPeerID()].lastReceivedGamestateID = gs->getID(); return true; } else return false; } }