Last change
on this file since 2346 was
checked in by landauf, 16 years ago
Update your media repository and delete keybindings.ini if you want to use boost (space).
- Added new class "Engine" to control the speed of a SpaceShip (Engine is an Item, MultiStateEngine is a specialized version of Engine)
- Added FadingBillboard, a billboard with the ability to fade in and out smoothly when activated/deactivated.
- Several changes in Backlight, it's now a child of FadingBillboard
- Some changes concerning local control in ControllableEntity
- Fixed a bug in WorldEntity caused by different destruction order of attached objects on server and client
- Added a "MainState" to BaseObject. An object has several states (activity, visibility, …) and one of it can be defined as "MainState" in the XML file. Other objects can change this state without knowing which state it really is (used by MultiStateEngine).
Property svn:eol-style set to
File size:
2.9 KB
Line | |
1 | [Keys] |
2 | KeyA="scale -1 moveRightLeft" |
3 | KeyABNT_C1= |
4 | KeyABNT_C2= |
5 | KeyAT= |
6 | KeyAX= |
7 | KeyApostrophe= |
8 | KeyApps= |
9 | KeyB= |
10 | KeyBack= |
11 | KeyBackslash= |
12 | KeyC=switchCamera |
13 | KeyCalculator= |
14 | KeyCapsLock= |
15 | KeyColon= |
16 | KeyComma= |
17 | KeyConvert= |
18 | KeyD="scale 1 moveRightLeft" |
19 | KeyDelete= |
20 | KeyDivide= |
21 | KeyDown= |
22 | KeyE="scale -1 rotateRoll" |
23 | KeyEnd= |
24 | KeyEquals= |
25 | KeyEscape="exit" |
26 | KeyF="scale -1 moveUpDown" |
27 | KeyF1= |
28 | KeyF10= |
29 | KeyF11= |
30 | KeyF12= |
31 | KeyF13= |
32 | KeyF14= |
33 | KeyF15= |
34 | KeyF2= |
35 | KeyF3= |
36 | KeyF4= |
37 | KeyF5= |
38 | KeyF6= |
39 | KeyF7= |
40 | KeyF8= |
41 | KeyF9= |
42 | KeyG=greet |
43 | KeyGrave= |
44 | KeyH= |
45 | KeyHome= |
46 | KeyI= |
47 | KeyInsert= |
48 | KeyJ= |
49 | KeyK= |
50 | KeyKana= |
51 | KeyKanji= |
52 | KeyL= |
53 | KeyLeft= |
54 | KeyLeftAlt= |
55 | KeyLeftBracket= |
56 | KeyLeftControl= |
57 | KeyLeftShift= |
58 | KeyLeftWindows= |
59 | KeyLessThan= |
60 | KeyM= |
61 | KeyMail= |
62 | KeyMediaSelect= |
63 | KeyMediaStop= |
64 | KeyMinus= |
65 | KeyMultiply= |
66 | KeyMute= |
67 | KeyMyComputer= |
68 | KeyN= |
69 | KeyNextTrack= |
70 | KeyNoConvert= |
71 | KeyNumLock= |
72 | KeyNumRow0= |
73 | KeyNumRow1= |
74 | KeyNumRow2= |
75 | KeyNumRow3= |
76 | KeyNumRow4= |
77 | KeyNumRow5= |
78 | KeyNumRow6= |
79 | KeyNumRow7= |
80 | KeyNumRow8= |
81 | KeyNumRow9= |
82 | KeyNumpad0= |
83 | KeyNumpad1= |
84 | KeyNumpad2= |
85 | KeyNumpad3= |
86 | KeyNumpad4= |
87 | KeyNumpad5= |
88 | KeyNumpad6= |
89 | KeyNumpad7= |
90 | KeyNumpad8= |
91 | KeyNumpad9= |
92 | KeyNumpadAdd= |
93 | KeyNumpadComma= |
94 | KeyNumpadEnter= |
95 | KeyNumpadEquals= |
96 | KeyNumpadPeriod= |
97 | KeyNumpadSubtract= |
98 | KeyO= |
99 | KeyP= |
100 | KeyPageDown= |
101 | KeyPageUp= |
102 | KeyPause= |
103 | KeyPeriod= |
104 | KeyPlayPause= |
105 | KeyPower= |
106 | KeyPreviousTrack= |
107 | KeyQ="scale 1 rotateRoll" |
108 | KeyR="scale 1 moveUpDown" |
109 | KeyReturn= |
110 | KeyRight= |
111 | KeyRightAlt= |
112 | KeyRightBracket= |
113 | KeyRightControl= |
114 | KeyRightShift= |
115 | KeyRightWindows= |
116 | KeyS="scale -1 moveFrontBack" |
117 | KeyScrollLock= |
118 | KeySemicolon= |
119 | KeySlash= |
120 | KeySleep= |
121 | KeySpace=boost |
122 | KeyStop= |
123 | KeySystemRequest= |
124 | KeyT= |
125 | KeyTab="cycleNavigationFocus" |
126 | KeyU= |
127 | KeyUP= |
128 | KeyUnassigned= |
129 | KeyUnderline= |
130 | KeyUnlabeled= |
131 | KeyV= |
132 | KeyVolumeDown= |
133 | KeyVolumeUp= |
134 | KeyW="scale 1 moveFrontBack" |
135 | KeyWake= |
136 | KeyWebBack= |
137 | KeyWebFavorites= |
138 | KeyWebForward= |
139 | KeyWebHome= |
140 | KeyWebRefresh= |
141 | KeyWebSearch= |
142 | KeyWebStop= |
143 | KeyX= |
144 | KeyY= |
145 | KeyYen= |
146 | KeyZ= |
147 | Key_084= |
148 | Key_085= |
149 | Key_089= |
150 | Key_090= |
151 | Key_091= |
152 | Key_092= |
153 | Key_093= |
154 | Key_094= |
155 | Key_095= |
156 | Key_096= |
157 | Key_097= |
158 | Key_098= |
159 | Key_099= |
160 | Key_103= |
161 | Key_104= |
162 | Key_105= |
163 | Key_106= |
164 | Key_107= |
165 | Key_108= |
166 | Key_109= |
167 | Key_110= |
168 | Key_111= |
169 | Key_112= |
170 | Key_114= |
171 | Key_115= |
172 | Key_117= |
173 | Key_118= |
174 | Key_119= |
175 | Key_120= |
176 | Key_121= |
177 | Key_123= |
178 | Key_125= |
179 | Key_128= |
180 | Key_129= |
181 | Key_130= |
182 | Key_131= |
183 | Key_132= |
184 | Key_133= |
185 | Key_134= |
186 | Key_135= |
187 | Key_136= |
188 | Key_137= |
189 | Key_138= |
190 | Key_139= |
191 | Key_140= |
192 | Key_141= |
193 | Key_143= |
194 | Key_144= |
195 | Key_154= |
196 | Key_155= |
197 | Key_158= |
198 | Key_159= |
199 | Key_163= |
200 | Key_165= |
201 | Key_166= |
202 | Key_167= |
203 | Key_168= |
204 | Key_169= |
205 | Key_170= |
206 | Key_171= |
207 | Key_172= |
208 | Key_173= |
209 | Key_175= |
210 | Key_177= |
211 | Key_180= |
212 | Key_182= |
213 | Key_185= |
214 | Key_186= |
215 | Key_187= |
216 | Key_188= |
217 | Key_189= |
218 | Key_190= |
219 | Key_191= |
220 | Key_192= |
221 | Key_193= |
222 | Key_194= |
223 | Key_195= |
224 | Key_196= |
225 | Key_198= |
226 | Key_202= |
227 | Key_204= |
228 | Key_206= |
229 | Key_212= |
230 | Key_213= |
231 | Key_214= |
232 | Key_215= |
233 | Key_216= |
234 | Key_217= |
235 | Key_218= |
236 | Key_224= |
237 | Key_225= |
238 | Key_226= |
239 | Key_228= |
240 | |
241 | [MouseButtons] |
242 | MouseButton3= |
243 | MouseButton4= |
244 | MouseButton5= |
245 | MouseButton6= |
246 | MouseButton7= |
247 | MouseLeft="fire" |
248 | MouseMiddle= |
249 | MouseRight= |
250 | MouseWheel1Down= |
251 | MouseWheel1Up= |
252 | MouseWheel2Down= |
253 | MouseWheel2Up= |
254 | |
255 | [MouseAxes] |
256 | MouseXNeg="scale -1 rotateYaw" |
257 | MouseXPos="scale 1 rotateYaw" |
258 | MouseYNeg="scale 1 rotatePitch" |
259 | MouseYPos="scale -1 rotatePitch" |
260 | |
Note: See
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