/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ #ifndef _KeyBinder_H__ #define _KeyBinder_H__ #include "InputPrereqs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "InputHandler.h" #include "Button.h" #include "HalfAxis.h" #include "InputCommands.h" #include "JoyStickQuantityListener.h" namespace orxonox { /** @brief Maps mouse, keyboard and joy stick input to command strings and executes them. The bindings are stored in ini-files (like the one for configValues) in the config Path. @remarks You cannot change the filename because the KeyBinderManager maps these filenames to the KeyBinders. If you need to load other bindings, just create a new one. */ class _CoreExport KeyBinder : public InputHandler, public JoyStickQuantityListener { public: KeyBinder (const std::string& filename); virtual ~KeyBinder(); void clearBindings(); bool setBinding(const std::string& binding, const std::string& name, bool bTemporary = false); const std::string& getBindingsFilename() { return this->filename_; } void setConfigValues(); void resetJoyStickAxes(); protected: // functions void loadBindings(); void buttonThresholdChanged(); void initialiseJoyStickBindings(); void compilePointerLists(); // from JoyStickQuantityListener interface virtual void JoyStickQuantityChanged(const std::vector& joyStickList); void allDevicesUpdated(float dt); void mouseUpdated(float dt); void joyStickUpdated(unsigned int joyStick, float dt); // internal void tickHalfAxis(HalfAxis& halfAxis); void buttonPressed (const KeyEvent& evt); void buttonReleased(const KeyEvent& evt); void buttonHeld (const KeyEvent& evt); void buttonPressed (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button); void buttonReleased(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button); void buttonHeld (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button); void mouseMoved (IntVector2 abs, IntVector2 rel, IntVector2 clippingSize); void mouseScrolled (int abs, int rel); void buttonPressed (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button); void buttonReleased(unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button); void buttonHeld (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button); void axisMoved (unsigned int device, unsigned int axis, float value); protected: // variables //! Currently active joy sticks std::vector joySticks_; //! Actual key bindings for keys on the keyboard Button keys_ [KeyCode::numberOfKeys]; //! Number of mouse buttons in KeyBinder (+4) static const unsigned int numberOfMouseButtons_ = MouseButtonCode::numberOfButtons + 4; //! Actual key bindings for mouse buttons including the wheel(s) Button mouseButtons_ [numberOfMouseButtons_]; //! Actual key bindings for mouse axes HalfAxis mouseAxes_ [MouseAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2]; //! Helper class to use something like std:vector struct JoyStickButtonVector { Button& operator[](unsigned int index) { return buttons[index]; } Button buttons[JoyStickButtonCode::numberOfButtons]; }; //! Actual key bindings for joy stick buttons std::vector > joyStickButtons_; //! Helper class to use something like std:vector struct JoyStickAxisVector { HalfAxis& operator[](unsigned int index) { return halfAxes[index]; } HalfAxis halfAxes[JoyStickAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2]; }; //! Actual key bindings for joy stick axes (and sliders) std::vector > joyStickAxes_; //! Pointer map with all Buttons, including half axes std::map allButtons_; //! Pointer list with all half axes std::vector allHalfAxes_; /** @brief Commands that have additional parameters (axes) are executed at the end of update() so that all values can be buffered for single execution. */ std::vector paramCommandBuffer_; //! Keeps track of the absolute mouse value (incl. scroll wheel) int mousePosition_[2]; //! Used to derive mouse input if requested int mouseRelative_[2]; float deriveTime_; //! Name of the file used in this KeyBinder (constant!) const std::string filename_; //! Config file used. ConfigFileType::NoType in case of KeyDetector. Also indicates whether we've already loaded. ConfigFileType configFile_; private: //##### ConfigValues ##### //! Whether to filter small value analog input bool bFilterAnalogNoise_; //! Threshold for analog triggers until which the state is 0. float analogThreshold_; //! Threshold for analog triggers until which the button is not pressed. float buttonThreshold_; //! Derive mouse input for absolute values? bool bDeriveMouseInput_; //! Accuracy of the mouse input deriver. The higher the more precise, but laggier. float derivePeriod_; //! mouse sensitivity float mouseSensitivity_; //! mouse sensitivity if mouse input is derived float mouseSensitivityDerived_; //! Equals one step of the mousewheel int mouseWheelStepSize_; //##### Constant config variables ##### // Use some value at about 1000. This can be configured with mouseSensitivity_ anyway. static const int mouseClippingSize_ = 1024; }; inline void KeyBinder::buttonPressed (const KeyEvent& evt) { assert(!keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].name_.empty()); keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].execute(KeybindMode::OnPress); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonReleased(const KeyEvent& evt) { assert(!keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].name_.empty()); keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].execute(KeybindMode::OnRelease); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonHeld (const KeyEvent& evt) { assert(!keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].name_.empty()); keys_[evt.getKeyCode()].execute(KeybindMode::OnHold); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonPressed (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button) { mouseButtons_[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnPress); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonReleased(MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button) { mouseButtons_[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnRelease); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonHeld (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum button) { mouseButtons_[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnHold); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonPressed (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnPress); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonReleased(unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnRelease); } inline void KeyBinder::buttonHeld (unsigned int device, JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum button) { (*joyStickButtons_[device])[button].execute(KeybindMode::OnHold); } inline void KeyBinder::allDevicesUpdated(float dt) { // execute all buffered bindings (additional parameter) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paramCommandBuffer_.size(); i++) { paramCommandBuffer_[i]->rel_ *= dt; paramCommandBuffer_[i]->execute(); } // always reset the relative movement of the mouse for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MouseAxisCode::numberOfAxes * 2; i++) mouseAxes_[i].relVal_ = 0.0f; } } #endif /* _KeyBinder_H__ */