/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "HealthPickup.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "util/StringUtils.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "pickup/PickupIdentifier.h" #include namespace orxonox { /*static*/ const std::string HealthPickup::healthTypeLimited_s = "limited"; /*static*/ const std::string HealthPickup::healthTypeTemporary_s = "temporary"; /*static*/ const std::string HealthPickup::healthTypePermanent_s = "permanent"; CreateFactory(HealthPickup); /** @brief Constructor. Registers the object and initializes the member variables. */ HealthPickup::HealthPickup(BaseObject* creator) : Pickup(creator) { RegisterObject(HealthPickup); this->initialize(); } /** @brief Destructor. */ HealthPickup::~HealthPickup() { } /** @brief Initializes the member variables. */ void HealthPickup::initialize(void) { this->health_ = 0; this->healthRate_ = 0; this->healthType_ = pickupHealthType::limited; this->maxHealthSave_ = 0; this->maxHealthOverwrite_ = 0; this->addTarget(ClassIdentifier::getIdentifier()); } /** @brief Initializes the PickupIdentifier of this pickup. */ void HealthPickup::initializeIdentifier(void) { std::stringstream stream; stream << this->getHealth(); std::string type1 = "health"; std::string val1 = stream.str(); this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type1, val1); //TODO: Does this work, is val valid outside the function scope? std::string val2 = this->getHealthType(); std::string type2 = "healthType"; this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type2, val2); stream.clear(); stream << this->getHealthRate(); std::string val3 = stream.str(); std::string type3 = "healthRate"; this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type3, val3); } /** @brief Method for creating a HealthPickup object through XML. */ void HealthPickup::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, orxonox::XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(HealthPickup, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(HealthPickup, "health", setHealth, getHealth, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(HealthPickup, "healthRate", setHealthRate, getHealthRate, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(HealthPickup, "healthType", setHealthType, getHealthType, xmlelement, mode); if(!this->isContinuous()) this->healthRate_ = 0.0; this->initializeIdentifier(); } /** @brief Is called every tick. Does all the continuous stuff of this HealthPickup. @param dt The duration of the last tick. */ void HealthPickup::tick(float dt) { if(this->isContinuous() && this->isUsed()) { Pawn* pawn = this->carrierToPawnHelper(); if(pawn == NULL) //!< If the PickupCarrier is no Pawn, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed. this->destroy(); //! Calculate the health that is added this tick. float health = dt*this->getHealthRate(); if(health > this->getHealth()) health = this->getHealth(); //! Calculate the health the Pawn will have once the health is added. float fullHealth = pawn->getHealth() + health; this->setHealth(this->getHealth()-health); switch(this->getHealthTypeDirect()) { case pickupHealthType::permanent: if(pawn->getMaxHealth() > fullHealth) pawn->setMaxHealth(fullHealth); case pickupHealthType::limited: pawn->addHealth(health); break; case pickupHealthType::temporary: if(pawn->getMaxHealth() > fullHealth) { this->maxHealthSave_ = pawn->getMaxHealth(); this->maxHealthOverwrite_ = fullHealth; pawn->setMaxHealth(fullHealth); } pawn->addHealth(health); break; default: COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl; } //! If all health has been transfered. if(this->getHealth() == 0) { this->setUsed(false); } } } /** @brief Is called when the pickup has transited from used to unused or the other way around. */ void HealthPickup::changedUsed(void) { SUPER(HealthPickup, changedUsed); //! If the pickup is not picked up nothing must be done. if(!this->isPickedUp()) return; //! If the pickup has transited to used. if(this->isUsed()) { if(this->isOnce()) { Pawn* pawn = this->carrierToPawnHelper(); if(pawn == NULL) //!< If the PickupCarrier is no Pawn, then this pickup is useless and therefore is destroyed. this->destroy(); float health = 0; switch(this->getHealthTypeDirect()) { case pickupHealthType::permanent: health = pawn->getHealth()+this->getHealth(); if(pawn->getMaxHealth() < health) pawn->setMaxHealth(health); case pickupHealthType::limited: pawn->addHealth(this->getHealth()); break; case pickupHealthType::temporary: health = pawn->getHealth()+this->getHealth(); if(pawn->getMaxHealth() < health) { this->maxHealthSave_ = pawn->getMaxHealth(); this->maxHealthOverwrite_ = health; pawn->setMaxHealth(health); } pawn->addHealth(this->getHealth()); break; default: COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl; } //! The pickup has been used up. this->setUsed(false); } } else { if(this->getHealthTypeDirect() == pickupHealthType::temporary) { PickupCarrier* carrier = this->getCarrier(); Pawn* pawn = dynamic_cast(carrier); if(pawn == NULL) { COUT(1) << "Something went horribly wrong in Health Pickup. PickupCarrier is no Pawn." << std::endl; this->destroy(); return; } if(pawn->getMaxHealth() == this->maxHealthOverwrite_) { pawn->setMaxHealth(this->maxHealthSave_); this->maxHealthOverwrite_ = 0; this->maxHealthSave_ = 0; } } //! If either the pickup can only be used once or it is continuous and used up, it is destroyed upon setting it to unused. if(this->isOnce() || (this->isContinuous() && this->getHealth() == 0)) { this->destroy(); } } } /** @brief Helper to transform the PickupCarrier to a Pawn, and throw an error message if the conversion fails. @return A pointer to the Pawn, or NULL if the conversion failed. */ Pawn* HealthPickup::carrierToPawnHelper(void) { PickupCarrier* carrier = this->getCarrier(); Pawn* pawn = dynamic_cast(carrier); if(pawn == NULL) { COUT(1) << "Invalid PickupCarrier in HealthPickup." << std::endl; } return pawn; } /** @brief Creates a duplicate of the input OrxonoxClass. @param item A pointer to the Orxonox class. */ void HealthPickup::clone(OrxonoxClass*& item) { if(item == NULL) item = new HealthPickup(this); SUPER(HealthPickup, clone, item); HealthPickup* pickup = dynamic_cast(item); pickup->setHealth(this->getHealth()); pickup->setHealthRate(this->getHealthRate()); pickup->setHealthTypeDirect(this->getHealthTypeDirect()); pickup->initializeIdentifier(); } /** @brief Get the health type of this pickup. @return Returns the health type as a string. */ const std::string& HealthPickup::getHealthType(void) { switch(this->getHealthTypeDirect()) { case pickupHealthType::limited: return HealthPickup::healthTypeLimited_s; case pickupHealthType::temporary: return HealthPickup::healthTypeTemporary_s; case pickupHealthType::permanent: return HealthPickup::healthTypePermanent_s; default: COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl; return BLANKSTRING; } } /** @brief Sets the health. @param health The health. */ void HealthPickup::setHealth(float health) { if(health >= 0.0f) { this->health_ = health; } else { COUT(1) << "Invalid health in HealthPickup." << std::endl; this->health_ = 0.0; } } /** @brief Set the rate at which health is transferred if the pickup is continuous. @param rate The rate. */ void HealthPickup::setHealthRate(float rate) { if(rate >= 0) { this->healthRate_ = rate; } else { COUT(1) << "Invalid healthSpeed in HealthPickup." << std::endl; } } /** @brief Set the type of the HealthPickup. @param type The type as a string. */ void HealthPickup::setHealthType(std::string type) { if(type == HealthPickup::healthTypeLimited_s) { this->setHealthTypeDirect(pickupHealthType::limited); } else if(type == HealthPickup::healthTypeTemporary_s) { this->setHealthTypeDirect(pickupHealthType::temporary); } else if(type == HealthPickup::healthTypePermanent_s) { this->setHealthTypeDirect(pickupHealthType::permanent); } else { COUT(1) << "Invalid healthType in HealthPickup." << std::endl; } } }