/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Fabian 'x3n' Landau * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file Jump.cc @brief Implementation of the Jump class. */ #include "Jump.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/EventIncludes.h" #include "core/command/Executor.h" #include "core/config/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "gamestates/GSLevel.h" #include "chat/ChatManager.h" #include "JumpCenterpoint.h" #include "JumpPlatform.h" #include "JumpPlatformStatic.h" #include "JumpPlatformHMove.h" #include "JumpPlatformVMove.h" #include "JumpPlatformDisappear.h" #include "JumpPlatformTimer.h" #include "JumpPlatformFake.h" #include "JumpProjectile.h" #include "JumpEnemy.h" #include "JumpFigure.h" #include "infos/PlayerInfo.h" namespace orxonox { // Events to allow to react to scoring of a player, in the level-file. CreateEventName(JumpCenterpoint, right); CreateEventName(JumpCenterpoint, left); RegisterUnloadableClass(Jump); /** @brief Constructor. Registers and initializes the object. */ Jump::Jump(Context* context) : Deathmatch(context) { RegisterObject(Jump); this->center_ = 0; this->figure_ = 0; this->camera = 0; this->fakeAdded_ = false; this->setHUDTemplate("JumpHUD"); // Pre-set the timer, but don't start it yet. this->starttimer_.setTimer(1.0, false, createExecutor(createFunctor(&Jump::startBall, this))); this->starttimer_.stopTimer(); this->scoreLimit_ = 10; this->setConfigValues(); } /** @brief Destructor. Cleans up, if initialized. */ Jump::~Jump() { if (this->isInitialized()) { this->cleanup(); } } void Jump::tick(float dt) { SUPER(Jump, tick, dt); if (figure_ != NULL) { Vector3 figurePosition = figure_->getPosition(); Vector3 figureVelocity = figure_->getVelocity(); if (figurePosition.z > totalScreenShift) { screenShiftSinceLastUpdate += figurePosition.z - totalScreenShift; totalScreenShift = figurePosition.z; // Falls noetig neue Platformen im neuen Bereich einfuegen if (screenShiftSinceLastUpdate > center_->getSectionLength()) { screenShiftSinceLastUpdate -= center_->getSectionLength(); addSection(); } } // Spiel verloren wegen Ansturz? if (figurePosition.z < totalScreenShift - center_->getFieldDimension().y && figureVelocity.z < 0) { end(); } // Schiessen if (figure_->fireSignal) { figure_->fireSignal = false; addProjectile(figurePosition.x, figurePosition.z, 0.0, 150.0); } if (this->camera != NULL) { Vector3 cameraPosition = Vector3(0, totalScreenShift, 0); camera->setPosition(cameraPosition); } else { orxout() << "No camera found." << endl; //camera = figure_->getCamera(); } } else { //orxout() << "No figure found." << endl; } // Platformen, die zu weit unten sind entfernen ObjectList::iterator beginPlatform = ObjectList::begin(); ObjectList::iterator endPlatform = ObjectList::end(); ObjectList::iterator itPlatform = beginPlatform; Vector3 platformPosition; while (itPlatform != endPlatform) { platformPosition = itPlatform->getPosition(); if (platformPosition.z < totalScreenShift - center_->getFieldDimension().y) { ObjectList::iterator temp = itPlatform; ++ itPlatform; center_->detach(*temp); temp->destroy(); } else { ++ itPlatform; } } // DAS GEHT NICHT!!! it++ funktioniert nicht, falls eine Platform geloescht wurde -> Segmentation Error /* for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); orxout() << "E" << endl, it != ObjectList::end(); orxout() << "F" << endl, ++it) { if (!it->isActive()) { // Entferne Platform center_->detach(*it); it->destroy(); } } */ // Deaktivierte Platformen entfernen ObjectList::iterator beginDisappear = ObjectList::begin(); ObjectList::iterator endDisappear = ObjectList::end(); ObjectList::iterator itDisappear = beginDisappear; while (itDisappear != endDisappear) { if (!itDisappear->isActive()) { ObjectList::iterator temp = itDisappear; ++ itDisappear; center_->detach(*temp); temp->destroy(); } else { ++ itDisappear; } } // Abgelaufene Timer-Platformen entfernen ObjectList::iterator beginTimer = ObjectList::begin(); ObjectList::iterator endTimer = ObjectList::end(); ObjectList::iterator itTimer = beginTimer; while (itTimer != endTimer) { if (!itTimer->isActive()) { ObjectList::iterator temp = itTimer; ++ itTimer; center_->detach(*temp); temp->destroy(); } else { ++ itTimer; } } // Projektile, die zu weit oben sind entfernen ObjectList::iterator beginProjectile = ObjectList::begin(); ObjectList::iterator endProjectile = ObjectList::end(); ObjectList::iterator itProjectile = beginProjectile; Vector3 projectilePosition; while (itProjectile != endProjectile) { projectilePosition = itProjectile->getPosition(); if (projectilePosition.z > totalScreenShift + 5*center_->getFieldDimension().y) { ObjectList::iterator temp = itProjectile; ++ itProjectile; center_->detach(*temp); temp->destroy(); } else { ++ itProjectile; } } } void Jump::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(scoreLimit_, 10).description("The player first reaching those points wins."); } /** @brief Cleans up the Gametype by destroying the ball and the bats. */ void Jump::cleanup() { if (this->figure_ != NULL) { //this->figure_->destroy(); //this->figure_ = 0; } this->camera = 0; } /** @brief Starts the Jump minigame. */ void Jump::start() { if (this->center_ != NULL) // There needs to be a JumpCenterpoint, i.e. the area the game takes place. { // Attach the ball to the centerpoint and set the parameters as specified in the centerpoint, the ball is attached to. /*this->center_->attach(this->ball_); this->ball_->setPosition(0, 0, 0); this->ball_->setFieldDimension(this->center_->getFieldDimension()); // Set the bats for the ball. this->ball_->setFigure(this->figure_); */ // If one of the bats is missing, create it. Apply the template for the bats as specified in the centerpoint. if (this->figure_ == NULL) { this->figure_ = new JumpFigure(this->center_->getContext()); this->figure_->addTemplate(this->center_->getFigureTemplate()); } // Attach the bats to the centerpoint and set the parameters as specified in the centerpoint, the bats are attached to. this->center_->attach(this->figure_); this->figure_->setPosition(-this->center_->getFieldDimension().x / 2, 0, 0); this->figure_->setFieldDimension(this->center_->getFieldDimension()); } else // If no centerpoint was specified, an error is thrown and the level is exited. { orxout(internal_error) << "Jump: No Centerpoint specified." << endl; GSLevel::startMainMenu(); return; } // Start the timer. After it has expired the ball is started. this->starttimer_.startTimer(); // Set variable to temporarily force the player to spawn. bool temp = this->bForceSpawn_; this->bForceSpawn_ = true; // Call start for the parent class. Deathmatch::start(); // Reset the variable. this->bForceSpawn_ = temp; if (this->figure_ != NULL) { this->camera = this->figure_->getCamera(); } totalScreenShift = 0.0; screenShiftSinceLastUpdate = 0.0; sectionNumber = 0; addStartSection(); addSection(); addSection(); } /** @brief Ends the Jump minigame. */ void Jump::end() { cleanup(); GSLevel::startMainMenu(); // Call end for the parent class. Deathmatch::end(); } /** @brief Spawns players, and fills the rest up with bots. */ void Jump::spawnPlayersIfRequested() { // first spawn human players to assign always the left bat to the player in singleplayer for (std::map::iterator it = this->players_.begin(); it != this->players_.end(); ++it) if (it->first->isHumanPlayer() && (it->first->isReadyToSpawn() || this->bForceSpawn_)) this->spawnPlayer(it->first); // now spawn bots /* for (std::map::iterator it = this->players_.begin(); it != this->players_.end(); ++it) if (!it->first->isHumanPlayer() && (it->first->isReadyToSpawn() || this->bForceSpawn_)) this->spawnPlayer(it->first); */ } /** @brief Spawns the input player. @param player The player to be spawned. */ void Jump::spawnPlayer(PlayerInfo* player) { assert(player); // If the first (left) bat has no player. if (this->figure_->getPlayer() == NULL) { player->startControl(this->figure_); this->players_[player].state_ = PlayerState::Alive; } // If both bats are taken. else { return; } } /** @brief Is called when the player scored. */ void Jump::playerScored(PlayerInfo* player, int score) { /* Deathmatch::playerScored(player, score); if (this->center_ != NULL) // If there is a centerpoint. { // Fire an event for the player that has scored, to be able to react to it in the level, e.g. by displaying fireworks. if (player == this->getRightPlayer()) this->center_->fireEvent(FireEventName(JumpCenterpoint, right)); else if (player == this->getLeftPlayer()) this->center_->fireEvent(FireEventName(JumpCenterpoint, left)); // Also announce, that the player has scored. if (player != NULL) this->gtinfo_->sendAnnounceMessage(player->getName() + " scored"); } // If there is a ball present, reset its position, velocity and acceleration. if (this->ball_ != NULL) { this->ball_->setPosition(Vector3::ZERO); this->ball_->setVelocity(Vector3::ZERO); this->ball_->setAcceleration(Vector3::ZERO); this->ball_->setSpeed(0); } // If there are bats reset them to the middle position. if (this->figure_[0] != NULL && this->figure_[1] != NULL) { this->figure_[0]->setPosition(-this->center_->getFieldDimension().x / 2, 0, 0); this->figure_[1]->setPosition( this->center_->getFieldDimension().x / 2, 0, 0); } // If a player gets enough points, he won the game -> end of game PlayerInfo* winningPlayer = NULL; if (this->getLeftPlayer() && this->getScore(this->getLeftPlayer()) >= scoreLimit_) winningPlayer = this->getLeftPlayer(); else if (this->getRightPlayer() && this->getScore(this->getRightPlayer()) >= scoreLimit_) winningPlayer = getLeftPlayerthis->getRightPlayer(); if (winningPlayer) { ChatManager::message(winningPlayer->getName() + " has won!"); this->end(); } // Restart the timer to start the ball. this->starttimer_.startTimer(); */ } /** @brief Starts the ball with some default speed. */ void Jump::startBall() { } /** @brief Get the left player. @return Returns a pointer to the player playing on the left. If there is no left player, NULL is returned. */ PlayerInfo* Jump::getPlayer() const { if (this->figure_ != NULL) { return this->figure_->getPlayer(); } else { return 0; } } void Jump::addPlatform(JumpPlatform* newPlatform, std::string platformTemplate, float xPosition, float zPosition) { if (newPlatform != NULL && center_ != NULL) { newPlatform->addTemplate(platformTemplate); newPlatform->setPosition(Vector3(xPosition, 0.0, zPosition)); newPlatform->setFieldDimension(center_->getFieldDimension()); newPlatform->setFigure(this->figure_); center_->attach(newPlatform); } } void Jump::addPlatformStatic(float xPosition, float zPosition) { if (fakeAdded_ == false && rand()%5 == 0) { addPlatformFake(xPosition, zPosition); } else { JumpPlatformStatic* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformStatic(center_->getContext()); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformStaticTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); } } void Jump::addPlatformHMove(float xPosition, float zPosition, float leftBoundary, float rightBoundary, float speed) { JumpPlatformHMove* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformHMove(center_->getContext()); newPlatform->setProperties(leftBoundary, rightBoundary, speed); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformHMoveTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); } void Jump::addPlatformVMove(float xPosition, float zPosition, float lowerBoundary, float upperBoundary, float speed) { JumpPlatformVMove* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformVMove(center_->getContext()); newPlatform->setProperties(lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, speed); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformVMoveTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); } void Jump::addPlatformDisappear(float xPosition, float zPosition) { JumpPlatformDisappear* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformDisappear(center_->getContext()); newPlatform->setProperties(true); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformDisappearTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); } void Jump::addPlatformTimer(float xPosition, float zPosition, float time, float variance) { float additionalTime = (float)(rand()%100)/(100*variance) - variance/2; JumpPlatformTimer* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformTimer(center_->getContext()); newPlatform->setProperties(time + additionalTime); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformTimerTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); } void Jump::addPlatformFake(float xPosition, float zPosition) { fakeAdded_ = true; JumpPlatformFake* newPlatform = new JumpPlatformFake(center_->getContext()); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformFakeTemplate(), xPosition, zPosition); newPlatform->setAngularVelocity(Vector3(0, 0, 2.0)); } void Jump::addProjectile(float xPosition, float zPosition, float xVelocity, float zVelocity) { JumpProjectile* newProjectile = new JumpProjectile(center_->getContext()); if (newProjectile != NULL && center_ != NULL) { newProjectile->addTemplate(center_->getProjectileTemplate()); newProjectile->setPosition(Vector3(xPosition, 0.0, zPosition)); newProjectile->setVelocity(Vector3(xVelocity, 0.0, zVelocity)); newProjectile->setFieldDimension(center_->getFieldDimension()); newProjectile->setFigure(this->figure_); center_->attach(newProjectile); } } void Jump::addEnemy1(float xPosition, float zPosition, float leftBoundary, float rightBoundary, float lowerBoundary, float upperBoundary, float xVelocity, float zVelocity) { JumpEnemy* newEnemy = new JumpEnemy(center_->getContext()); if (newEnemy != NULL && center_ != NULL) { newEnemy->addTemplate(center_->getEnemy1Template()); newEnemy->setPosition(Vector3(xPosition, 0.0, zPosition)); newEnemy->setProperties(leftBoundary, rightBoundary, lowerBoundary, upperBoundary, xVelocity, zVelocity); newEnemy->setFieldDimension(center_->getFieldDimension()); newEnemy->setFigure(this->figure_); center_->attach(newEnemy); } } void Jump::addStartSection() { JumpPlatform* newPlatform; float sectionLength = center_->getSectionLength(); float platformLength = center_->getPlatformLength(); for (float xPosition = -center_->getFieldDimension().x; xPosition <= center_->getFieldDimension().x; xPosition += platformLength) { newPlatform = new JumpPlatformStatic(center_->getContext()); addPlatform(newPlatform, center_->getPlatformStaticTemplate(), xPosition, -0.05*sectionLength); } } void Jump::addSection() { float fieldWidth = center_->getFieldDimension().x; float sectionLength = center_->getSectionLength(); float platformLength = center_->getPlatformLength(); float sectionBegin = sectionNumber * sectionLength; float sectionEnd = (1.0 + sectionNumber) * sectionLength; int randPos1 = rand()%10; int randPos2 = rand()%10; int randPos3 = rand()%10; int randPos4 = rand()%10; if (rand()%5 == 0) { addEnemy1(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, sectionBegin + sectionLength/10, sectionBegin + sectionLength/10, 5.0, 0.0); } switch (rand()%12) { case 0: // Doppelt statisch for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(2, j), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; case 1: // Dreifach statisch for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(3, j), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; case 2: // statisch mit 1 horizontal for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i == randPos1) { addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, 30.0); } else { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; case 3: // statisch mit 2 horizontal for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i == randPos1 || i == randPos2) { addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, 30.0); } else { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; case 4: // statisch mit 3 horizontal for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i == randPos1 || i == randPos2 || i == randPos3) { addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, 30.0); } else { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; case 5: // statisch mit 4 horizontal for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (i == randPos1 || i == randPos2 || i == randPos3 || i == randPos4) { addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, 30.0); } else { addPlatformStatic(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10); } } break; // Einfach horizontal case 6: for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, fieldWidth, 30.0); } break; // Doppelt horizontal case 7: for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { float mediumPos = randomXPosition(3, 1); addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(3, 0), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, -fieldWidth, mediumPos - platformLength/2, 30.0); addPlatformHMove(randomXPosition(3, 2), sectionBegin + i*sectionLength/10, mediumPos+platformLength/2, fieldWidth, 30.0); } break; // Einfach vertikal case 8: for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { addPlatformVMove(-fieldWidth + i*fieldWidth*2/10, randomYPosition(sectionBegin, sectionEnd), sectionBegin, sectionEnd, 20.0); } break; // Doppelt vertikal case 9: for (int i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { addPlatformVMove(-fieldWidth + i*fieldWidth*2/10, randomYPosition(sectionBegin, sectionEnd), sectionBegin, sectionEnd, 20.0); } break; // Doppelt verschwindend case 10: for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { addPlatformDisappear(randomXPosition(2, j), randomYPosition(sectionBegin, sectionEnd)); } } break; // Doppelt Timer case 11: for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { addPlatformTimer(randomXPosition(2, j), randomYPosition(sectionBegin, sectionEnd), 6.0, 1.5); } } break; } orxout() << "new section added with number "<< sectionNumber << endl; fakeAdded_ = false; ++ sectionNumber; } float Jump::randomXPosition() { float fieldWidth = center_->getFieldDimension().x; return (float)(rand()%(2*(int)fieldWidth)) - fieldWidth; } float Jump::randomXPosition(int totalColumns, int culomn) { float fieldWidth = center_->getFieldDimension().x; float width = 2*fieldWidth/totalColumns; float leftBound = culomn*width-fieldWidth; float platformLength = center_->getPlatformLength(); return (float)(rand()%(int)(width-platformLength)) + leftBound + platformLength/2; } float Jump::randomYPosition(float lowerBoundary, float upperBoundary) { return (float)(rand()%(int)(100*(upperBoundary - lowerBoundary)))/100 + lowerBoundary; } int Jump::getScore(PlayerInfo* player) const { return sectionNumber - 2; } }