/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file Pickup.cc @brief Implementation of the Pickup class. */ #include "Pickup.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "util/StringUtils.h" #include "pickup/PickupIdentifier.h" #include "DroppedPickup.h" #include "tools/Timer.h" namespace orxonox { /*static*/ const std::string Pickup::activationTypeImmediate_s = "immediate"; /*static*/ const std::string Pickup::activationTypeOnUse_s = "onUse"; /*static*/ const std::string Pickup::durationTypeOnce_s = "once"; /*static*/ const std::string Pickup::durationTypeContinuous_s = "continuous"; Pickup::Pickup(BaseObject* creator) : BaseObject(creator) { RegisterObject(Pickup); this->initialize(); } Pickup::~Pickup() { } /** @brief Initializes the member variables. */ void Pickup::initialize(void) { this->activationType_ = pickupActivationType::immediate; this->durationType_ = pickupDurationType::once; } /** @brief Initializes the PickupIdentififer of this Pickup. */ void Pickup::initializeIdentifier(void) { std::string val1 = this->getActivationType(); std::string type1 = "activationType"; this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type1, val1); std::string val2 = this->getDurationType(); std::string type2 = "durationType"; this->pickupIdentifier_->addParameter(type2, val2); } /** @brief Method for creating a Pickup object through XML. */ void Pickup::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(Pickup, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(Pickup, "activationType", setActivationType, getActivationType, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(Pickup, "durationType", setDurationType, getDurationType, xmlelement, mode); this->initializeIdentifier(); } /** @brief Get the activation type of the pickup. @return Returns a string containing the activation type. */ const std::string& Pickup::getActivationType(void) { switch(this->activationType_) { case pickupActivationType::immediate: return activationTypeImmediate_s; case pickupActivationType::onUse: return activationTypeOnUse_s; default: return BLANKSTRING; } } /** @brief Get the duration type of the pickup. @return Returns a string containing the duration type. */ const std::string& Pickup::getDurationType(void) { switch(this->durationType_) { case pickupDurationType::once: return durationTypeOnce_s; case pickupDurationType::continuous: return durationTypeContinuous_s; default: return BLANKSTRING; } } /** @brief Set the activation type of the Pickup. @param type The activation type of the Pickup as a string. */ void Pickup::setActivationType(const std::string& type) { if(type == activationTypeImmediate_s) { this->activationType_ = pickupActivationType::immediate; } else if(type == activationTypeOnUse_s) { this->activationType_ = pickupActivationType::onUse; } else { COUT(1) << "Invalid activationType in pickup." << std::endl; } } /** @brief Set the duration type of the Pickup. @param type The duration type of the Pickup as a string. */ void Pickup::setDurationType(const std::string& type) { if(type == durationTypeOnce_s) { this->durationType_ = pickupDurationType::once; } else if(type == durationTypeContinuous_s) { this->durationType_ = pickupDurationType::continuous; } else { COUT(1) << "Invalid durationType in pickup." << std::endl; } } /** @brief Should be called when the pickup has transited from picked up to dropped or the other way around. Any Class overwriting this method must call its SUPER function by adding SUPER(Classname, changedPickedUp); to their changedPickedUp method. */ void Pickup::changedPickedUp(void) { SUPER(Pickup, changedPickedUp); //! Sets the Pickup to used if the Pickup has activation type 'immediate' and gets picked up. if(this->getCarrier() != NULL && this->isPickedUp() && this->isImmediate()) { this->setUsed(true); } } /** @brief Creates a duplicate of the Pickup. @return Returns the clone of this pickup as a pointer to a Pickupable. */ void Pickup::clone(OrxonoxClass*& item) { if(item == NULL) item = new Pickup(this); SUPER(Pickup, clone, item); Pickup* pickup = dynamic_cast(item); pickup->setActivationTypeDirect(this->getActivationTypeDirect()); pickup->setDurationTypeDirect(this->getDurationTypeDirect()); pickup->initializeIdentifier(); } /** @brief Facilitates the creation of a PickupSpawner upon dropping of the Pickupable. This method must be implemented by any class directly inheriting from Pickupable. It is most easily done by just creating a new DroppedPickup, e.g.: DroppedPickup(BaseObject* creator, Pickupable* pickup, const Vector3& position); @param position The position at which the PickupSpawner should be placed. @return Returns true if a spawner was created, false if not. */ bool Pickup::createSpawner(void) { new DroppedPickup(this, this, this->getCarrier()); return true; } /** @brief Starts the Pickup duration Timer. */ bool Pickup::startPickupTimer(float durationTime) { if (durationTime<=0) { COUT(1) << "Invalid durationTime in pickup." << std::endl; return false; } if (false) /*TODO*/ { COUT(1) << "Pickup durationTimer already in use." << std::endl; return false; } this->durationTimer_.setTimer(durationTime, false, createExecutor(createFunctor(&Pickup::PickupTimerCallBack, this))); return true; } }