/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Erwin 'vaiursch' Herrsche * Kevin Young * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "SoundManager.h" #include #include #include "util/Exception.h" #include "util/Math.h" #include "util/ScopeGuard.h" #include "util/StringUtils.h" #include "util/Clock.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "core/GameMode.h" #include "core/ScopedSingletonManager.h" #include "core/Resource.h" #include "SoundBuffer.h" #include "BaseSound.h" #include "AmbientSound.h" #include "WorldSound.h" namespace orxonox { ManageScopedSingleton(SoundManager, ScopeID::Graphics, true); SoundManager::SoundManager() { RegisterRootObject(SoundManager); /* if (!alutInitWithoutContext(NULL, NULL)) */ if (!alutInit(NULL, NULL)) ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "Sound: OpenAL ALUT error: " << alutGetErrorString(alutGetError())); Loki::ScopeGuard alutExitGuard = Loki::MakeGuard(&alutExit); // Note: Everything related to ALC has been commented because there seem to be // very serious problems with the unloading sequence (complete freeze on Linux, // sometimes really everything gone, including response to any signals). // For the moment ALUT can do everything we need so far. /* COUT(3) << "Sound: OpenAL: Opening sound device..." << std::endl; this->device_ = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if (this->device_ == NULL) { COUT(0) << "Sound: OpenaAL: Could not open sound device. Have you installed OpenAL?" << std::endl; #ifdef ORXONOX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS COUT(0) << "Sound: Just getting the DLL with the dependencies is not enough for Windows (esp. Windows 7)!" << std::endl; #endif ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "Sound: OpenAL error: Could not open sound device."); } Loki::ScopeGuard closeDeviceGuard = Loki::MakeGuard(&alcCloseDevice, this->device_); COUT(3) << "Sound: OpenAL: Sound device opened" << std::endl; this->context_ = alcCreateContext(this->device_, NULL); if (this->context_ == NULL) ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "Sound: OpenAL error: Could not create sound context"); Loki::ScopeGuard desroyContextGuard = Loki::MakeGuard(&alcDestroyContext, this->context_); if (alcMakeContextCurrent(this->context_) == AL_TRUE) COUT(3) << "Sound: OpenAL: Context " << this->context_ << " loaded" << std::endl; COUT(4) << "Sound: OpenAL ALUT version: " << alutGetMajorVersion() << "." << alutGetMinorVersion() << std::endl; const char* str = alutGetMIMETypes(ALUT_LOADER_BUFFER); if (str == NULL) COUT(2) << "Sound: OpenAL ALUT error: " << alutGetErrorString(alutGetError()) << std::endl; else COUT(4) << "Sound: OpenAL ALUT supported MIME types: " << str << std::endl; */ GameMode::setPlaysSound(true); // Disarm guards alutExitGuard.Dismiss(); /* closeDeviceGuard.Dismiss(); desroyContextGuard.Dismiss(); */ this->setVolumeInternal(1.0, SoundType::none); this->setVolumeInternal(1.0, SoundType::ambient); this->setVolumeInternal(1.0, SoundType::effects); this->mute_[SoundType::none] = false; this->mute_[SoundType::ambient] = false; this->mute_[SoundType::effects] = false; this->setConfigValues(); } SoundManager::~SoundManager() { GameMode::setPlaysSound(false); /* alcDestroyContext(this->context_); alcCloseDevice(this->device_); */ alutExit(); } void SoundManager::preUpdate(const Clock& time) { this->processCrossFading(time.getDeltaTime()); } void SoundManager::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(crossFadeStep_, 0.2f) .description("Determines how fast sounds should fade, per second.") .callback(this, &SoundManager::checkFadeStepValidity); SetConfigValue(soundVolume_, 1.0f) .description("Defines the overall volume.") .callback(this, &SoundManager::checkSoundVolumeValidity); SetConfigValue(ambientVolume_, 1.0f) .description("Defines the ambient volume.") .callback(this, &SoundManager::checkAmbientVolumeValidity); SetConfigValue(effectsVolume_, 1.0f) .description("Defines the effects volume.") .callback(this, &SoundManager::checkEffectsVolumeValidity); } void SoundManager::checkFadeStepValidity() { if (crossFadeStep_ <= 0.0 || crossFadeStep_ >= 1.0 ) { COUT(2) << "Sound warning: Sound step out of range, ignoring change." << std::endl; ResetConfigValue(crossFadeStep_); } COUT(3) << "SoundManager: fade step set to " << crossFadeStep_ << std::endl; return; } bool SoundManager::checkVolumeValidity(SoundType::Value type) { bool valid = true; if(this->getVolumeInternal(type) < 0.0 || this->getVolumeInternal(type) > 1.0) { COUT(2) << "Sound warning: Sound volume out of range, ignoring change." << std::endl; valid = false; } this->updateVolume(type); COUT(4) << "SoundManager: volume set to " << this->getVolumeInternal(type) << std::endl; return valid; } void SoundManager::checkSoundVolumeValidity() { if(!checkVolumeValidity(SoundType::none)) { ResetConfigValue(soundVolume_); } } void SoundManager::checkAmbientVolumeValidity() { if(!checkVolumeValidity(SoundType::ambient)) { ResetConfigValue(ambientVolume_); } } void SoundManager::checkEffectsVolumeValidity() { if(!checkVolumeValidity(SoundType::effects)) { ResetConfigValue(effectsVolume_); } } void SoundManager::setListenerPosition(const Vector3& position) { alListener3f(AL_POSITION, position.x, position.y, position.z); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error == AL_INVALID_VALUE) COUT(2) << "Sound: OpenAL: Invalid listener position" << std::endl; } void SoundManager::setListenerOrientation(const Quaternion& orientation) { // update listener orientation Vector3 up = orientation.xAxis(); // just a wild guess Vector3 at = orientation.zAxis(); ALfloat orient[6] = { at.x, at.y, at.z, up.x, up.y, up.z }; alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, orient); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error == AL_INVALID_VALUE) COUT(2) << "Sound: OpenAL: Invalid listener orientation" << std::endl; } void SoundManager::registerAmbientSound(AmbientSound* newAmbient) { if (newAmbient != NULL) { for (AmbientList::const_iterator it = this->ambientSounds_.begin(); it != this->ambientSounds_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == newAmbient) { COUT(2) << "Sound warning: Will not play an AmbientSound twice." << std::endl; return; } } if (!this->ambientSounds_.empty()) { this->fadeOut(ambientSounds_.front().first); } this->ambientSounds_.push_front(std::make_pair(newAmbient, false)); newAmbient->doPlay(); this->fadeIn(newAmbient); } } void SoundManager::unregisterAmbientSound(AmbientSound* oldAmbient) { if (oldAmbient == NULL || ambientSounds_.empty()) { return; } if (this->ambientSounds_.front().first == oldAmbient) { this->fadeOut(oldAmbient); this->ambientSounds_.pop_front(); if (!this->ambientSounds_.empty()) { if (!this->ambientSounds_.front().second) // Not paused before { this->ambientSounds_.front().first->doPlay(); } this->fadeIn(this->ambientSounds_.front().first); } } else { for (AmbientList::iterator it = this->ambientSounds_.begin(); it != this->ambientSounds_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == oldAmbient) { this->fadeOut(oldAmbient); this->ambientSounds_.erase(it); break; } } } } void SoundManager::pauseAmbientSound(AmbientSound* ambient) { if (ambient != NULL) { for (AmbientList::iterator it = this->ambientSounds_.begin(); it != this->ambientSounds_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == ambient) { it->second = true; this->fadeOut(it->first); return; } } } } void SoundManager::setVolume(float vol, SoundType::Value type) { vol = this->checkVolumeRange(vol); this->setVolumeInternal(vol, type); this->updateVolume(type); } float SoundManager::checkVolumeRange(float vol) { if(vol < 0.0 || vol > 1.0) { COUT(2) << "Sound warning: volume out of range, cropping value." << std::endl; vol = vol > 1 ? 1 : vol; vol = vol < 0 ? 0 : vol; } return vol; } void SoundManager::updateVolume(SoundType::Value type) { switch(type) { case SoundType::none: for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { (*it)->updateVolume(); } break; case SoundType::ambient: for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { (*it)->updateVolume(); } break; case SoundType::effects: for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { (*it)->updateVolume(); } break; default: COUT(2) << "Invalid SoundType in SoundManager::updateVolume() - Not updating!" << std::endl; } } void SoundManager::setVolumeInternal(float vol, SoundType::Value type) { switch(type) { case SoundType::none: this->soundVolume_ = vol; break; case SoundType::ambient: this->ambientVolume_ = vol; break; case SoundType::effects: this->effectsVolume_ = vol; break; default: COUT(2) << "Invalid SoundType in SoundManager::setVolumeInternal() - Not setting any volume!" << std::endl; } } float SoundManager::getVolumeInternal(SoundType::Value type) { switch(type) { case SoundType::none: return this->soundVolume_; case SoundType::ambient: return this->ambientVolume_; case SoundType::effects: return this->effectsVolume_; default: COUT(2) << "Invalid SoundType in SoundManager::setVolumeInternal() - Returning 0.0!" << std::endl; return 0.0; } } float SoundManager::getVolume(SoundType::Value type) { if(this->mute_[SoundType::none] || this->mute_[type]) return 0.0; if(type == SoundType::none) return this->getVolumeInternal(type); return this->getVolumeInternal(SoundType::none)*this->getVolumeInternal(type); } void SoundManager::toggleMute(SoundType::Value type) { bool mute = !this->mute_[type]; this->mute_[type] = mute; this->updateVolume(type); } bool SoundManager::getMute(SoundType::Value type) { return this->mute_[type]; } void SoundManager::fadeIn(AmbientSound* sound) { // If we're already fading out --> remove that for (std::list::iterator it = this->fadeOutList_.begin(); it != this->fadeOutList_.end(); it++) { if (*it == sound) { this->fadeOutList_.erase(it); break; } } // No duplicate entries if (std::find(this->fadeInList_.begin(), this->fadeInList_.end(), sound) == this->fadeInList_.end()) this->fadeInList_.push_back(sound); } void SoundManager::fadeOut(AmbientSound* sound) { // If we're already fading in --> remove that for (std::list::iterator it = this->fadeInList_.begin(); it != this->fadeInList_.end(); it++) { if (*it == sound) { this->fadeInList_.erase(it); break; } } // No duplicate entries if (std::find(this->fadeOutList_.begin(), this->fadeOutList_.end(), sound) == this->fadeOutList_.end()) this->fadeOutList_.push_back(sound); } void SoundManager::processCrossFading(float dt) { // Hacky solution to the fade delay while loading a level. if(dt > 0.2) { return; } // FADE IN for (std::list::iterator it= this->fadeInList_.begin(); it != this->fadeInList_.end(); ) { if ((*it)->getVolume() + this->crossFadeStep_*dt > 1.0f) { (*it)->setVolume(1.0f); this->fadeInList_.erase(it++); } else { (*it)->setVolume((*it)->getVolume() + this->crossFadeStep_*dt); ++it; } } // FADE OUT for (std::list::iterator it = this->fadeOutList_.begin(); it != this->fadeOutList_.end(); ) { if ((*it)->getVolume() - this->crossFadeStep_*dt < 0.0f) { (*it)->setVolume(0.0f); // If sound is in the ambient list --> pause for (AmbientList::const_iterator it2 = this->ambientSounds_.begin(); it2 != this->ambientSounds_.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->first == *it) { (*it)->doPause(); break; } } // If not pause (by loop above for instance) --> stop if (!(*it)->isPaused()) (*it)->doStop(); this->fadeOutList_.erase(it++); } else { (*it)->setVolume((*it)->getVolume() - this->crossFadeStep_*dt); ++it; } } } shared_ptr SoundManager::getSoundBuffer(shared_ptr fileInfo) { std::map >::const_iterator it = this->soundBuffers_.find(fileInfo->group + '/' + fileInfo->filename); if (it != this->soundBuffers_.end()) return it->second.lock(); else { shared_ptr buffer; try { buffer.reset(new SoundBuffer(fileInfo)); } catch (...) { COUT(1) << Exception::handleMessage() << std::endl; return shared_ptr(); } this->soundBuffers_[fileInfo->group + '/' + fileInfo->filename] = buffer; return buffer; } } void SoundManager::removeBuffer(shared_ptr fileInfo) { std::map >::iterator it = this->soundBuffers_.find(fileInfo->group + '/' + fileInfo->filename); if (it != this->soundBuffers_.end()) this->soundBuffers_.erase(it); } }