/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file Pickupable.cc @brief Implementation of the Pickupable class. */ #include "Pickupable.h" #include "core/LuaState.h" #include "core/GUIManager.h" #include "core/Identifier.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "util/Convert.h" #include "infos/PlayerInfo.h" #include "pickup/PickupIdentifier.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "PickupCarrier.h" namespace orxonox { /** @brief Constructor. Registers the objects and initializes its member variables. */ Pickupable::Pickupable() : pickupIdentifier_(NULL), used_(false), pickedUp_(false) { RegisterRootObject(Pickupable); this->carrier_ = NULL; this->pickupIdentifier_ = new PickupIdentifier(this); } /** @brief Destructor. */ Pickupable::~Pickupable() { if(this->isUsed()) this->setUsed(false); if(this->isPickedUp() && this->getCarrier() != NULL) { this->getCarrier()->drop(this, false); this->setCarrier(NULL); } if(this->pickupIdentifier_ != NULL) this->pickupIdentifier_->destroy(); } /** @brief Sets the Pickupable to used or unused, depending on the input. @param used If used is true the Pickupable is set to used, it is set to unused, otherwise. @return Returns true if the used state was changed, false if not. */ bool Pickupable::setUsed(bool used) { if(this->used_ == used) return false; COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") set to used " << used << "." << std::endl; this->used_ = used; this->changedUsed(); GUIManager::getInstance().getLuaState()->doString("PickupInventory.update()"); return true; } /** @brief Get whether the given PickupCarrier is a target of this Pickupable. @param carrier The PickupCarrier of which it has to be determinde whether it is a target of this Pickupable. @return Returns true if the given PickupCarrier is a target. */ bool Pickupable::isTarget(PickupCarrier* carrier) const { if(carrier == NULL) return false; return this->isTarget(carrier->getIdentifier()); } /** @brief Get whether the given Identififer is a target of this Pickupable. @param identifier The PickupCarrier of which it has to be determinde whether it is a target of this Pickupable. @return Returns true if the given PickupCarrier is a target. */ bool Pickupable::isTarget(const Identifier* identifier) const { //! Iterate through all targets of this Pickupable. for(std::list::const_iterator it = this->targets_.begin(); it != this->targets_.end(); it++) { if(identifier->isA(*it)) return true; } return false; } /** @brief Add a PickupCarrier as target of this Pickupable. @param target The PickupCarrier to be added. @return Returns true if the target was added, false if not. */ bool Pickupable::addTarget(PickupCarrier* target) { return this->addTarget(target->getIdentifier()); } /** @brief Add a class, representetd by the input Identifier, as target of this Pickupable. @param target The Identifier to be added. @return Returns true if the target was added, false if not. */ bool Pickupable::addTarget(Identifier* target) { if(this->isTarget(target)) //!< If the input target is already present in the list of targets. return false; COUT(4) << "Target " << target->getName() << " added to Pickupable (&" << this << ")." << std::endl; this->targets_.push_back(target); return true; } /** @brief Sets the Pickupable to picked up. This method will be called by the PickupCarrier picking the Pickupable up. @param carrier The PickupCarrier that picked the Pickupable up. @return Returns false if, for some reason, the pickup could not be picked up, e.g. it was picked up already. */ bool Pickupable::pickedUp(PickupCarrier* carrier) { if(this->isPickedUp()) //!< If the Pickupable is already picked up. return false; COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") got picked up by a PickupCarrier (&" << carrier << ")." << std::endl; this->setCarrier(carrier); this->setPickedUp(true); return true; } /** @brief Helper method to set the Pickupable to either picked up or not picked up. @param pickedUp The value this->pickedUp_ should be set to. @return Returns true if the pickedUp status was changed, false if not. */ bool Pickupable::setPickedUp(bool pickedUp) { if(this->pickedUp_ == pickedUp) return false; COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") set to pickedUp " << pickedUp << "." << std::endl; this->pickedUp_ = pickedUp; this->changedPickedUp(); GUIManager::getInstance().getLuaState()->doString("PickupInventory.update()"); return true; } /** @brief Sets the carrier of the Pickupable. @param carrier Sets the input PickupCarrier as the carrier of the pickup. */ inline bool Pickupable::setCarrier(PickupCarrier* carrier, bool tell) { if(this->carrier_ == carrier) return false; COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") changed Carrier (& " << carrier << ")." << std::endl; this->carrier_ = carrier; this->changedCarrier(); if(tell && carrier != NULL) this->carrier_->pickups_.insert(this); return true; } /** @brief Sets the Pickupable to not picked up or dropped. This method will be called by the PickupCarrier dropping the Pickupable. @return Returns false if the pickup could not be dropped. */ bool Pickupable::dropped(void) { if(!this->isPickedUp()) //!< If the Pickupable is not picked up. return false; COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") got dropped up by a PickupCarrier (&" << this->getCarrier() << ")." << std::endl; this->setUsed(false); this->setPickedUp(false); bool created = this->createSpawner(); this->setCarrier(NULL); if(!created) { this->destroy(); } return true; } /** @brief Creates a duplicate of the Pickupable. @return Returns the clone of this pickup as a pointer to a Pickupable. */ Pickupable* Pickupable::clone(void) { OrxonoxClass* item = NULL; this->clone(item); Pickupable* pickup = dynamic_cast(item); COUT(4) << "Pickupable (&" << this << ") cloned. Clone is new Pickupable (&" << pickup << ")." << std::endl; return pickup; } /** @brief Creates a duplicate of the input OrxonoxClass. This method needs to be implemented by any Class inheriting from Pickupable. @param item A reference to a pointer to the OrxonoxClass that is to be duplicated. */ void Pickupable::clone(OrxonoxClass*& item) { SUPER(Pickupable, clone, item); } /** @brief Method to transcribe a Pickupable as a Rewardable to the player. @param player A pointer to the PlayerInfo, do whatever you want with it. @return Return true if successful. */ bool Pickupable::reward(PlayerInfo* player) { ControllableEntity* entity = player->getControllableEntity(); Pawn* pawn = static_cast(entity); PickupCarrier* carrier = static_cast(pawn); return carrier->pickup(this); } }