# General package configuration. Merely sets the include paths. # Library files are treated separately. # Check package version info # MAJOR: Interface breaking change somewhere (library version changed, etc.) # MINOR: Bug fix or small conformant changes SET(DEPENDENCY_VERSION_REQUIRED 3) IF(NOT EXISTS ${DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_DIR}/version.txt) SET(DEPENDENCY_VERSION 1.0) ELSE() # Get version from file FILE(READ ${DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE_DIR}/version.txt _file_content) SET(_match) STRING(REGEX MATCH "([0-9]+.[0-9]+)" _match ${_file_content}) IF(_match) SET(DEPENDENCY_VERSION ${_match}) ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The version.txt file in the dependency file has corrupt version information.") ENDIF() ENDIF() INCLUDE(CompareVersionStrings) COMPARE_VERSION_STRINGS(${DEPENDENCY_VERSION} ${DEPENDENCY_VERSION_REQUIRED} _result) IF(NOT _result EQUAL 0) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Your dependency package version is ${DEPENDENCY_VERSION}\n" "Required version: ${DEPENDENCY_VERSION_REQUIRED}\n" "You can get a new version from www.orxonox.net") ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Using library package for the dependencies.") # Include paths and other special treatments SET(ENV{ALUTDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/freealut) SET(ENV{BOOST_ROOT} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/boost) SET(ENV{CEGUIDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/cegui) SET(ENV{DXSDK_DIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/directx) SET(ENV{ENETDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/enet) SET(ENV{LUA_DIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/lua) SET(ENV{OGGDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/libogg) SET(ENV{VORBISDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/libvorbis) SET(ENV{OGRE_HOME} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/ogre) SET(ENV{OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR} ${DEP_BINARY_DIR}) SET(ENV{OPENALDIR} ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/openal) LIST(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/tcl/include) LIST(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${DEP_INCLUDE_DIR}/zlib/include) ### INSTALL ### # Tcl script library INSTALL( DIRECTORY ${DEP_LIBRARY_DIR}/tcl/ DESTINATION lib/tcl ) # On Windows, DLLs have to be in the executable folder, install them IF(WIN32 AND DEP_BINARY_DIR) ## DEBUG # When installing a debug version, we really can't know which libraries # are used in released mode because there might be deps of deps. # --> Copy all of them, except the debug databases INSTALL( DIRECTORY ${DEP_BINARY_DIR}/ DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Debug REGEX "^.*\\.pdb$" EXCLUDE ) ## RELEASE # Try to filter out all the debug libraries. If the regex doesn't do the # job anymore, simply adjust it. INSTALL( DIRECTORY ${DEP_BINARY_DIR}/ DESTINATION bin CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel REGEX "_[Dd]\\.[a-zA-Z0-9+-]+$|-mt-gd-|^.*\\.pdb$" EXCLUDE ) ENDIF()