uniform vec4 lightDiffuse; uniform vec4 scaleBias; uniform vec4 spotParams; uniform vec4 lightDiffuse1; uniform vec4 spotParams1; uniform sampler2D normalHeightMap; uniform sampler2D diffuseMap; uniform sampler2D shadowMap1; uniform sampler2D shadowMap2; varying vec3 tangentEyeDir; varying vec3 tangentLightDir[2]; varying vec3 tangentSpotDir[2]; varying vec4 shadowUV[2]; // Expand a range-compressed vector vec3 expand(vec3 v) { return (v - 0.5) * 2.0; } void main() { // get the height using the tex coords float height = texture2D(normalHeightMap, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).a; // scale and bias factors float scale = scaleBias.x; float bias = scaleBias.y; // calculate displacement float displacement = (height * scale) + bias; //float displacement = (height * 0.04) - 0.02; vec3 scaledEyeDir = tangentEyeDir * displacement; // calculate the new tex coord to use for normal and diffuse vec2 newTexCoord = (scaledEyeDir + gl_TexCoord[0].xyz).xy; // get the new normal and diffuse values vec3 normal = expand(texture2D(normalHeightMap, newTexCoord).xyz); vec4 diffuse = texture2D(diffuseMap, newTexCoord); vec4 col1 = diffuse * clamp(dot(normal, tangentLightDir[0]),0.0,1.0) * lightDiffuse; // factor in spotlight angle float rho = clamp(dot(tangentSpotDir[0], tangentLightDir[0]),0.0,1.0); // factor = (rho - cos(outer/2) / cos(inner/2) - cos(outer/2)) ^ falloff float spotFactor = pow( clamp(rho - spotParams.y,0.0,1.0) / (spotParams.x - spotParams.y), spotParams.z); col1 = col1 * spotFactor; vec4 col2 = diffuse * clamp(dot(normal, tangentLightDir[1]),0.0,1.0) * lightDiffuse1; // factor in spotlight angle rho = clamp(dot(tangentSpotDir[1], tangentLightDir[1]),0.0,1.0); // factor = (rho - cos(outer/2) / cos(inner/2) - cos(outer/2)) ^ falloff spotFactor = pow( clamp(rho - spotParams1.y,0.0,1.0) / (spotParams1.x - spotParams1.y), spotParams1.z); col2 = col2 * spotFactor; // shadow textures col1 = col1 * texture2DProj(shadowMap1, shadowUV[0]); col2 = col2 * texture2DProj(shadowMap2, shadowUV[1]); gl_FragColor = col1 + col2; }