/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Reto Grieder * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Implementation of the InputManager that captures all the input from OIS and redirects it to handlers. */ #include "InputManager.h" #include #include #include "ois/OISException.h" #include "ois/OISInputManager.h" #include "util/Exception.h" #include "core/Clock.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/ConfigValueIncludes.h" #include "core/CommandExecutor.h" #include "core/ConsoleCommand.h" #include "core/CommandLine.h" #include "util/Debug.h" #include "InputBuffer.h" #include "KeyBinder.h" #include "KeyDetector.h" #include "CalibratorCallback.h" #include "InputState.h" #include "SimpleInputState.h" #include "ExtendedInputState.h" #include "JoyStickDeviceNumberListener.h" namespace orxonox { SetConsoleCommand(InputManager, calibrate, true); SetConsoleCommand(InputManager, reload, false); SetCommandLineSwitch(keyboard_no_grab); EmptyHandler InputManager::EMPTY_HANDLER; InputManager* InputManager::singletonRef_s = 0; using namespace InputDevice; /** @brief Defines the |= operator for easier use. */ inline InputManager::InputManagerState operator|=(InputManager::InputManagerState& lval, InputManager::InputManagerState rval) { return (lval = (InputManager::InputManagerState)(lval | rval)); } /** @brief Defines the &= operator for easier use. */ inline InputManager::InputManagerState operator&=(InputManager::InputManagerState& lval, int rval) { return (lval = (InputManager::InputManagerState)(lval & rval)); } // ############################################################ // ##### Initialisation ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Constructor only sets member fields to initial zero values and registers the class in the class hierarchy. */ InputManager::InputManager() : inputSystem_(0) , keyboard_(0) , mouse_(0) , joySticksSize_(0) , devicesNum_(0) , windowHnd_(0) , internalState_(Uninitialised) , stateEmpty_(0) , keyDetector_(0) , calibratorCallbackBuffer_(0) , keyboardModifiers_(0) { RegisterRootObject(InputManager); assert(singletonRef_s == 0); singletonRef_s = this; setConfigValues(); } /** @brief Sets the configurable values. */ void InputManager::setConfigValues() { SetConfigValue(calibrationFilename_, "joystick_calibration.ini") .description("Ini filename for the the joy stick calibration data.") .callback(this, &InputManager::_calibrationFileCallback); } /** @brief Callback for the joy stick calibration config file. @see setConfigValues. */ void InputManager::_calibrationFileCallback() { ConfigFileManager::getInstance().setFilename(ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, calibrationFilename_); } /** @brief Creates the OIS::InputMananger, the keyboard, the mouse and the joysticks and assigns the key bindings. @param windowHnd The window handle of the render window @param windowWidth The width of the render window @param windowHeight The height of the render window @param joyStickSupport Whether or not to load the joy sticks as well */ void InputManager::initialise(size_t windowHnd, int windowWidth, int windowHeight, bool joyStickSupport) { CCOUT(3) << "Initialising Input System..." << std::endl; if (!(internalState_ & OISReady)) { CCOUT(4) << "Initialising OIS components..." << std::endl; // store handle internally so we can reload OIS windowHnd_ = windowHnd; OIS::ParamList paramList; std::ostringstream windowHndStr; // Fill parameter list windowHndStr << (unsigned int)windowHnd_; paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), windowHndStr.str())); //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_mouse"), std::string("DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE"))); //paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("w32_mouse"), std::string("DISCL_FOREGROUND"))); #if defined ORXONOX_PLATFORM_LINUX paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("XAutoRepeatOn"), std::string("true"))); paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_grab"), "true")); paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_mouse_hide"), "true")); bool kbNoGrab; CommandLine::getValue("keyboard_no_grab", &kbNoGrab); if (kbNoGrab) paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_keyboard_grab"), std::string("false"))); else paramList.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("x11_keyboard_grab"), std::string("true"))); #endif inputSystem_ = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem(paramList); CCOUT(ORX_DEBUG) << "Created OIS input system" << std::endl; _initialiseKeyboard(); _initialiseMouse(); if (joyStickSupport) _initialiseJoySticks(); // Do this anyway to also inform everything when a joystick was detached. _configureJoySticks(); // Set mouse/joystick region if (mouse_) setWindowExtents(windowWidth, windowHeight); // clear all buffers _clearBuffers(); internalState_ |= OISReady; CCOUT(ORX_DEBUG) << "Initialising OIS components done." << std::endl; } else { CCOUT(2) << "Warning: OIS compoments already initialised, skipping" << std::endl; } if (!(internalState_ & InternalsReady)) { CCOUT(4) << "Initialising InputStates components..." << std::endl; // Lowest priority empty InputState stateEmpty_ = createInputState("empty", false, false, InputStatePriority::Empty); stateEmpty_->setHandler(&EMPTY_HANDLER); activeStates_[stateEmpty_->getPriority()] = stateEmpty_; // KeyDetector to evaluate a pressed key's name SimpleInputState* detector = createInputState("detector", false, false, InputStatePriority::Detector); keyDetector_ = new KeyDetector(); detector->setHandler(keyDetector_); // Joy stick calibration helper callback SimpleInputState* calibrator = createInputState("calibrator", false, false, InputStatePriority::Calibrator); calibrator->setHandler(&EMPTY_HANDLER); calibratorCallbackBuffer_ = new InputBuffer(); calibratorCallbackBuffer_->registerListener(this, &InputManager::_completeCalibration, '\r', true); calibrator->setKeyHandler(calibratorCallbackBuffer_); internalState_ |= InternalsReady; CCOUT(4) << "Initialising InputStates complete." << std::endl; } _updateActiveStates(); CCOUT(3) << "Initialising complete." << std::endl; } /** @brief Creates a keyboard and sets the event handler. @return False if keyboard stays uninitialised, true otherwise. */ void InputManager::_initialiseKeyboard() { if (keyboard_ != 0) { CCOUT(2) << "Warning: Keyboard already initialised, skipping." << std::endl; return; } if (inputSystem_->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISKeyboard) > 0) { keyboard_ = (OIS::Keyboard*)inputSystem_->createInputObject(OIS::OISKeyboard, true); // register our listener in OIS. keyboard_->setEventCallback(this); // note: OIS will not detect keys that have already been down when the keyboard was created. CCOUT(ORX_DEBUG) << "Created OIS keyboard" << std::endl; } else { ThrowException(InitialisationFailed, "No keyboard found!"); } } /** @brief Creates a mouse and sets the event handler. @return False if mouse stays uninitialised, true otherwise. */ void InputManager::_initialiseMouse() { if (mouse_ != 0) { CCOUT(2) << "Warning: Mouse already initialised, skipping." << std::endl; return; } try { if (inputSystem_->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISMouse) > 0) { mouse_ = static_cast(inputSystem_->createInputObject(OIS::OISMouse, true)); // register our listener in OIS. mouse_->setEventCallback(this); CCOUT(ORX_DEBUG) << "Created OIS mouse" << std::endl; } else { CCOUT(ORX_WARNING) << "Warning: No mouse found!" << std::endl; } } catch (OIS::Exception ex) { CCOUT(ORX_WARNING) << "Warning: Failed to create an OIS mouse\n" << "OIS error message: \"" << ex.eText << "\"" << std::endl; mouse_ = 0; } } /** @brief Creates all joy sticks and sets the event handler. @return False joy stick stay uninitialised, true otherwise. */ void InputManager::_initialiseJoySticks() { if (joySticksSize_ > 0) { CCOUT(2) << "Warning: Joy sticks already initialised, skipping." << std::endl; return; } if (inputSystem_->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick) > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < inputSystem_->getNumberOfDevices(OIS::OISJoyStick); i++) { try { OIS::JoyStick* stig = static_cast (inputSystem_->createInputObject(OIS::OISJoyStick, true)); CCOUT(ORX_DEBUG) << "Created OIS joy stick with ID " << stig->getID() << std::endl; joySticks_.push_back(stig); // register our listener in OIS. stig->setEventCallback(this); } catch (OIS::Exception ex) { CCOUT(ORX_WARNING) << "Warning: Failed to create OIS joy number" << i << "\n" << "OIS error message: \"" << ex.eText << "\"" << std::endl; } } } else { //CCOUT(ORX_WARNING) << "Warning: Joy stick support requested, but no joy stick was found" << std::endl; } } /** @brief Helper function that loads the config value vector of one coefficient */ void loadCalibration(std::vector& list, const std::string& sectionName, const std::string& valueName, size_t size, int defaultValue) { list.resize(size); unsigned int configValueVectorSize = ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getVectorSize(ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, sectionName, valueName); if (configValueVectorSize > size) configValueVectorSize = size; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < configValueVectorSize; ++i) { list[i] = omni_cast(ConfigFileManager::getInstance().getValue( ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, sectionName, valueName, i, omni_cast(defaultValue), false)); } // fill the rest with default values for (unsigned int i = configValueVectorSize; i < size; ++i) { list[i] = defaultValue; } } /** @brief Sets the size of all the different lists that are dependent on the number of joy stick devices created and loads the joy stick calibration. @remarks No matter whether there are a mouse and/or keyboard, they will always occupy 2 places in the device number dependent lists. */ void InputManager::_configureJoySticks() { joySticksSize_ = joySticks_.size(); devicesNum_ = 2 + joySticksSize_; joyStickIDs_ .resize(joySticksSize_); joyStickButtonsDown_ .resize(joySticksSize_); povStates_ .resize(joySticksSize_); sliderStates_ .resize(joySticksSize_); joyStickMinValues_ .resize(joySticksSize_); joyStickMaxValues_ .resize(joySticksSize_); joyStickMiddleValues_.resize(joySticksSize_); joyStickCalibrations_.resize(joySticksSize_); for (unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; iJoyStick < joySticksSize_; iJoyStick++) { // Generate some sort of execution unique id per joy stick std::string id = "JoyStick_"; id += omni_cast(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_Button)) + "_"; id += omni_cast(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_Axis)) + "_"; id += omni_cast(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_Slider)) + "_"; id += omni_cast(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_POV)) + "_"; id += omni_cast(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_Vector3)) + "_"; id += joySticks_[iJoyStick]->vendor(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iJoyStick; ++i) { if (id == joyStickIDs_[i]) { // Two joysticks are probably equal --> add the index as well id += "_" + omni_cast(iJoyStick); } } joyStickIDs_[iJoyStick] = id; size_t axes = sliderAxes + (size_t)this->joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getNumberOfComponents(OIS::OIS_Axis); loadCalibration(joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick], id, "MinValue", axes, -32768); loadCalibration(joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick], id, "MaxValue", axes, 32768); loadCalibration(joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick], id, "MiddleValue", axes, 0); } _evaluateCalibration(); // state management activeStatesTriggered_.resize(devicesNum_); // inform all states for (std::map::const_iterator it = inputStatesByName_.begin(); it != inputStatesByName_.end(); ++it) { it->second->setNumOfJoySticks(joySticksSize_); } // inform all JoyStick Device Number Listeners for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it; ++it) it->JoyStickDeviceNumberChanged(joySticksSize_); } void InputManager::_evaluateCalibration() { for (unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; iJoyStick < this->joySticksSize_; ++iJoyStick) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick].size(); i++) { this->joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].middleValue[i] = this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][i]; this->joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].negativeCoeff[i] = - 1.0f / (this->joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][i] - this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][i]); this->joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].positiveCoeff[i] = 1.0f / (this->joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][i] - this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][i]); } } } void InputManager::_startCalibration() { for (unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; iJoyStick < this->joySticksSize_; ++iJoyStick) { // Set initial values for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick].size(); ++i) this->joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][i] = INT_MAX; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick].size(); ++i) this->joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][i] = INT_MIN; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick].size(); ++i) this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][i] = 0; } getInstance().internalState_ |= Calibrating; getInstance().requestEnterState("calibrator"); } void InputManager::_completeCalibration() { for (unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; iJoyStick < this->joySticksSize_; ++iJoyStick) { // Get the middle positions now unsigned int iAxis = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sliderAxes/2; ++i) { this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][iAxis++] = this->joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getJoyStickState().mSliders[i].abX; this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][iAxis++] = this->joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getJoyStickState().mSliders[i].abY; } // Note: joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick] was already correctly resized in _configureJoySticks() assert(joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getJoyStickState().mAxes.size() == joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick].size() - sliderAxes); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick].size() - sliderAxes; ++i) { this->joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][iAxis++] = this->joySticks_[iJoyStick]->getJoyStickState().mAxes[i].abs; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick].size(); ++i) { // Minimum values if (joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][i] == INT_MAX) joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][i] = -32768; ConfigFileManager::getInstance().setValue(ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, this->joyStickIDs_[iJoyStick], "MinValue", i, omni_cast(joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][i]), false); // Maximum values if (joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][i] == INT_MIN) joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][i] = 32767; ConfigFileManager::getInstance().setValue(ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, this->joyStickIDs_[iJoyStick], "MaxValue", i, omni_cast(joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][i]), false); // Middle values ConfigFileManager::getInstance().setValue(ConfigFileType::JoyStickCalibration, this->joyStickIDs_[iJoyStick], "MiddleValue", i, omni_cast(joyStickMiddleValues_[iJoyStick][i]), false); } } _evaluateCalibration(); // restore old input state requestLeaveState("calibrator"); internalState_ &= ~Calibrating; } // ############################################################ // ##### Destruction ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Destroys all the created input devices and states. */ InputManager::~InputManager() { if (internalState_ != Uninitialised) { try { CCOUT(3) << "Destroying ..." << std::endl; // kick all active states 'nicely' for (std::map::reverse_iterator rit = activeStates_.rbegin(); rit != activeStates_.rend(); ++rit) { (*rit).second->onLeave(); } // Destroy calibrator helper handler and state delete keyDetector_; requestDestroyState("calibrator"); // Destroy KeyDetector and state delete calibratorCallbackBuffer_; requestDestroyState("detector"); // destroy the empty InputState _destroyState(this->stateEmpty_); // destroy all user InputStates while (inputStatesByName_.size() > 0) _destroyState((*inputStatesByName_.rbegin()).second); // destroy the devices _destroyKeyboard(); _destroyMouse(); _destroyJoySticks(); OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(inputSystem_); CCOUT(3) << "Destroying done." << std::endl; } catch (OIS::Exception& ex) { CCOUT(1) << "An exception has occured while destroying:\n" << ex.what() << "This could lead to a possible memory/resource leak!" << std::endl; } } singletonRef_s = 0; } /** @brief Destroys the keyboard and sets it to 0. */ void InputManager::_destroyKeyboard() { assert(inputSystem_); if (keyboard_) inputSystem_->destroyInputObject(keyboard_); keyboard_ = 0; CCOUT(4) << "Keyboard destroyed." << std::endl; } /** @brief Destroys the mouse and sets it to 0. */ void InputManager::_destroyMouse() { assert(inputSystem_); if (mouse_) inputSystem_->destroyInputObject(mouse_); mouse_ = 0; CCOUT(4) << "Mouse destroyed." << std::endl; } /** @brief Destroys all the joy sticks and resizes the lists to 0. */ void InputManager::_destroyJoySticks() { if (joySticksSize_ > 0) { assert(inputSystem_); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joySticksSize_; i++) if (joySticks_[i] != 0) inputSystem_->destroyInputObject(joySticks_[i]); joySticks_.clear(); // don't use _configureNumberOfJoySticks(), might mess with registered handler if // downgrading from 2 to 1 joystick //_configureNumberOfJoySticks(); joySticksSize_ = 0; } CCOUT(4) << "Joy sticks destroyed." << std::endl; } /** @brief Removes and destroys an InputState. @return True if state was removed immediately, false if postponed. */ void InputManager::_destroyState(InputState* state) { assert(state && !(this->internalState_ & Ticking)); std::map::iterator it = this->activeStates_.find(state->getPriority()); if (it != this->activeStates_.end()) { this->activeStates_.erase(it); _updateActiveStates(); } inputStatesByName_.erase(state->getName()); delete state; } void InputManager::_clearBuffers() { keysDown_.clear(); keyboardModifiers_ = 0; mouseButtonsDown_.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joySticksSize_; ++i) { joyStickButtonsDown_[i].clear(); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { sliderStates_[i].sliderStates[j].x = 0; sliderStates_[i].sliderStates[j].y = 0; povStates_[i][j] = 0; } } } // ############################################################ // ##### Reloading ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Public interface. Only reloads immediately if the call stack doesn't include the update() method. @param joyStickSupport Whether or not to initialise joy sticks as well. */ void InputManager::reloadInputSystem(bool joyStickSupport) { if (internalState_ & Ticking) { // We cannot destroy OIS right now, because reload was probably // caused by a user clicking on a GUI item. The backtrace would then // include an OIS method. So it would be a very bad thing to destroy it.. internalState_ |= ReloadRequest; // Misuse of internalState_: We can easily store the joyStickSupport bool. // use Uninitialised as 0 value in order to make use of the overloaded |= operator internalState_ |= joyStickSupport ? JoyStickSupport : Uninitialised; } else if (internalState_ & OISReady) { _reload(joyStickSupport); } else { CCOUT(2) << "Warning: Cannot reload OIS. May not yet be initialised or" << "joy sticks are currently calibrating." << std::endl; } } /** @brief Internal reload method. Destroys the OIS devices and loads them again. */ void InputManager::_reload(bool joyStickSupport) { try { CCOUT(3) << "Reloading ..." << std::endl; // Save mouse clipping size int mouseWidth = mouse_->getMouseState().width; int mouseHeight = mouse_->getMouseState().height; internalState_ &= ~OISReady; // destroy the devices _destroyKeyboard(); _destroyMouse(); _destroyJoySticks(); OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(inputSystem_); inputSystem_ = 0; // clear all buffers containing input information _clearBuffers(); initialise(windowHnd_, mouseWidth, mouseHeight, joyStickSupport); CCOUT(3) << "Reloading done." << std::endl; } catch (OIS::Exception& ex) { CCOUT(1) << "An exception has occured while reloading:\n" << ex.what() << std::endl; } } // ############################################################ // ##### Runtime Methods ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Updates the states and the InputState situation. @param time Clock holding the current time. */ void InputManager::update(const Clock& time) { if (internalState_ == Uninitialised) return; else if (internalState_ & ReloadRequest) { _reload(internalState_ & JoyStickSupport); internalState_ &= ~ReloadRequest; internalState_ &= ~JoyStickSupport; } // check for states to leave if (!stateLeaveRequests_.empty()) { for (std::set::iterator it = stateLeaveRequests_.begin(); it != stateLeaveRequests_.end(); ++it) { (*it)->onLeave(); // just to be sure that the state actually is registered assert(inputStatesByName_.find((*it)->getName()) != inputStatesByName_.end()); activeStates_.erase((*it)->getPriority()); if ((*it)->getPriority() < InputStatePriority::HighPriority) (*it)->setPriority(0); _updateActiveStates(); } stateLeaveRequests_.clear(); } // check for states to enter if (!stateEnterRequests_.empty()) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = stateEnterRequests_.begin(); it != stateEnterRequests_.end(); ++it) { // just to be sure that the state actually is registered assert(inputStatesByName_.find((*it)->getName()) != inputStatesByName_.end()); if ((*it)->getPriority() == 0) { // Get smallest possible priority between 1 and maxStateStackSize_s #if defined( __MINGW32__ ) // Avoid the strange mingw-stl bug with const_reverse_iterator for(std::map::reverse_iterator rit = activeStates_.rbegin(); rit != activeStates_.rend(); ++rit) #else for(std::map::const_reverse_iterator rit = activeStates_.rbegin(); rit != activeStates_.rend(); ++rit) #endif { if (rit->first < InputStatePriority::HighPriority) { (*it)->setPriority(rit->first + 1); break; } } // In case no normal handler was on the stack if ((*it)->getPriority() == 0) (*it)->setPriority(1); } activeStates_[(*it)->getPriority()] = (*it); _updateActiveStates(); (*it)->onEnter(); } stateEnterRequests_.clear(); } // check for states to destroy if (!stateDestroyRequests_.empty()) { for (std::set::iterator it = stateDestroyRequests_.begin(); it != stateDestroyRequests_.end(); ++it) { _destroyState((*it)); } stateDestroyRequests_.clear(); } // check whether a state has changed its EMPTY_HANDLER situation bool bUpdateRequired = false; for (std::map::iterator it = activeStates_.begin(); it != activeStates_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->handlersChanged()) { it->second->resetHandlersChanged(); bUpdateRequired = true; } } if (bUpdateRequired) _updateActiveStates(); // mark that we now start capturing and distributing input internalState_ |= Ticking; // Capture all the input. This calls the event handlers in InputManager. if (keyboard_) keyboard_->capture(); if (mouse_) mouse_->capture(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joySticksSize_; i++) joySticks_[i]->capture(); if (!(internalState_ & Calibrating)) { // call all the handlers for the held key events for (unsigned int iKey = 0; iKey < keysDown_.size(); iKey++) { KeyEvent kEvt(keysDown_[iKey], keyboardModifiers_); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard][iState]->keyHeld(kEvt); } // call all the handlers for the held mouse button events for (unsigned int iButton = 0; iButton < mouseButtonsDown_.size(); iButton++) { for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse][iState]->mouseButtonHeld(mouseButtonsDown_[iButton]); } // call all the handlers for the held joy stick button events for (unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; iJoyStick < joySticksSize_; iJoyStick++) for (unsigned int iButton = 0; iButton < joyStickButtonsDown_[iJoyStick].size(); iButton++) { for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[JoyStick0 + iJoyStick].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[JoyStick0 + iJoyStick][iState]->joyStickButtonHeld(iJoyStick, joyStickButtonsDown_[iJoyStick][iButton]); } // update the handlers for each active handler for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devicesNum_; ++i) { for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[i].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[i][iState]->updateInput(time.getDeltaTime(), i); } // update the handler with a general tick afterwards for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeStatesTicked_.size(); ++i) activeStatesTicked_[i]->updateInput(time.getDeltaTime()); } internalState_ &= ~Ticking; } /** @brief Updates the currently active states (according to activeStates_) for each device. Also, a list of all active states (no duplicates!) is compiled for the general update(). */ void InputManager::_updateActiveStates() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devicesNum_; ++i) { bool occupied = false; activeStatesTriggered_[i].clear(); #if defined( __MINGW32__ ) // Avoid the strange mingw-stl bug with const_reverse_iterator for (std::map::reverse_iterator rit = activeStates_.rbegin(); rit != activeStates_.rend(); ++rit) { #else for (std::map::const_reverse_iterator rit = activeStates_.rbegin(); rit != activeStates_.rend(); ++rit) { #endif if (rit->second->isInputDeviceEnabled(i) && (!occupied || rit->second->bAlwaysGetsInput_)) { activeStatesTriggered_[i].push_back(rit->second); if (!rit->second->bTransparent_) occupied = true; } } } // update tickables (every state will only appear once) // Using a std::set to avoid duplicates std::set tempSet; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devicesNum_; ++i) for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[i].size(); ++iState) tempSet.insert(activeStatesTriggered_[i][iState]); // copy the content of the std::set back to the actual vector activeStatesTicked_.clear(); for (std::set::const_iterator it = tempSet.begin();it != tempSet.end(); ++it) activeStatesTicked_.push_back(*it); this->mouseButtonsDown_.clear(); } /** @brief Clears all buffers that store what keys/buttons are being pressed at the moment. */ void InputManager::clearBuffers() { this->keysDown_.clear(); this->mouseButtonsDown_.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joySticksSize_; ++i) this->joyStickButtonsDown_[i].clear(); } // ############################################################ // ##### OIS events ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ // ###### Key Events ###### /** @brief Event handler for the keyPressed Event. @param e Event information */ bool InputManager::keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { // check whether the key already is in the list (can happen when focus was lost) unsigned int iKey = 0; while (iKey < keysDown_.size() && keysDown_[iKey].key != (KeyCode::ByEnum)e.key) iKey++; if (iKey == keysDown_.size()) keysDown_.push_back(Key(e)); else { // This happens when XAutoRepeat is set under linux. The KeyPressed event gets then sent // continuously. return true; } // update modifiers if(e.key == OIS::KC_RMENU || e.key == OIS::KC_LMENU) keyboardModifiers_ |= KeyboardModifier::Alt; // alt key if(e.key == OIS::KC_RCONTROL || e.key == OIS::KC_LCONTROL) keyboardModifiers_ |= KeyboardModifier::Ctrl; // ctrl key if(e.key == OIS::KC_RSHIFT || e.key == OIS::KC_LSHIFT) keyboardModifiers_ |= KeyboardModifier::Shift; // shift key KeyEvent kEvt(e, keyboardModifiers_); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard][iState]->keyPressed(kEvt); return true; } /** @brief Event handler for the keyReleased Event. @param e Event information */ bool InputManager::keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &e) { // remove the key from the keysDown_ list for (unsigned int iKey = 0; iKey < keysDown_.size(); iKey++) { if (keysDown_[iKey].key == (KeyCode::ByEnum)e.key) { keysDown_.erase(keysDown_.begin() + iKey); break; } } // update modifiers if(e.key == OIS::KC_RMENU || e.key == OIS::KC_LMENU) keyboardModifiers_ &= ~KeyboardModifier::Alt; // alt key if(e.key == OIS::KC_RCONTROL || e.key == OIS::KC_LCONTROL) keyboardModifiers_ &= ~KeyboardModifier::Ctrl; // ctrl key if(e.key == OIS::KC_RSHIFT || e.key == OIS::KC_LSHIFT) keyboardModifiers_ &= ~KeyboardModifier::Shift; // shift key KeyEvent kEvt(e, keyboardModifiers_); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Keyboard][iState]->keyReleased(kEvt); return true; } // ###### Mouse Events ###### /** @brief Event handler for the mouseMoved Event. @param e Event information */ bool InputManager::mouseMoved(const OIS::MouseEvent &e) { // check for actual moved event if (e.state.X.rel != 0 || e.state.Y.rel != 0) { IntVector2 abs(e.state.X.abs, e.state.Y.abs); IntVector2 rel(e.state.X.rel, e.state.Y.rel); IntVector2 clippingSize(e.state.width, e.state.height); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse][iState]->mouseMoved(abs, rel, clippingSize); } // check for mouse scrolled event if (e.state.Z.rel != 0) { for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse][iState]->mouseScrolled(e.state.Z.abs, e.state.Z.rel); } return true; } /** @brief Event handler for the mousePressed Event. @param e Event information @param id The ID of the mouse button */ bool InputManager::mousePressed(const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { // check whether the button already is in the list (can happen when focus was lost) unsigned int iButton = 0; while (iButton < mouseButtonsDown_.size() && mouseButtonsDown_[iButton] != (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum)id) iButton++; if (iButton == mouseButtonsDown_.size()) mouseButtonsDown_.push_back((MouseButtonCode::ByEnum)id); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse][iState]->mouseButtonPressed((MouseButtonCode::ByEnum)id); return true; } /** @brief Event handler for the mouseReleased Event. @param e Event information @param id The ID of the mouse button */ bool InputManager::mouseReleased(const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id) { // remove the button from the keysDown_ list for (unsigned int iButton = 0; iButton < mouseButtonsDown_.size(); iButton++) { if (mouseButtonsDown_[iButton] == (MouseButtonCode::ByEnum)id) { mouseButtonsDown_.erase(mouseButtonsDown_.begin() + iButton); break; } } for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[Mouse][iState]->mouseButtonReleased((MouseButtonCode::ByEnum)id); return true; } // ###### Joy Stick Events ###### /** @brief Returns the joy stick ID (orxonox) according to a OIS::JoyStickEvent */ inline unsigned int InputManager::_getJoystick(const OIS::JoyStickEvent& arg) { // use the device to identify which one called the method OIS::JoyStick* joyStick = (OIS::JoyStick*)arg.device; unsigned int iJoyStick = 0; while (joySticks_[iJoyStick] != joyStick) iJoyStick++; // assert: Unknown joystick fired an event. assert(iJoyStick != joySticksSize_); return iJoyStick; } bool InputManager::buttonPressed(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int button) { unsigned int iJoyStick = _getJoystick(arg); // check whether the button already is in the list (can happen when focus was lost) std::vector& buttonsDown = joyStickButtonsDown_[iJoyStick]; unsigned int iButton = 0; while (iButton < buttonsDown.size() && buttonsDown[iButton] != button) iButton++; if (iButton == buttonsDown.size()) buttonsDown.push_back((JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum)button); for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick][iState]->joyStickButtonPressed(iJoyStick, (JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum)button); return true; } bool InputManager::buttonReleased(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int button) { unsigned int iJoyStick = _getJoystick(arg); // remove the button from the joyStickButtonsDown_ list std::vector& buttonsDown = joyStickButtonsDown_[iJoyStick]; for (unsigned int iButton = 0; iButton < buttonsDown.size(); iButton++) { if (buttonsDown[iButton] == button) { buttonsDown.erase(buttonsDown.begin() + iButton); break; } } for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick][iState]->joyStickButtonReleased(iJoyStick, (JoyStickButtonCode::ByEnum)button); return true; } /** @brief Calls the states for a particular axis with our enumeration. Used by OIS sliders and OIS axes. */ void InputManager::_fireAxis(unsigned int iJoyStick, int axis, int value) { if (internalState_ & Calibrating) { if (value < joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][axis]) joyStickMinValues_[iJoyStick][axis] = value; if (value > joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][axis]) joyStickMaxValues_[iJoyStick][axis] = value; } else { float fValue = value - joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].middleValue[axis]; if (fValue > 0.0f) fValue *= joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].positiveCoeff[axis]; else fValue *= joyStickCalibrations_[iJoyStick].negativeCoeff[axis]; for (unsigned int iState = 0; iState < activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick].size(); ++iState) activeStatesTriggered_[2 + iJoyStick][iState]->joyStickAxisMoved(iJoyStick, axis, fValue); } } bool InputManager::axisMoved(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int axis) { unsigned int iJoyStick = _getJoystick(arg); // keep in mind that the first 8 axes are reserved for the sliders _fireAxis(iJoyStick, axis + sliderAxes, arg.state.mAxes[axis].abs); return true; } bool InputManager::sliderMoved(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int id) { unsigned int iJoyStick = _getJoystick(arg); if (sliderStates_[iJoyStick].sliderStates[id].x != arg.state.mSliders[id].abX) _fireAxis(iJoyStick, id * 2, arg.state.mSliders[id].abX); else if (sliderStates_[iJoyStick].sliderStates[id].y != arg.state.mSliders[id].abY) _fireAxis(iJoyStick, id * 2 + 1, arg.state.mSliders[id].abY); return true; } bool InputManager::povMoved(const OIS::JoyStickEvent &arg, int id) { unsigned int iJoyStick = _getJoystick(arg); // translate the POV into 8 simple buttons int lastState = povStates_[iJoyStick][id]; if (lastState & OIS::Pov::North) buttonReleased(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 0); if (lastState & OIS::Pov::South) buttonReleased(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 1); if (lastState & OIS::Pov::East) buttonReleased(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 2); if (lastState & OIS::Pov::West) buttonReleased(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 3); povStates_[iJoyStick].povStates[id] = arg.state.mPOV[id].direction; int currentState = povStates_[iJoyStick][id]; if (currentState & OIS::Pov::North) buttonPressed(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 0); if (currentState & OIS::Pov::South) buttonPressed(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 1); if (currentState & OIS::Pov::East) buttonPressed(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 2); if (currentState & OIS::Pov::West) buttonPressed(arg, 32 + id * 4 + 3); return true; } // ############################################################ // ##### Other Public Interface Methods ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Adjusts the mouse window metrics. This method has to be called every time the size of the window changes. @param width The new width of the render window @param^height The new height of the render window */ void InputManager::setWindowExtents(const int width, const int height) { if (mouse_) { // Set mouse region (if window resizes, we should alter this to reflect as well) mouse_->getMouseState().width = width; mouse_->getMouseState().height = height; } } /** @brief Sets the the name of the command used by the KeyDetector as callback. @param command Command name as string */ void InputManager::setKeyDetectorCallback(const std::string& command) { this->keyDetector_->setCallbackCommand(command); } // ###### InputStates ###### /** @brief Adds a new key handler. @param handler Pointer to the handler object. @param name Unique name of the handler. @param priority Determines which InputState gets the input. Higher is better. Use 0 to handle it implicitely by the order of activation. Otherwise numbers larger than maxStateStackSize_s have to be used! @return True if added, false if name or priority already existed. */ bool InputManager::_configureInputState(InputState* state, const std::string& name, bool bAlwaysGetsInput, bool bTransparent, int priority) { if (name == "") return false; if (!state) return false; if (inputStatesByName_.find(name) == inputStatesByName_.end()) { if (priority >= InputStatePriority::HighPriority || priority == InputStatePriority::Empty) { // Make sure we don't add two high priority states with the same priority for (std::map::const_iterator it = this->inputStatesByName_.begin(); it != this->inputStatesByName_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->getPriority() == priority) { COUT(2) << "Warning: Could not add an InputState with the same priority '" << priority << "' != 0." << std::endl; return false; } } } inputStatesByName_[name] = state; state->setNumOfJoySticks(numberOfJoySticks()); state->setName(name); state->bAlwaysGetsInput_ = bAlwaysGetsInput; state->bTransparent_ = bTransparent; if (priority >= InputStatePriority::HighPriority || priority == InputStatePriority::Empty) state->setPriority(priority); return true; } else { COUT(2) << "Warning: Could not add an InputState with the same name '" << name << "'." << std::endl; return false; } } /** @brief Removes and destroys an input state internally. @param name Name of the handler. @return True if removal was successful, false if name was not found. @remarks You can't remove the internal states "empty", "calibrator" and "detector". The removal process is being postponed if InputManager::update() is currently running. */ bool InputManager::requestDestroyState(const std::string& name) { if (name == "empty") { COUT(2) << "InputManager: Removing the empty state is not allowed!" << std::endl; return false; } std::map::iterator it = inputStatesByName_.find(name); if (it != inputStatesByName_.end()) { if (activeStates_.find(it->second->getPriority()) != activeStates_.end()) { // The state is still active. We have to postpone stateLeaveRequests_.insert(it->second); stateDestroyRequests_.insert(it->second); } else if (this->internalState_ & Ticking) { // cannot remove state while ticking stateDestroyRequests_.insert(it->second); } else _destroyState(it->second); return true; } return false; } /** @brief Returns the pointer to the requested InputState. @param name Unique name of the state. @return Pointer to the instance, 0 if name was not found. */ InputState* InputManager::getState(const std::string& name) { std::map::iterator it = inputStatesByName_.find(name); if (it != inputStatesByName_.end()) return it->second; else return 0; } /** @brief Returns the current input state (there might be others active too!) @return The current highest prioritised active input state. */ InputState* InputManager::getCurrentState() { return (*activeStates_.rbegin()).second; } /** @brief Activates a specific input state. It might not be really activated if the priority is too low! @param name Unique name of the state. @return False if name was not found, true otherwise. */ bool InputManager::requestEnterState(const std::string& name) { // get pointer from the map with all stored handlers std::map::const_iterator it = inputStatesByName_.find(name); if (it != inputStatesByName_.end()) { // exists if (activeStates_.find(it->second->getPriority()) == activeStates_.end()) { // not active if (stateDestroyRequests_.find(it->second) == stateDestroyRequests_.end()) { // not scheduled for destruction // prevents a state being added multiple times stateEnterRequests_.insert(it->second); return true; } } } return false; } /** @brief Deactivates a specific input state. @param name Unique name of the state. @return False if name was not found, true otherwise. */ bool InputManager::requestLeaveState(const std::string& name) { if (name == "empty") { COUT(2) << "InputManager: Leaving the empty state is not allowed!" << std::endl; return false; } // get pointer from the map with all stored handlers std::map::const_iterator it = inputStatesByName_.find(name); if (it != inputStatesByName_.end()) { // exists if (activeStates_.find(it->second->getPriority()) != activeStates_.end()) { // active stateLeaveRequests_.insert(it->second); return true; } } return false; } // ############################################################ // ##### Console Commands ##### // ########## ########## // ############################################################ /** @brief Starts joy stick calibration. */ void InputManager::calibrate() { COUT(0) << "Move all joy stick axes fully in all directions." << std::endl << "When done, put the axex in the middle position and press enter." << std::endl; getInstance()._startCalibration(); } /** @brief Reloads the input system */ void InputManager::reload(bool joyStickSupport) { getInstance().reloadInputSystem(joyStickSupport); } }