# # ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist # > www.orxonox.net < # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # Author: # Reto Grieder # FUNCTION(GENERATE_BUILD_UNITS _target_name _all_files_var) SET(_source_files) SET(_total_file_count 0) # Count the number of actual C++ source files FOREACH(_file ${${_all_files_var}}) # Only look at C++ source files IF(_file MATCHES "\\.(cpp|cc|cxx)$") # Some files might be marked as not to compile at all GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_skip ${_file} HEADER_FILE_ONLY) IF(NOT _skip) GET_SOURCE_FILE_PROPERTY(_size ${_file} BUILD_UNIT_SIZE) IF(NOT _size) SET(_size 1) ENDIF() # Append file AND size to the list (like storing an std::pair) LIST(APPEND _source_files ${_file} ${_size}) MATH(EXPR _total_file_count "${_total_file_count} + ${_size}") # Don't compile SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_file} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFOREACH(_file) # Get number of build units we have to make. The default is NR_OF_BUILD_UNITS # However we can specify different values in a config file SET(_config ${BUILD_UNITS_CONFIG_${NR_OF_BUILD_UNITS}_THREADS}) IF(_config) LIST(FIND _config ${_target_name} _index) IF(NOT _index EQUAL -1) # Nr of build units is the next element in the list (we assume it exists) MATH(EXPR _index "${_index} + 1") LIST(GET _config ${_index} _nr_of_units) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(NOT _nr_of_units) # Use default SET(_nr_of_units NR_OF_BUILD_UNITS) ENDIF() # Disable precompiled header files for targets with two or less build units IF(_nr_of_units LESS 3) SET(PCH_DISABLE_${_target_name} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) ENDIF() SET(_remaining_files ${_total_file_count}) SET(_remaining_units ${_nr_of_units}) SET(_unit_nr 1) # Loop counts back from ${_nr_of_units} to 1 FOREACH(_remaining_units RANGE ${_nr_of_units} 1 -1) # Use integer division to get the current build unit size MATH(EXPR _aimed_size "${_remaining_files} / ${_remaining_units}") SET(_current_size 0) SET(_current_unit) SET(_file_index 0) LIST(LENGTH _source_files _list_size) WHILE(${_file_index} LESS ${_list_size} AND NOT ${_current_size} EQUAL ${_aimed_size}) # _source_files stores pairs of values (file followed by its size) MATH(EXPR _size_index "${_file_index} + 1") LIST(GET _source_files ${_file_index} _file) LIST(GET _source_files ${_size_index} _size) MATH(EXPR _new_size "${_current_size} + ${_size}") IF(${_new_size} GREATER ${_aimed_size}) # Try next file in list (jump 2 because pairs are stored) MATH(EXPR _file_index "${_file_index} + 2") ELSE() SET(_current_size ${_new_size}) LIST(APPEND _current_unit ${_file}) # Remove from _source_files list LIST(REMOVE_AT _source_files ${_file_index} ${_size_index}) MATH(EXPR _list_size "${_list_size} - 2") ENDIF() ENDWHILE() # Finalise LIST(LENGTH _current_unit _nr_of_included_files) IF(_nr_of_included_files EQUAL 1) # If unit consists of one file, we can compile it the old fashioned way SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_current_unit} PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY FALSE) ELSEIF(_nr_of_included_files GREATER 1) # Assemble unit by writing some #include statements SET(_include_string) FOREACH(_file ${_current_unit}) SET(_include_string "${_include_string}#include \"${_file}\"\n") ENDFOREACH(_file) # Generate the filename SET(_unit_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target_name}BuildUnit${_unit_nr}.cc) # Only write if content has changed (avoids recompile) IF(EXISTS ${_unit_file}) FILE(READ ${_unit_file} _file_include_string) ENDIF() IF(NOT _include_string STREQUAL "${_file_include_string}") FILE(WRITE ${_unit_file} "${_include_string}") ENDIF() LIST(APPEND _build_units ${_unit_file}) # Increase file name counter MATH(EXPR _unit_nr "${_unit_nr} + 1") ENDIF() # Compute remaining files MATH(EXPR _remaining_files "${_remaining_files} - ${_current_size}") ENDFOREACH(_remaining_units) # Add units to list of source files (function, not macro --> parent scope) # Do this ONCE because parent scope changes will NOT be visible here SET(${_all_files_var} ${${_all_files_var}} ${_build_units} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION(GENERATE_BUILD_UNITS)