-- GUISheet.lua local P = {} _G[_REQUIREDNAME or "GUISheet"] = P P.__index = P -- Don't use directly --> use HUDSheet.new or MenuSheet.new function P.new(_name) local newSheet = { name = _name } setmetatable(newSheet, P) return newSheet end -- Override this function if you need to do work on load function P:onLoad() end -- Override this function if you need to do work on show function P:onShow() end -- Override this function if you need to do work on hide function P:onHide() end -- Override this function if you need to do work just after the sheet has been hidden function P:onAfterHide() end -- show function for the GUI function P:show() self.window:show() self.bVisible = true -- set the selected button's state if self.buttons and self:hasSelection() then self:setButtonStateSelected() end self:onShow() end -- hide function for the GUI function P:hide() self.window:hide() self.bVisible = false self:onHide() end function P:afterHide() -- reset the selected button if self.buttons then self:resetSelection() end self:onAfterHide() end function P:load() -- Load the layout that describes the sheet self.window = winMgr:loadWindowLayout(self.name .. ".layout") if self.window == nil then error("Could not load layout file for GUI sheet '"..self.name.."'") end -- Hide it at first self:hide() -- Allow sheets to do some work upon loading self:onLoad() -- Also load additional sheets to avoid display lags if self.loadAlong then for k, sheet in pairs(self.loadAlong) do loadSheet(sheet) end end return self end -- Handles key pressed while the gui sheed is displayed function P:keyPressed() if self.buttons then if code == "208" then -- key down self:moveSelection(1, 0) elseif code == "200" then -- key up self:moveSelection(-1, 0) elseif code == "205" then -- key right self:moveSelection(0, 1) elseif code == "203" then -- key left self:moveSelection(0, -1) elseif code == "28" then -- key enter self:pressSelectedButton() end end self.onKeyPressed() end -- Override this function if you want to ract on keystrokes function P:onKeyPressed() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Keyboard control ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initializes the buttons table, used to control the menu with the keyboard function P:initButtons(rows, columns) self.rows = rows self.columns = columns self.buttons = {} self.selectedRow = 0 self.selectedColumn = 0 end -- Defines the button for a given position in the table. The upper-left button is at position (1, 1) function P:setButton(row, column, button) assert(self.rows ~= nil and self.columns ~= nil and self.buttons ~= nil, "You have to call initButtons() before using setButton()") assert(row > 0 and column > 0 and row <= self.rows and column <= self.columns, "(" .. row .. "/" .. column .. ") is not in the valid bounds of the table (1/1)-(" .. self.rows .. "/" .. self.columns .. ")") self.buttons[(row - 1) * self.columns + (column - 1)] = button end -- Returns the button at a given position in the table. The upper-left button is at position (1, 1) function P:getButton(row, column) assert(row > 0 and column > 0 and row <= self.rows and column <= self.columns, "(" .. row .. "/" .. column .. ") is not in the valid bounds of the table (1/1)-(" .. self.rows .. "/" .. self.columns .. ")") return self.buttons[(row - 1) * self.columns + (column - 1)] end -- Returns the selected button function P:getSelectedButton() assert(self.selectedRow > 0 and self.selectedColumn > 0, "no button selected") return self:getButton(self.selectedRow, self.selectedColumn) end -- Presses the selected button if any function P:pressSelectedButton() if self:hasSelection() then self:getSelectedButton().callback() end end -- Sets the selection to a given row and column. The upper-left button is at position (1, 1) function P:setSelection(row, column) assert(row > 0 and column > 0 and row <= self.rows and column <= self.columns, "(" .. row .. "/" .. column .. ") is not in the valid bounds of the table (1/1)-(" .. self.rows .. "/" .. self.columns .. ")") if self:hasSelection() then self:setButtonStateNormal() end self.selectedRow = row self.selectedColumn = column self:setButtonStateSelected() end -- Moves the selection by a given number of rows and columns (positive values mean increasing row/column, negative values mean decreasing row/column) function P:moveSelection(relRow, relColumn) -- if there's no selection yet, prepare it such that the selection enters the table from the desired side if self:hasSelection() == false then -- note: we assume either relRow or relColumn is 0, thus no diagonal movement. therefore the following checks can be separated if relRow > 0 then self.selectedRow = 0 self.selectedColumn = 1 elseif relRow < 0 then self.selectedRow = self.rows + 1 self.selectedColumn = 1 end if relColumn > 0 then self.selectedRow = 1 self.selectedColumn = 0 elseif relColumn < 0 then self.selectedRow = 1 self.selectedColumn = self.columns + 1 end else self:setButtonStateNormal() end -- move the selection according to the parameters self.selectedRow = self.selectedRow + relRow self.selectedColumn = self.selectedColumn + relColumn -- wrap around on overflow while self.selectedRow > self.rows do self.selectedRow = self.selectedRow - self.rows end while self.selectedColumn > self.columns do self.selectedColumn = self.selectedColumn - self.columns end -- wrap around on underflow while self.selectedRow <= 0 do self.selectedRow = self.selectedRow + self.rows end while self.selectedColumn <= 0 do self.selectedColumn = self.selectedColumn + self.columns end -- if the button is deactivated, call this function again if self:getSelectedButton() == nil then self:moveSelection(relRow, relColumn) else self:setButtonStateSelected() end end -- Resets the selection function P:resetSelection() if self:hasSelection() then self:setButtonStateNormal() end self.selectedRow = 0 self.selectedColumn = 0 end -- Determines if a button is selected function P:hasSelection() if self.selectedRow == 0 or self.selectedColumn == 0 then return false else return true end end -- Sets the selected button's state to normal function P:setButtonStateNormal() self:setButtonState("Normal") end -- Sets the selected button's state to selected function P:setButtonStateSelected() self:setButtonState("Selected") end -- Sets the selected button's state to pushed function P:setButtonStatePushed() self:setButtonState("Pushed") end -- Sets the selected button's state function P:setButtonState(state) if self:getSelectedButton() then local element = self:getSelectedButton().button local offset = getElementStateOffset(element) if offset then element:setProperty("NormalImageRightEdge", string.sub(element:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge"), 1, offset) .. state) element:setProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge", string.sub(element:getProperty("NormalImageLeftEdge"), 1, offset) .. state) element:setProperty("NormalImageBackground", string.sub(element:getProperty("NormalImageBackground"), 1, offset) .. state) end end end -- Gets the offset of the button's current state function getElementStateOffset(element) local property = element:getProperty("NormalImageRightEdge") if string.sub(property, string.len(property) - 5, string.len(property)) == "Normal" then return -7 elseif string.sub(property, string.len(property) - 7, string.len(property)) == "Selected" then return -9 elseif string.sub(property, string.len(property) - 5, string.len(property)) == "Pushed" then return -7 else return nil end end return P