* dynamics.c
* This file is part of WiiC, written by:
* Gabriele Randelli
* Email: randelli@dis.uniroma1.it
* Copyright 2010
* This file is based on Wiiuse, written By:
* Michael Laforest < para >
* Email: < thepara (--AT--) g m a i l [--DOT--] com >
* Copyright 2006-2007
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* $Header$
* @file
* @brief Handles the dynamics of the wiimote.
* The file includes functions that handle the dynamics
* of the wiimote. Such dynamics include orientation and
* motion sensing.
#include "definitions.h"
#include "wiic_internal.h"
#include "ir.h"
#include "dynamics.h"
* @brief Calculate the roll, pitch, yaw.
* @param ac An accelerometer (accel_t) structure.
* @param accel [in] Pointer to a vec3b_t structure that holds the raw acceleration data.
* @param orient [out] Pointer to a orient_t structure that will hold the orientation data.
* @param rorient [out] Pointer to a orient_t structure that will hold the non-smoothed orientation data.
* @param smooth If smoothing should be performed on the angles calculated. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
* Given the raw acceleration data from the accelerometer struct, calculate
* the orientation of the device and set it in the \a orient parameter.
void calculate_orientation(struct vec3f_t* in, struct ang3f_t* out) {
float x, y, z;
* roll - use atan(z / x) [ ranges from -180 to 180 ]
* pitch - use atan(z / y) [ ranges from -180 to 180 ]
* yaw - impossible to tell without IR
/* yaw - set to 0, IR will take care of it if it's enabled */
out->yaw = 0.0f;
/* find out how much it actually moved and normalize to +/- 1g */
x = in->x;
y = in->y;
z = in->z;
/* make sure x,y,z are between -1 and 1 for the tan functions */
if (x < -1.0f) x = -1.0f;
else if (x > 1.0f) x = 1.0f;
if (y < -1.0f) y = -1.0f;
else if (y > 1.0f) y = 1.0f;
if (z < -1.0f) z = -1.0f;
else if (z > 1.0f) z = 1.0f;
/* if it is over 1g then it is probably accelerating and the gravity vector cannot be identified */
if (abs(in->x) <= 1.0) {
/* roll */
x = -RAD_TO_DEGREE(atan2f(x, z));
out->roll = x;
if (abs(in->y) <= 1.0) {
/* pitch */
y = RAD_TO_DEGREE(atan2f(y, z));
out->pitch = y;
* @brief Calculate the gravity forces on each axis.
* @param ac An accelerometer (accel_t) structure.
* @param accel [in] Pointer to a vec3b_t structure that holds the raw acceleration data.
* @param gforce [out] Pointer to a gforce_t structure that will hold the gravity force data.
void calculate_gforce(struct accel_t* ac, struct vec3b_t* accel, struct gforce_t* gforce, int smooth) {
float xg, yg, zg;
/* find out how much it has to move to be 1g */
xg = (int)ac->cal_g.x;
yg = (int)ac->cal_g.y;
zg = (int)ac->cal_g.z;
/* find out how much it actually moved and normalize to +/- 1g */
gforce->a_vec.x = ((int)accel->x - (int)ac->cal_zero.x) / xg;
gforce->a_vec.y = ((int)accel->y - (int)ac->cal_zero.y) / yg;
gforce->a_vec.z = ((int)accel->z - (int)ac->cal_zero.z) / zg;
if(smooth) {
apply_smoothing(gforce, ac->st_alpha);
else {
gforce->vec.x = gforce->a_vec.x;
gforce->vec.y = gforce->a_vec.y;
gforce->vec.z = gforce->a_vec.z;
* @brief Calculate the angle and magnitude of a joystick.
* @param js [out] Pointer to a joystick_t structure.
* @param x The raw x-axis value.
* @param y The raw y-axis value.
void calc_joystick_state(struct joystick_t* js, float x, float y) {
float rx, ry, ang;
* Since the joystick center may not be exactly:
* (min + max) / 2
* Then the range from the min to the center and the center to the max
* may be different.
* Because of this, depending on if the current x or y value is greater
* or less than the assoicated axis center value, it needs to be interpolated
* between the center and the minimum or maxmimum rather than between
* the minimum and maximum.
* So we have something like this:
* (x min) [-1] ---------*------ [0] (x center) [0] -------- [1] (x max)
* Where the * is the current x value.
* The range is therefore -1 to 1, 0 being the exact center rather than
* the middle of min and max.
if (x == js->center.x)
rx = 0;
else if (x >= js->center.x)
rx = ((float)(x - js->center.x) / (float)(js->max.x - js->center.x));
rx = ((float)(x - js->min.x) / (float)(js->center.x - js->min.x)) - 1.0f;
if (y == js->center.y)
ry = 0;
else if (y >= js->center.y)
ry = ((float)(y - js->center.y) / (float)(js->max.y - js->center.y));
ry = ((float)(y - js->min.y) / (float)(js->center.y - js->min.y)) - 1.0f;
/* calculate the joystick angle and magnitude */
ang = RAD_TO_DEGREE(atanf(ry / rx));
ang -= 90.0f;
if (rx < 0.0f)
ang -= 180.0f;
js->ang = absf(ang);
js->mag = (float) sqrt((rx * rx) + (ry * ry));
* @brief Apply a smooth factor to accelerometer angles.
* @param accel Last acceleration measured and normalized to +/-g.
* @param gforce [out] gravity vector after smoothing
void apply_smoothing(struct gforce_t* gforce, float alpha) {
gforce->vec.x = alpha*gforce->vec.x + (1.0-alpha)*gforce->a_vec.x;
gforce->vec.y = alpha*gforce->vec.y + (1.0-alpha)*gforce->a_vec.y;
gforce->vec.z = alpha*gforce->vec.z + (1.0-alpha)*gforce->a_vec.z;