/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/ Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt. You may alternatively use this source under the terms of a specific version of the OGRE Unrestricted License provided you have obtained such a license from Torus Knot Software Ltd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // NOTE THAT THIS FILE IS BASED ON MATERIAL FROM: // Magic Software, Inc. // http://www.geometrictools.com // Copyright (c) 2000, All Rights Reserved // // Source code from Magic Software is supplied under the terms of a license // agreement and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the // terms of that agreement. The various license agreements may be found at // the Magic Software web site. This file is subject to the license // // FREE SOURCE CODE // http://www.geometrictools.com/License/WildMagic3License.pdf #include "OgreQuaternion.h" #include "OgreMath.h" #include "OgreMatrix3.h" #include "OgreVector3.h" namespace Ogre { const Real Quaternion::ms_fEpsilon = 1e-03; const Quaternion Quaternion::ZERO(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); const Quaternion Quaternion::IDENTITY(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::FromRotationMatrix (const Matrix3& kRot) { // Algorithm in Ken Shoemake's article in 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes // article "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation". Real fTrace = kRot[0][0]+kRot[1][1]+kRot[2][2]; Real fRoot; if ( fTrace > 0.0 ) { // |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2 fRoot = Math::Sqrt(fTrace + 1.0); // 2w w = 0.5*fRoot; fRoot = 0.5/fRoot; // 1/(4w) x = (kRot[2][1]-kRot[1][2])*fRoot; y = (kRot[0][2]-kRot[2][0])*fRoot; z = (kRot[1][0]-kRot[0][1])*fRoot; } else { // |w| <= 1/2 static size_t s_iNext[3] = { 1, 2, 0 }; size_t i = 0; if ( kRot[1][1] > kRot[0][0] ) i = 1; if ( kRot[2][2] > kRot[i][i] ) i = 2; size_t j = s_iNext[i]; size_t k = s_iNext[j]; fRoot = Math::Sqrt(kRot[i][i]-kRot[j][j]-kRot[k][k] + 1.0); Real* apkQuat[3] = { &x, &y, &z }; *apkQuat[i] = 0.5*fRoot; fRoot = 0.5/fRoot; w = (kRot[k][j]-kRot[j][k])*fRoot; *apkQuat[j] = (kRot[j][i]+kRot[i][j])*fRoot; *apkQuat[k] = (kRot[k][i]+kRot[i][k])*fRoot; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::ToRotationMatrix (Matrix3& kRot) const { Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwx = fTx*w; Real fTwy = fTy*w; Real fTwz = fTz*w; Real fTxx = fTx*x; Real fTxy = fTy*x; Real fTxz = fTz*x; Real fTyy = fTy*y; Real fTyz = fTz*y; Real fTzz = fTz*z; kRot[0][0] = 1.0-(fTyy+fTzz); kRot[0][1] = fTxy-fTwz; kRot[0][2] = fTxz+fTwy; kRot[1][0] = fTxy+fTwz; kRot[1][1] = 1.0-(fTxx+fTzz); kRot[1][2] = fTyz-fTwx; kRot[2][0] = fTxz-fTwy; kRot[2][1] = fTyz+fTwx; kRot[2][2] = 1.0-(fTxx+fTyy); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::FromAngleAxis (const Radian& rfAngle, const Vector3& rkAxis) { // assert: axis[] is unit length // // The quaternion representing the rotation is // q = cos(A/2)+sin(A/2)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) Radian fHalfAngle ( 0.5*rfAngle ); Real fSin = Math::Sin(fHalfAngle); w = Math::Cos(fHalfAngle); x = fSin*rkAxis.x; y = fSin*rkAxis.y; z = fSin*rkAxis.z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::ToAngleAxis (Radian& rfAngle, Vector3& rkAxis) const { // The quaternion representing the rotation is // q = cos(A/2)+sin(A/2)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) Real fSqrLength = x*x+y*y+z*z; if ( fSqrLength > 0.0 ) { rfAngle = 2.0*Math::ACos(w); Real fInvLength = Math::InvSqrt(fSqrLength); rkAxis.x = x*fInvLength; rkAxis.y = y*fInvLength; rkAxis.z = z*fInvLength; } else { // angle is 0 (mod 2*pi), so any axis will do rfAngle = Radian(0.0); rkAxis.x = 1.0; rkAxis.y = 0.0; rkAxis.z = 0.0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::FromAxes (const Vector3* akAxis) { Matrix3 kRot; for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) { kRot[0][iCol] = akAxis[iCol].x; kRot[1][iCol] = akAxis[iCol].y; kRot[2][iCol] = akAxis[iCol].z; } FromRotationMatrix(kRot); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::FromAxes (const Vector3& xaxis, const Vector3& yaxis, const Vector3& zaxis) { Matrix3 kRot; kRot[0][0] = xaxis.x; kRot[1][0] = xaxis.y; kRot[2][0] = xaxis.z; kRot[0][1] = yaxis.x; kRot[1][1] = yaxis.y; kRot[2][1] = yaxis.z; kRot[0][2] = zaxis.x; kRot[1][2] = zaxis.y; kRot[2][2] = zaxis.z; FromRotationMatrix(kRot); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::ToAxes (Vector3* akAxis) const { Matrix3 kRot; ToRotationMatrix(kRot); for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) { akAxis[iCol].x = kRot[0][iCol]; akAxis[iCol].y = kRot[1][iCol]; akAxis[iCol].z = kRot[2][iCol]; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3 Quaternion::xAxis(void) const { //Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwy = fTy*w; Real fTwz = fTz*w; Real fTxy = fTy*x; Real fTxz = fTz*x; Real fTyy = fTy*y; Real fTzz = fTz*z; return Vector3(1.0-(fTyy+fTzz), fTxy+fTwz, fTxz-fTwy); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3 Quaternion::yAxis(void) const { Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwx = fTx*w; Real fTwz = fTz*w; Real fTxx = fTx*x; Real fTxy = fTy*x; Real fTyz = fTz*y; Real fTzz = fTz*z; return Vector3(fTxy-fTwz, 1.0-(fTxx+fTzz), fTyz+fTwx); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3 Quaternion::zAxis(void) const { Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwx = fTx*w; Real fTwy = fTy*w; Real fTxx = fTx*x; Real fTxz = fTz*x; Real fTyy = fTy*y; Real fTyz = fTz*y; return Vector3(fTxz+fTwy, fTyz-fTwx, 1.0-(fTxx+fTyy)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::ToAxes (Vector3& xaxis, Vector3& yaxis, Vector3& zaxis) const { Matrix3 kRot; ToRotationMatrix(kRot); xaxis.x = kRot[0][0]; xaxis.y = kRot[1][0]; xaxis.z = kRot[2][0]; yaxis.x = kRot[0][1]; yaxis.y = kRot[1][1]; yaxis.z = kRot[2][1]; zaxis.x = kRot[0][2]; zaxis.y = kRot[1][2]; zaxis.z = kRot[2][2]; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::operator+ (const Quaternion& rkQ) const { return Quaternion(w+rkQ.w,x+rkQ.x,y+rkQ.y,z+rkQ.z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::operator- (const Quaternion& rkQ) const { return Quaternion(w-rkQ.w,x-rkQ.x,y-rkQ.y,z-rkQ.z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::operator* (const Quaternion& rkQ) const { // NOTE: Multiplication is not generally commutative, so in most // cases p*q != q*p. return Quaternion ( w * rkQ.w - x * rkQ.x - y * rkQ.y - z * rkQ.z, w * rkQ.x + x * rkQ.w + y * rkQ.z - z * rkQ.y, w * rkQ.y + y * rkQ.w + z * rkQ.x - x * rkQ.z, w * rkQ.z + z * rkQ.w + x * rkQ.y - y * rkQ.x ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::operator* (Real fScalar) const { return Quaternion(fScalar*w,fScalar*x,fScalar*y,fScalar*z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion operator* (Real fScalar, const Quaternion& rkQ) { return Quaternion(fScalar*rkQ.w,fScalar*rkQ.x,fScalar*rkQ.y, fScalar*rkQ.z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::operator- () const { return Quaternion(-w,-x,-y,-z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Quaternion::Dot (const Quaternion& rkQ) const { return w*rkQ.w+x*rkQ.x+y*rkQ.y+z*rkQ.z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Quaternion::Norm () const { return w*w+x*x+y*y+z*z; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse () const { Real fNorm = w*w+x*x+y*y+z*z; if ( fNorm > 0.0 ) { Real fInvNorm = 1.0/fNorm; return Quaternion(w*fInvNorm,-x*fInvNorm,-y*fInvNorm,-z*fInvNorm); } else { // return an invalid result to flag the error return ZERO; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::UnitInverse () const { // assert: 'this' is unit length return Quaternion(w,-x,-y,-z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::Exp () const { // If q = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then // exp(q) = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k). If sin(A) is near zero, // use exp(q) = cos(A)+A*(x*i+y*j+z*k) since A/sin(A) has limit 1. Radian fAngle ( Math::Sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) ); Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle); Quaternion kResult; kResult.w = Math::Cos(fAngle); if ( Math::Abs(fSin) >= ms_fEpsilon ) { Real fCoeff = fSin/(fAngle.valueRadians()); kResult.x = fCoeff*x; kResult.y = fCoeff*y; kResult.z = fCoeff*z; } else { kResult.x = x; kResult.y = y; kResult.z = z; } return kResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::Log () const { // If q = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit length, then // log(q) = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k). If sin(A) is near zero, use log(q) = // sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) since sin(A)/A has limit 1. Quaternion kResult; kResult.w = 0.0; if ( Math::Abs(w) < 1.0 ) { Radian fAngle ( Math::ACos(w) ); Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle); if ( Math::Abs(fSin) >= ms_fEpsilon ) { Real fCoeff = fAngle.valueRadians()/fSin; kResult.x = fCoeff*x; kResult.y = fCoeff*y; kResult.z = fCoeff*z; return kResult; } } kResult.x = x; kResult.y = y; kResult.z = z; return kResult; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3 Quaternion::operator* (const Vector3& v) const { // nVidia SDK implementation Vector3 uv, uuv; Vector3 qvec(x, y, z); uv = qvec.crossProduct(v); uuv = qvec.crossProduct(uv); uv *= (2.0f * w); uuv *= 2.0f; return v + uv + uuv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Quaternion::equals(const Quaternion& rhs, const Radian& tolerance) const { Real fCos = Dot(rhs); Radian angle = Math::ACos(fCos); return (Math::Abs(angle.valueRadians()) <= tolerance.valueRadians()) || Math::RealEqual(angle.valueRadians(), Math::PI, tolerance.valueRadians()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp (Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP, const Quaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath) { Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ); Quaternion rkT; // Do we need to invert rotation? if (fCos < 0.0f && shortestPath) { fCos = -fCos; rkT = -rkQ; } else { rkT = rkQ; } if (Math::Abs(fCos) < 1 - ms_fEpsilon) { // Standard case (slerp) Real fSin = Math::Sqrt(1 - Math::Sqr(fCos)); Radian fAngle = Math::ATan2(fSin, fCos); Real fInvSin = 1.0f / fSin; Real fCoeff0 = Math::Sin((1.0f - fT) * fAngle) * fInvSin; Real fCoeff1 = Math::Sin(fT * fAngle) * fInvSin; return fCoeff0 * rkP + fCoeff1 * rkT; } else { // There are two situations: // 1. "rkP" and "rkQ" are very close (fCos ~= +1), so we can do a linear // interpolation safely. // 2. "rkP" and "rkQ" are almost inverse of each other (fCos ~= -1), there // are an infinite number of possibilities interpolation. but we haven't // have method to fix this case, so just use linear interpolation here. Quaternion t = (1.0f - fT) * rkP + fT * rkT; // taking the complement requires renormalisation t.normalise(); return t; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::SlerpExtraSpins (Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP, const Quaternion& rkQ, int iExtraSpins) { Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ); Radian fAngle ( Math::ACos(fCos) ); if ( Math::Abs(fAngle.valueRadians()) < ms_fEpsilon ) return rkP; Real fSin = Math::Sin(fAngle); Radian fPhase ( Math::PI*iExtraSpins*fT ); Real fInvSin = 1.0/fSin; Real fCoeff0 = Math::Sin((1.0-fT)*fAngle - fPhase)*fInvSin; Real fCoeff1 = Math::Sin(fT*fAngle + fPhase)*fInvSin; return fCoeff0*rkP + fCoeff1*rkQ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void Quaternion::Intermediate (const Quaternion& rkQ0, const Quaternion& rkQ1, const Quaternion& rkQ2, Quaternion& rkA, Quaternion& rkB) { // assert: q0, q1, q2 are unit quaternions Quaternion kQ0inv = rkQ0.UnitInverse(); Quaternion kQ1inv = rkQ1.UnitInverse(); Quaternion rkP0 = kQ0inv*rkQ1; Quaternion rkP1 = kQ1inv*rkQ2; Quaternion kArg = 0.25*(rkP0.Log()-rkP1.Log()); Quaternion kMinusArg = -kArg; rkA = rkQ1*kArg.Exp(); rkB = rkQ1*kMinusArg.Exp(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::Squad (Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP, const Quaternion& rkA, const Quaternion& rkB, const Quaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath) { Real fSlerpT = 2.0*fT*(1.0-fT); Quaternion kSlerpP = Slerp(fT, rkP, rkQ, shortestPath); Quaternion kSlerpQ = Slerp(fT, rkA, rkB); return Slerp(fSlerpT, kSlerpP ,kSlerpQ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Quaternion::normalise(void) { Real len = Norm(); Real factor = 1.0f / Math::Sqrt(len); *this = *this * factor; return len; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Radian Quaternion::getRoll(bool reprojectAxis) const { if (reprojectAxis) { // roll = atan2(localx.y, localx.x) // pick parts of xAxis() implementation that we need Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwz = fTz*w; Real fTxy = fTy*x; Real fTyy = fTy*y; Real fTzz = fTz*z; // Vector3(1.0-(fTyy+fTzz), fTxy+fTwz, fTxz-fTwy); return Radian(Math::ATan2(fTxy+fTwz, 1.0-(fTyy+fTzz))); } else { return Radian(Math::ATan2(2*(x*y + w*z), w*w + x*x - y*y - z*z)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Radian Quaternion::getPitch(bool reprojectAxis) const { if (reprojectAxis) { // pitch = atan2(localy.z, localy.y) // pick parts of yAxis() implementation that we need Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwx = fTx*w; Real fTxx = fTx*x; Real fTyz = fTz*y; Real fTzz = fTz*z; // Vector3(fTxy-fTwz, 1.0-(fTxx+fTzz), fTyz+fTwx); return Radian(Math::ATan2(fTyz+fTwx, 1.0-(fTxx+fTzz))); } else { // internal version return Radian(Math::ATan2(2*(y*z + w*x), w*w - x*x - y*y + z*z)); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Radian Quaternion::getYaw(bool reprojectAxis) const { if (reprojectAxis) { // yaw = atan2(localz.x, localz.z) // pick parts of zAxis() implementation that we need Real fTx = 2.0*x; Real fTy = 2.0*y; Real fTz = 2.0*z; Real fTwy = fTy*w; Real fTxx = fTx*x; Real fTxz = fTz*x; Real fTyy = fTy*y; // Vector3(fTxz+fTwy, fTyz-fTwx, 1.0-(fTxx+fTyy)); return Radian(Math::ATan2(fTxz+fTwy, 1.0-(fTxx+fTyy))); } else { // internal version return Radian(Math::ASin(-2*(x*z - w*y))); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaternion Quaternion::nlerp(Real fT, const Quaternion& rkP, const Quaternion& rkQ, bool shortestPath) { Quaternion result; Real fCos = rkP.Dot(rkQ); if (fCos < 0.0f && shortestPath) { result = rkP + fT * ((-rkQ) - rkP); } else { result = rkP + fT * (rkQ - rkP); } result.normalise(); return result; } }