-- MultiplayerMenu.lua local P = createMenuSheet("MultiplayerMenu") P.buttonList = {} function P.onLoad() P.multiplayerMode = "startClient" --button are arranged in a 2x2 matrix, the left lower item is nil local item = { ["button"] = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MultiplayerJoinButton"), ["function"] = P.MultiplayerJoinButton_clicked } P.buttonList[1] = item local item = { ["button"] = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MultiplayerHostButton"), ["function"] = P.MultiplayerHostButton_clicked } P.buttonList[2] = item local item = { ["button"] = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MultiplayerBackButton"), ["function"] = P.MultiplayerBackButton_clicked } P.buttonList[4] = item end function P.onShow() P.showServerList() --indices to iterate through buttonlist P.oldindex = -2 P.index = -1 end function P.MultiplayerHostButton_clicked(e) showMenuSheet("HostMenu", true) end function P.MultiplayerJoinButton_clicked(e) local choice = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MultiplayerListbox"):getFirstSelectedItem() if choice then local client = orxonox.Client:getInstance() local index = tolua.cast(choice, "CEGUI::ListboxItem"):getID() client:setDestination( P.serverList[index][2], 55556 ) else return end orxonox.execute("startClient") hideAllMenuSheets() end function P.MultiplayerBackButton_clicked(e) hideMenuSheet(P.name) end function P.showServerList() local listbox = winMgr:getWindow("orxonox/MultiplayerListbox") CEGUI.toListbox(listbox):resetList() local discovery = orxonox.LANDiscovery:getInstance() discovery:discover() P.serverList = {} local index = 0 local servername = "" local serverip = "" while true do servername = discovery:getServerListItemName(index) if servername == "" then break end serverip = discovery:getServerListItemIP(index) if serverip == "" then break end table.insert(P.serverList, {servername, serverip}) index = index + 1 end index = 1 for k,v in pairs(P.serverList) do local item = CEGUI.createListboxTextItem( v[1] .. ": " .. v[2] ) item:setID(index) index = index + 1 item:setSelectionBrushImage(menuImageSet, "MultiListSelectionBrush") CEGUI.toListbox(listbox):addItem(item) end end function P.onKeyPressed() buttonIteratorHelper(P.buttonList, code, P, 2, 2) end return P