* ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist
* > www.orxonox.net <
* License notice:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Author:
* Fabian 'x3n' Landau
* Co-authors:
* ...
@defgroup Timer Timer
@ingroup Tools
@ingroup Timer
@brief Declaration of the Timer class, used to call functions after a given time-interval.
@anchor TimerExample
Timer is a helper class that executes a function after a given amount of time.
class MyClass
void functionName();
Timer myTimer;
#include "core/command/Executor.h"
myTimer.setTimer(3, false, createExecutor(createFunctor(&ClassName::myFunction, this)));
void MyClass::myFunction()
orxout() << "Hello World" << endl;
The code in this example prints "Hello World" to the console, 3 seconds after creating
an instance of MyClass.
#ifndef _Timer_H__
#define _Timer_H__
#include "tools/ToolsPrereqs.h"
#include "core/object/Listable.h"
#include "core/command/ExecutorPtr.h"
namespace orxonox
unsigned int delay(float delay, const std::string& command);
unsigned int delayreal(float delay, const std::string& command);
unsigned int addDelayedCommand(Timer* timer, float delay, const std::string& command);
void executeDelayedCommand(Timer* timer, const std::string& command);
void killdelay(unsigned int handle);
void killdelays();
@brief Timer is a helper class that executes a function after a given amount of seconds in game-time.
@see See @ref TimerExample "Timer.h" for an example.
The time interval of Timer depends on the game time, hence it stops if the game is paused or runs
slower/faster if the game-speed is modified. See RealTimer for a timer class which doesn't depend
on the game time.
class _ToolsExport Timer : public Listable
Timer(float interval, bool bLoop, const ExecutorPtr& executor, bool bKillAfterCall = false);
void setTimer(float interval, bool bLoop, const ExecutorPtr& executor, bool bKillAfterCall = false);
void run();
/// Re-starts the timer: The executor will be called after @a interval seconds.
inline void startTimer()
{ this->bActive_ = true; this->time_ = this->interval_; }
/// Stops the timer.
inline void stopTimer()
{ this->bActive_ = false; this->time_ = this->interval_; }
/// Pauses the timer - it will continue with the actual state if you call unpauseTimer().
inline void pauseTimer()
{ this->bActive_ = false; }
/// Unpauses the timer - continues with the given state.
inline void unpauseTimer()
{ this->bActive_ = true; }
/// Returns true if the timer is active (neither stopped nor paused).
inline bool isActive() const
{ return this->bActive_; }
/// Returns the remaining time until the timer calls the executor.
inline float getRemainingTime() const
{ return static_cast(this->time_ / 1000000.0f); }
/// Increases the remaining time of the timer by the given amount of time (in seconds).
inline void addTime(float time)
{ if (time > 0.0f) this->time_ += static_cast(time * 1000000.0f); }
/// Decreases the remaining time of the timer by the given amount of time (in seconds)
inline void removeTime(float time)
{ if (time > 0.0f) this->time_ -= static_cast(time * 1000000.0f); }
/// Changes the calling interval.
inline void setInterval(float interval)
{ this->interval_ = static_cast(interval * 1000000.0f); }
/// Defines if the timer call the executor every @a interval seconds or only once.
inline void setLoop(bool bLoop)
{ this->bLoop_ = bLoop; }
void tick(const Clock& time);
virtual float getTimeFactor();
void init();
ExecutorPtr executor_; //!< The executor of the function that will be called when the time expires
long long interval_; //!< The time-interval in micro seconds
bool bLoop_; //!< If true, the executor gets called every @a interval seconds
bool bActive_; //!< If true, the timer ticks and calls the executor if the time's up
bool bKillAfterCall_; //!< If true the timer gets deleted after it expired and called the executor
long long time_; //!< Internal variable, counting the time untill the next executor-call
@brief RealTimer is a helper class that executes a function after a given amount of seconds in real-time.
The time interval of RealTimer doesn't depend on the game time, it will also call the function
if the game is paused. See Timer for a timer class that depends on the game time.
class _ToolsExport RealTimer : public Timer
RealTimer(float interval, bool bLoop, const ExecutorPtr& executor, bool bKillAfterCall = false);
virtual float getTimeFactor();
#endif /* _Timer_H__ */