/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Aurelian Jaggi * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file ForceField.cc @brief Implementation of the ForceField class. */ #include "ForceField.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "worldentities/MobileEntity.h" namespace orxonox { CreateFactory(ForceField); /*static*/ const std::string ForceField::modeTube_s = "tube"; /*static*/ const std::string ForceField::modeSphere_s = "sphere"; /*static*/ const std::string ForceField::modeInvertedSphere_s = "invertedSphere"; /** @brief Constructor. Registers the object and initializes some values. */ ForceField::ForceField(BaseObject* creator) : StaticEntity(creator) { RegisterObject(ForceField); //Standard Values this->setDirection(Vector3::ZERO); this->setVelocity(100); this->setDiameter(500); this->setLength(2000); this->mode_ = forceFieldMode::tube; } /** @brief Destructor. */ ForceField::~ForceField() { } /** @brief Creates a ForceField object through XML. */ void ForceField::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(ForceField, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(ForceField, "velocity", setVelocity, getVelocity, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(ForceField, "diameter", setDiameter, getDiameter, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(500); XMLPortParam(ForceField, "length", setLength , getLength , xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(2000); XMLPortParam(ForceField, "mode", setMode, getMode, xmlelement, mode); } /** @brief A method that is called every tick. Implements the behavior of teh ForceField. @param dt The amount of time that elapsed since the last tick. */ void ForceField::tick(float dt) { if(this->mode_ == forceFieldMode::tube) { // Iterate over all objects that could possibly be affected by the ForceField. for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { // The direction of the orientation of the force field. Vector3 direction = this->getOrientation() * WorldEntity::FRONT; direction.normalise(); // Vector from the center of the force field to the object its acting on. Vector3 distanceVector = it->getWorldPosition() - (this->getWorldPosition() + (this->halfLength_ * direction)); // The object is outside a ball around the center with radius length/2 of the ForceField. if(distanceVector.length() > this->halfLength_) continue; // The distance of the object form the orientation vector. (Or rather the smallest distance from the orientation vector) float distanceFromDirectionVector = ((it->getWorldPosition() - this->getWorldPosition()).crossProduct(direction)).length(); // If the object in a tube of radius 'radius' around the direction of orientation. if(distanceFromDirectionVector >= this->radius_) continue; // Apply a force to the object in the direction of the orientation. // The force is highest when the object is directly on the direction vector, with a linear decrease, finally reaching zero, when distanceFromDirectionVector = radius. it->applyCentralForce((this->radius_ - distanceFromDirectionVector)/this->radius_ * this->velocity_ * direction); } } else if(this->mode_ == forceFieldMode::sphere) { // Iterate over all objects that could possibly be affected by the ForceField. for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { Vector3 distanceVector = it->getWorldPosition() - this->getWorldPosition(); float distance = distanceVector.length(); // If the object is within 'radius' distance. if (distance < this->radius_) { distanceVector.normalise(); // Apply a force proportional to the velocity, with highest force at the origin of the sphere, linear decreasing until reaching a distance of 'radius' from the origin, where the force reaches zero. it->applyCentralForce((this->radius_ - distance)/this->radius_ * this->velocity_ * distanceVector); } } } else if(this->mode_ == forceFieldMode::invertedSphere) { // Iterate over all objects that could possibly be affected by the ForceField. for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { Vector3 distanceVector = this->getWorldPosition() - it->getWorldPosition(); float distance = distanceVector.length(); // If the object is within 'radius' distance and no more than 'length' away from the boundary of the sphere. float range = this->radius_ - this->halfLength_*2; if (distance < this->radius_ && distance > range) { distanceVector.normalise(); // Apply a force proportional to the velocity, with highest force at the boundary of the sphere, linear decreasing until reaching a distance of 'radius-length' from the origin, where the force reaches zero. it->applyCentralForce((distance-range)/range * this->velocity_ * distanceVector); } } } } /** @brief Set the mode of the ForceField. @param mode The mode as a string. */ void ForceField::setMode(const std::string& mode) { if(mode == ForceField::modeTube_s) this->mode_ = forceFieldMode::tube; else if(mode == ForceField::modeSphere_s) this->mode_ = forceFieldMode::sphere; else if(mode == ForceField::modeInvertedSphere_s) this->mode_ = forceFieldMode::invertedSphere; else { COUT(2) << "Wrong mode '" << mode << "' in ForceField. Setting to 'tube'." << std::endl; this->mode_ = forceFieldMode::tube; } } /** @brief Get the mode of the ForceField. @return Returns the mode of the ForceField as a string. */ const std::string& ForceField::getMode(void) { switch(this->mode_) { case forceFieldMode::tube: return ForceField::modeTube_s; case forceFieldMode::sphere: return ForceField::modeSphere_s; case forceFieldMode::invertedSphere: return ForceField::modeInvertedSphere_s; default: return ForceField::modeTube_s; } } }