* ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist
* > www.orxonox.net <
* License notice:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Author:
* Damian 'Mozork' Frick
* Co-authors:
* ...
@file Pickup.h
@brief Declaration of the Pickup class.
@ingroup Pickup
#ifndef _Pickup_H__
#define _Pickup_H__
#include "pickup/PickupPrereqs.h"
#include "core/BaseObject.h"
#include "core/XMLPort.h"
#include "tools/Timer.h"
#include "CollectiblePickup.h"
namespace orxonox
Enum for the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" activation type.
@ingroup Pickup
namespace pickupActivationType
enum Value
immediate, //!< Means that the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" will be used immediately after pickup.
onUse, //!< Means that the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" will be used at a later point trough some external influence.
Enum for the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" duration type.
@ingroup Pickup
namespace pickupDurationType
enum Value
once, //!< Means that the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" will be used only once at a singular time instant.
continuous, //!< Means that the @ref orxonox::Pickup "Pickup" will be used over a continuous timespan.
The Pickup class offers (useful) base functionality for a wide range of pickups.
Pickups inheriting from this class can choose an activation type and a duration type.
- The activationType deals with what happens to the Pickup as soon as it is picked up. It can either be set to immediate, which means that the Pickup is activated/used immediately upon being picked up. Or to onUse, which means, that the Pickup will be activated/used if some outside entity (most commonly the player through the PickupInventory) decides to use it. Default is immediate.
- The durationType deals with whether the Pickup has a continuous effect or whether its effect is focused on a singular instant. It can either be set to once, which means, that the Pickup just has an effect (at a singular instant in time) and is done once that effect has been applied. Or to continuous, which means that the effect of the Pickup unfolds over some timespan. Default is once.
If it were not an abstract class it could for example be used as follows in XML.
In reality you can (naturally) use the parameters activation type and duration type in any pickup inheriting from Pickup, unless the pickup already specifies one (or both) of the parameters.
Damian 'Mozork' Frick
@ingroup Pickup
class _PickupExport Pickup : public CollectiblePickup, public BaseObject
Pickup(BaseObject* creator); //!< Constructor.
virtual ~Pickup(); //!< Destructor.
virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode);
virtual const std::string& getRepresentationName() const
{ return this->representationName_; }
@brief Get the activation type of the Pickup.
@return Returns the activation type of the Pickup.
inline pickupActivationType::Value getActivationType(void) const
{ return this->activationType_; }
@brief Get the duration type of the Pickup.
@return Returns the duration type of the Pickup.
inline pickupDurationType::Value getDurationType(void) const
{ return this->durationType_; }
const std::string& getActivationTypeAsString(void) const; //!< Get the activation type of the Pickup.
const std::string& getDurationTypeAsString(void) const; //!< Get the duration type of the Pickup.
@brief Get whether the activation type is 'immediate'.
@return Returns true if the activation type is 'immediate'.
inline bool isImmediate(void) const
{ return this->getActivationType() == pickupActivationType::immediate; }
@brief Get whether the activation type is 'onUse'.
@return Returns true if the activation type is 'onUse'.
inline bool isOnUse(void) const
{ return this->getActivationType() == pickupActivationType::onUse; }
@brief Get whether the duration type is 'once'.
@return Returns true if the duration type is 'once'.
inline bool isOnce(void) const
{ return this->getDurationType() == pickupDurationType::once; }
@brief Get whether the duration type is 'continuous'.
@return Returns true if the duration type is 'continuous'.
inline bool isContinuous(void) const
{ return this->getDurationType() == pickupDurationType::continuous; }
virtual void changedPickedUp(void); //!< Should be called when the pickup has transited from picked up to dropped or the other way around.
virtual bool createSpawner(void); //!< Facilitates the creation of a PickupSpawner upon dropping of the Pickupable.
@brief Sets the representation name which refers to the name of the PickupRepresentation that is used to represent this pickup.
inline void setRepresentationName(const std::string& name)
{ this->representationName_ = name; }
@brief Set the activation type of the Pickup.
@param type The activation type of the Pickup.
inline void setActivationType(pickupActivationType::Value type)
{ this->activationType_ = type; }
@brief Set the duration type of the Pickup.
@param type The duration type of the Pickup.
inline void setDurationType(pickupDurationType::Value type)
{ this->durationType_ = type; }
void setActivationTypeAsString(const std::string& type); //!< Set the activation type of the Pickup.
void setDurationTypeAsString(const std::string& type); //!< Set the duration type of the Pickup.
void initialize(void); //!< Initializes the member variables.
std::string representationName_; //!< The name of the associated PickupRepresentation.
pickupActivationType::Value activationType_; //!< The activation type of the Pickup.
pickupDurationType::Value durationType_; //!< The duration type of the Pickup.
//! Strings for the activation and duration types.
static const std::string activationTypeImmediate_s;
static const std::string activationTypeOnUse_s;
static const std::string durationTypeOnce_s;
static const std::string durationTypeContinuous_s;
#endif // _Pickup_H__