/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Implementation of the NotificationQueue class. */ #include "NotificationQueue.h" #include #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "NotificationOverlay.h" #include "NotificationManager.h" namespace orxonox { CreateFactory(NotificationQueue); const std::string NotificationQueue::DEFAULT_FONT("VeraMono"); const Vector2 NotificationQueue::DEFAULT_POSITION(0.0,0.0); const float NotificationQueue::DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 0.025f; /** @brief Constructor. Creates and initializes the object. */ NotificationQueue::NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator) : OverlayGroup(creator) { RegisterObject(NotificationQueue); this->initialize(); } /** @brief Destructor. */ NotificationQueue::~NotificationQueue() { this->targets_.clear(); this->clear(); } /** @brief Initializes the object. Registers the object, initializes variables, sets default values and registers the queue with the NotificationManager. */ void NotificationQueue::initialize(void) { this->size_ = 0; this->tickTime_ = 0.0; NotificationManager::getInstance().registerListener(this); } /** @brief Sets the defaults. */ void NotificationQueue::setDefaults(void) { this->setMaxSize(DEFAULT_SIZE); this->setNotificationLength(DEFAULT_LENGTH); this->setDisplayTime(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME); this->setPosition(DEFAULT_POSITION); this->setTargets(NotificationManager::ALL); this->setFontSize(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); this->setFont(DEFAULT_FONT); } /** @brief Method for creating a NotificationQueue object through XML. */ void NotificationQueue::XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(NotificationQueue, XMLPort, xmlElement, mode); this->setDefaults(); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "maxSize", setMaxSize, getMaxSize, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "notificationLength", setNotificationLength, getNotificationLength, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "displayTime", setDisplayTime, getDisplayTime, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "targets", setTargets, getTargets, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "font", setFont, getFont, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "fontSize", setFontSize, getFontSize, xmlElement, mode); XMLPortParam(NotificationQueue, "position", setPosition, getPosition, xmlElement, mode); COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue created." << std::endl; } /** @brief Updates the queue from time to time. @param dt The time interval that has passed since the last tick. */ void NotificationQueue::tick(float dt) { this->tickTime_ += dt; //!< Add the time interval that has passed to the time counter. if(this->tickTime_ >= 1.0) //!< If the time counter is greater than 1s all Notifications that have expired are removed, if it is smaller we wait to the next tick. { this->timeLimit_.time = std::time(0)-this->displayTime_; //!< Container containig the current time. std::multiset::iterator it; it = this->containers_.begin(); while(it != this->containers_.upper_bound(&this->timeLimit_)) //!< Iterate through all elements whose creation time is smaller than the current time minus the display time. { this->removeContainer(*it); this->scroll(Vector2(0.0,-(1.1*this->getFontSize()))); it = this->containers_.begin(); //TODO: Needed? } this->tickTime_ = 0.0; //!< Reset time counter. } } /** @brief Updates the NotificationQueue. Updates by clearing the queue and requesting all relevant Notifications from the NotificationManager and inserting the in the queue. */ void NotificationQueue::update(void) { this->clear(); std::multimap* notifications = new std::multimap; if(!NotificationManager::getInstance().getNotifications(this, notifications, this->displayTime_)) //!< Get the Notifications sent in the interval form now to minus the display time. { COUT(1) << "NotificationQueue update failed due to undetermined cause." << std::endl; return; } if(notifications->empty()) return; for(std::multimap::iterator it = notifications->begin(); it != notifications->end(); it++) //!> Add all Notifications. { this->addNotification(it->second, it->first); } delete notifications; COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue updated." << std::endl; } /** @brief Updates the NotificationQueue by adding an new Notification. @param notification Pointer to the Notification. @param time The time the Notification was sent. */ void NotificationQueue::update(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time) { this->addNotification(notification, time); std::multiset::iterator it; while(this->getSize() > this->getMaxSize()) { it = this->containers_.begin(); this->removeContainer(*it); this->scroll(Vector2(0.0,-(1.1*this->getFontSize()))); } COUT(3) << "NotificationQueue updated. A new Notifications has been added." << std::endl; } /** @brief Sets the maximum number of displayed Notifications. @param size The size to be set. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setMaxSize(int size) { if(size < 0) return false; this->maxSize_ = size; this->update(); return true; } /** @brief Sets the maximum number of characters a Notification message displayed by this queue is allowed to have. @param length The length to be set. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setNotificationLength(int length) { if(length < 0) return false; this->notificationLength_ = length; this->update(); return true; } /** @brief Sets the maximum number of seconds a Notification is displayed. @param time The number of seconds the Notifications is displayed. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setDisplayTime(int time) { if(time < 0) return false; this->displayTime_ = time; this->update(); return true; } /** @brief Produces all targets concatinated as string, with kommas (',') as seperators. @param string Pointer to a string which will be used by the method to fill with the concatination of the targets. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::getTargets(std::string* string) const { if(string == NULL) { COUT(4) << "Input string must have memory allocated." << std::endl; return false; } string->clear(); bool first = true; for(std::set::const_iterator it = this->targets_.begin(); it != this->targets_.end(); it++) //!< Iterate through the set of targets. { if(!first) { *string += ','; } else { first = false; } *string += *it; } return true; } /** @brief Sets the targets of the queue. The targets are the senders whose Notifications are displayed in this queue. @param targets Accepts a string of targets, each seperated by commas (','), spaces are ignored. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setTargets(const std::string & targets) { this->targets_.clear(); std::string* pTemp; unsigned int index = 0; while( index < targets.size() ) //!< Go through the string, character by character until the end is reached. { pTemp = new std::string(); while(index < targets.size() && targets[index] != ',' && targets[index] != ' ') { *pTemp += targets[index]; index++; } index++; this->targets_.insert(*pTemp); } return true; } /** @brief Sets the font size. @param size The font size. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setFontSize(float size) { if(size <= 0) return false; this->fontSize_ = size; for (std::map::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); it++) //!< Set the font size for each overlay. { it->second->overlay->setFontSize(size); } return true; } /** @brief Sets the font. @param font The font. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::setFont(const std::string & font) { this->font_ = font; for (std::map::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); it++) //!< Set the font for each overlay. { it->second->overlay->setFont(font); } return true; } /** @brief Scrolls the NotificationQueue, meaning all NotificationOverlays are moved the input vector. @param pos The vector the NotificationQueue is scrolled. */ void NotificationQueue::scroll(const Vector2 pos) { for (std::map::iterator it = this->overlays_.begin(); it != this->overlays_.end(); ++it) //!< Scroll each overlay. { it->second->overlay->scroll(pos); } } /** @brief Aligns all the Notifications to the position of the NotificationQueue. */ void NotificationQueue::positionChanged(void) { int counter = 0; for (std::multiset::iterator it = this->containers_.begin(); it != this->containers_.end(); it++) //!< Set the position for each overlay. { (*it)->overlay->setPosition(this->getPosition()); (*it)->overlay->scroll(Vector2(0.0,(1.1*this->getFontSize())*counter)); counter++; } } /** @brief Adds a Notification, to the queue. It inserts it into the storage containers, creates an corresponding overlay and a container. @param notification The Notification. @param time The time. */ void NotificationQueue::addNotification(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time) { NotificationOverlayContainer* container = new NotificationOverlayContainer; container->overlay = new NotificationOverlay(this, notification); container->notification = notification; container->time = time; std::string timeString = std::ctime(&time); timeString.erase(timeString.length()-1); std::ostringstream stream; stream << reinterpret_cast(notification); const std::string& addressString = stream.str(); container->name = "NotificationOverlay(" + timeString + ")&" + addressString; this->containers_.insert(container); this->overlays_[notification] = container; this->addElement(container->overlay); this->size_= this->size_+1; container->overlay->scroll(Vector2(0.0,(1.1*this->getFontSize())*(this->getSize()-1))); } /** @brief Removes a container from the queue. @param container A pointer to the container. @return Returns true if successful. */ bool NotificationQueue::removeContainer(NotificationOverlayContainer* container) { if(this->size_ == 0) //!< You cannot remove anything if the queue is empty. return false; this->removeElement(container->overlay); this->containers_.erase(container); this->overlays_.erase(container->notification); container->overlay->destroy(); delete container; this->size_= this->size_-1; return true; } /** @brief Clears the queue by removing all containers. */ void NotificationQueue::clear(void) { std::multiset::iterator it = this->containers_.begin(); while(it != this->containers_.end()) { this->removeContainer(*it); it = this->containers_.begin(); //TODO: Needed? } } }