/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Fabian 'x3n' Landau * Co-authors: * Dominik Solenicki * */ #include "ArtificialController.h" #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "core/command/ConsoleCommandIncludes.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/SpaceShip.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponMode.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponPack.h" #include "weaponsystem/Weapon.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSlot.h" #include "weaponsystem/WeaponSlot.h" namespace orxonox { SetConsoleCommand("ArtificialController", "setbotlevel", &ArtificialController::setAllBotLevel); RegisterClass(ArtificialController); ArtificialController::ArtificialController(Context* context) : FormationController(context) { RegisterObject(ArtificialController); this->bSetupWorked = false; this->botlevel_ = 0.5f; this->timeout_ = 0; this->currentWaypoint_ = 0; this->setAccuracy(5); this->defaultWaypoint_ = NULL; this->mode_ = DEFAULT;//Vector-implementation: mode_.push_back(DEFAULT); } ArtificialController::~ArtificialController() { if (this->isInitialized()) {//Vector-implementation: mode_.erase(mode_.begin(),mode_.end()); this->waypoints_.clear(); this->weaponModes_.clear(); } } void ArtificialController::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(ArtificialController, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(ArtificialController, "accuracy", setAccuracy, getAccuracy, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100.0f); XMLPortObject(ArtificialController, WorldEntity, "waypoints", addWaypoint, getWaypoint, xmlelement, mode); } /** @brief Gets called when ControllableEntity is being changed. Resets the bot when it dies. */ void ArtificialController::changedControllableEntity() { FormationController::changedControllableEntity(); // super if (!this->getControllableEntity()) this->removeFromFormation(); } void ArtificialController::aimAtTarget() { if (!this->target_ || !this->getControllableEntity()) return; static const float HARDCODED_PROJECTILE_SPEED = 750; this->targetPosition_ = getPredictedPosition(this->getControllableEntity()->getWorldPosition(), HARDCODED_PROJECTILE_SPEED, this->target_->getWorldPosition(), this->target_->getVelocity()); this->bHasTargetPosition_ = (this->targetPosition_ != Vector3::ZERO); Pawn* pawn = orxonox_cast(this->getControllableEntity()); if (pawn) pawn->setAimPosition(this->targetPosition_); } bool ArtificialController::isCloseAtTarget(float distance) const { if (!this->getControllableEntity()) return false; if (!this->target_) return (this->getControllableEntity()->getPosition().squaredDistance(this->targetPosition_) < distance*distance); else return (this->getControllableEntity()->getPosition().squaredDistance(this->target_->getPosition()) < distance*distance); } bool ArtificialController::isLookingAtTarget(float angle) const { if (!this->getControllableEntity()) return false; return (getAngle(this->getControllableEntity()->getPosition(), this->getControllableEntity()->getOrientation() * WorldEntity::FRONT, this->targetPosition_) < angle); } void ArtificialController::abandonTarget(Pawn* target) { if (target == this->target_) this->targetDied(); } /** @brief DoFire is called when a bot should shoot and decides which weapon is used and whether the bot shoots at all. */ void ArtificialController::doFire() { if(!this->bSetupWorked)//setup: find out which weapons are active ! hard coded: laser is "0", lens flare is "1", ... { this->setupWeapons(); } else if(this->getControllableEntity() && weaponModes_.size()&&this->bShooting_ && this->isCloseAtTarget((1 + 2*botlevel_)*1000) && this->isLookingAtTarget(math::pi / 20.0f)) { int firemode; float random = rnd(1);// if (this->isCloseAtTarget(130) && (firemode = getFiremode("LightningGun")) > -1 ) {//LENSFLARE: short range weapon this->getControllableEntity()->fire(firemode); //ai uses lens flare if they're close enough to the target } else if( this->isCloseAtTarget(400) && (random < this->botlevel_) && (firemode = getFiremode("RocketFire")) > -1 ) {//ROCKET: mid range weapon this->mode_ = ROCKET; //Vector-implementation: mode_.push_back(ROCKET); this->getControllableEntity()->fire(firemode); //launch rocket if(this->getControllableEntity() && this->target_) //after fire(3) is called, getControllableEntity() refers to the rocket! { float speed = this->getControllableEntity()->getVelocity().length() - target_->getVelocity().length(); if(!speed) speed = 0.1f; float distance = target_->getPosition().length() - this->getControllableEntity()->getPosition().length(); this->timeout_= distance/speed*sgn(speed*distance) + 1.8f; //predicted time of target hit (+ tolerance) } else this->timeout_ = 4.0f; //TODO: find better default value } else if ((firemode = getFiremode("HsW01")) > -1 ) //LASER: default weapon this->getControllableEntity()->fire(firemode); } } /** @brief Information gathering: Which weapons are ready to use? */ void ArtificialController::setupWeapons() //TODO: Make this function generic!! (at the moment is is based on conventions) { this->bSetupWorked = false; if(this->getControllableEntity()) { Pawn* pawn = orxonox_cast(this->getControllableEntity()); if(pawn && pawn->isA(Class(SpaceShip))) //fix for First Person Mode: check for SpaceShip { this->weaponModes_.clear(); // reset previous weapon information WeaponSlot* wSlot = 0; for(int l=0; (wSlot = pawn->getWeaponSlot(l)) ; l++) { WeaponMode* wMode = 0; for(int i=0; (wMode = wSlot->getWeapon()->getWeaponmode(i)) ; i++) { std::string wName = wMode->getIdentifier()->getName(); if(this->getFiremode(wName) == -1) //only add a weapon, if it is "new" weaponModes_[wName] = wMode->getMode(); } } if(weaponModes_.size())//at least one weapon detected this->bSetupWorked = true; }//pawn->weaponSystem_->getMunition(SubclassIdentifier< Munition > *identifier)->getNumMunition (WeaponMode *user); } } void ArtificialController::setBotLevel(float level) { if (level < 0.0f) this->botlevel_ = 0.0f; else if (level > 1.0f) this->botlevel_ = 1.0f; else this->botlevel_ = level; } void ArtificialController::setAllBotLevel(float level) { for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) it->setBotLevel(level); } void ArtificialController::setPreviousMode() { this->mode_ = DEFAULT; //Vector-implementation: mode_.pop_back(); } /** @brief Manages boost. Switches between boost usage and boost safe mode. */ void ArtificialController::boostControl() { SpaceShip* ship = orxonox_cast(this->getControllableEntity()); if(ship == NULL) return; if(ship->getBoostPower()*1.5f > ship->getInitialBoostPower() ) //upper limit ->boost this->getControllableEntity()->boost(true); else if(ship->getBoostPower()*4.0f < ship->getInitialBoostPower()) //lower limit ->do not boost this->getControllableEntity()->boost(false); } int ArtificialController::getFiremode(std::string name) { for (std::map< std::string, int >::iterator it = this->weaponModes_.begin(); it != this->weaponModes_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == name) return it->second; } return -1; } void ArtificialController::addWaypoint(WorldEntity* waypoint) { this->waypoints_.push_back(waypoint); } WorldEntity* ArtificialController::getWaypoint(unsigned int index) const { if (index < this->waypoints_.size()) return this->waypoints_[index]; else return 0; } /** @brief Adds first waypoint of type name to the waypoint stack, which is within the searchDistance @param name object-name of a point of interest (e.g. "PickupSpawner", "ForceField") */ void ArtificialController::updatePointsOfInterest(std::string name, float searchDistance) { WorldEntity* waypoint = NULL; for (ObjectList::iterator it = ObjectList::begin(); it != ObjectList::end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getIdentifier() == ClassByString(name)) { ControllableEntity* controllable = this->getControllableEntity(); if(!controllable) continue; float actualDistance = ( (*it)->getPosition() - controllable->getPosition() ).length(); if(actualDistance > searchDistance || actualDistance < 5.0f) continue; // TODO: PickupSpawner: adjust waypoint accuracy to PickupSpawner's triggerdistance // TODO: ForceField: analyze is angle between forcefield boost and own flying direction is acceptable else { waypoint = *it; break; } } } if(waypoint) this->waypoints_.push_back(waypoint); } /** @brief Adds point of interest depending on context. TODO: Further Possibilites: "ForceField", "PortalEndPoint", "MovableEntity", "Dock" */ void ArtificialController::manageWaypoints() { if(!defaultWaypoint_) this->updatePointsOfInterest("PickupSpawner", 200.0f); // long search radius if there is no default goal else this->updatePointsOfInterest("PickupSpawner", 20.0f); // take pickup en passant if there is a default waypoint } }