/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Noe Pedrazzini * Co-authors: * ... * */ #include "ShipPart.h" #include #include "core/CoreIncludes.h" #include "core/GameMode.h" #include "core/XMLPort.h" #include "network/NetworkFunction.h" #include "Item.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/Pawn.h" #include "worldentities/pawns/ModularSpaceShip.h" #include "gametypes/Gametype.h" #include "worldentities/StaticEntity.h" #include "items/PartDestructionEvent.h" #include "chat/ChatManager.h" namespace orxonox { RegisterClass(ShipPart); ShipPart::ShipPart(Context* context) : Item(context), parent_(nullptr) { RegisterObject(ShipPart); this->eventExecution_ = true; this->healthMem_ = 100; } ShipPart::~ShipPart() { if (this->parent_) { // Remove this ShipPart from the parent. this->parent_->removeShipPart(this); } } void ShipPart::XMLPort(Element& xmlelement, XMLPort::Mode mode) { SUPER(ShipPart, XMLPort, xmlelement, mode); XMLPortParam(ShipPart, "health", setHealth, getHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(ShipPart, "maxhealth", setMaxHealth, getMaxHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(200); XMLPortParam(ShipPart, "initialhealth", setInitialHealth, getInitialHealth, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(100); XMLPortParam(ShipPart, "damageabsorption", setDamageAbsorption, getDamageAbsorption, xmlelement, mode).defaultValues(0.5); XMLPortParamTemplate(ShipPart, "explosionposition", setExplosionPosition, getExplosionPosition, xmlelement, mode, Vector3); XMLPortObject(ShipPart, PartDestructionEvent, "destructionevents", addDestructionEvent, getDestructionEvent, xmlelement, mode); } /** @brief Is called when the ShipPart dies. Executes PartDestructionEvents. Tells the ModularSpaceShip to remove this ShipPart. */ void ShipPart::death() { this->explode(); if(eventExecution_) { // Execute all destruction events for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->eventList_.size(); i++) { this->getDestructionEvent(i)->execute(); } } this->destroyLater(); } void ShipPart::explode() { // BigExplosion* chunk = new BigExplosion(this->getContext()); // chunk->setPosition(this->parent_->getPosition() + this->parent_->getOrientation() * (this->explosionPosition_)); // //chunk->setPosition(this->parent_->getPosition() + this->parent_->getOrientation() * Vector3(this->entityList_[0]->getLocalInertia())); // chunk->setVelocity(this->parent_->getVelocity()); // this->explosionSound_->setPosition(this->parent_->getPosition()); // this->explosionSound_->play(); } /** @brief Add a StaticEntity to the ShipPart. @param engine A pointer to the StaticEntity to be added. */ void ShipPart::addEntity(StaticEntity* entity) { OrxAssert(entity != nullptr, "The Entity cannot be nullptr."); this->entityList_.push_back(entity); } /** @brief Get the i-th StaticEntity of the ShipPart. @return Returns a pointer to the i-the StaticEntity. nullptr if there is no StaticEntity with that index. */ StaticEntity* ShipPart::getEntity(unsigned int index) { if(this->entityList_.size() >= index) return nullptr; else return this->entityList_[index]; } /** @brief Check whether the ShipPart has a particular Entity. @param search A pointer to the Entity to be checked. */ bool ShipPart::hasEntity(StaticEntity* search) const { for(StaticEntity* entity : this->entityList_) { if(entity == search) return true; } return false; } /** @brief Add a PartDestructionEvent to the ShipPart. @param engine A pointer to the PartDestructionEvent to be added. */ void ShipPart::addDestructionEvent(PartDestructionEvent* event) { OrxAssert(event != nullptr, "The PartDestructionEvent cannot be nullptr."); event->setParent(this); this->eventList_.push_back(event); } /** @brief Get the i-th PartDestructionEvent of the ShipPart. @return Returns a pointer to the i-the PartDestructionEvent. nullptr if there is no PartDestructionEvent with that index. */ PartDestructionEvent* ShipPart::getDestructionEvent(unsigned int index) { if(this->eventList_.size() <= index) return nullptr; else return this->eventList_[index]; } void ShipPart::setParent(ModularSpaceShip* ship) { this->parent_ = ship; } /** @brief Handles a received hit. */ void ShipPart::handleHit(float damage, float healthdamage, float shielddamage, Pawn* originator) { if (parent_->getGametype() && parent_->getGametype()->allowPawnDamage(parent_, originator)) { if (shielddamage >= parent_->getShieldHealth()) { parent_->setShieldHealth(0); this->setHealth(this->health_ - (healthdamage + damage) * this->damageAbsorption_); parent_->setHealth(parent_->getHealth() - (healthdamage + damage) * (1 - this->damageAbsorption_)); } else { parent_->setShieldHealth(parent_->getShieldHealth() - shielddamage); // remove remaining shieldAbsorpton-Part of damage from shield shielddamage = damage * parent_->getShieldAbsorption(); shielddamage = std::min(parent_->getShieldHealth(),shielddamage); parent_->setShieldHealth(parent_->getShieldHealth() - shielddamage); // set remaining damage to health this->setHealth(this->health_ - ((damage - shielddamage) - healthdamage) * this->damageAbsorption_); parent_->setHealth(parent_->getHealth() - ((damage - shielddamage) - healthdamage) * (1- this->damageAbsorption_)); } } if (this->health_ < 0) this->death(); // (Ugly) Chatoutput of health, until a GUI for modularspaceships-shipparts is implemented. if ((this->health_ < 0.2 * this->maxHealth_) && (this->healthMem_ == 40)) { this->healthMem_ = 20; ChatManager::message("ShipPart " + this->getName() + " remaining health is 20%!"); return; } if ((this->health_ < 0.4 * this->maxHealth_) && (this->healthMem_ == 60)) { this->healthMem_ = 40; ChatManager::message("ShipPart " + this->getName() + " remaining health is 40%!"); return; } if ((this->health_ < 0.6 * this->maxHealth_) && (this->healthMem_ == 80)) { this->healthMem_ = 60; ChatManager::message("ShipPart " + this->getName() + " remaining health is 60%!"); return; } if ((this->health_ < 0.8 * this->maxHealth_) && (this->healthMem_ == 100)) { this->healthMem_ = 80; ChatManager::message("ShipPart " + this->getName() + " remaining health is 80%!"); return; } } /** @brief Adds the ShipPart to the input SpaceShip. @param ship A pointer to the SpaceShip to which the ShipPart is added. */ /*void ShipPart::addToSpaceShip(ModularSpaceShip* ship) { this->parent_ = ship; if (ship) { this->parentID_ = ship->getObjectID(); if (!ship->hasShipPart(this)) ship->addShipPart(this); } }*/ }