/* * ORXONOX - the hottest 3D action shooter ever to exist * > www.orxonox.net < * * * License notice: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: * Damian 'Mozork' Frick * Co-authors: * ... * */ /** @file @brief Definition of the NotificationQueue class. */ #ifndef _NotificationOueue_H__ #define _NotificationOueue_H__ #include "objects/quest/QuestPrereqs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "util/Math.h" #include "tools/interfaces/Tickable.h" #include "overlays/OverlayGroup.h" #include "interfaces/NotificationListener.h" namespace orxonox { //! Container to allow easy handling. struct NotificationOverlayContainer { NotificationOverlay* overlay; //!< Pointer to the NotificationOverlay, everything is about. Notification* notification; //!< The Notification displayed by the overlay. time_t time; //!< The time the Notification was sent and thus first displayed. std::string name; //!< The name of the overlay. }; //! Struct to allow ordering of NotificationOverlayContainers. struct NotificationOverlayContainerCompare { bool operator() (const NotificationOverlayContainer* const & a, const NotificationOverlayContainer* const & b) const { return a->time < b->time; } //!< Ordered by time. }; /** @brief Displays Notifications from specific senders. Beware! The NotificationQueue is an OverlayGruop and thus cannot be be a sub-element of an OverlayGroup (at least no for now.) Creating a NotificationQueue through XML goes as follows: @author Damian 'Mozork' Frick */ class _QuestExport NotificationQueue : public OverlayGroup, public Tickable, public NotificationListener { public: NotificationQueue(BaseObject* creator); virtual ~NotificationQueue(); virtual void XMLPort(Element& xmlElement, XMLPort::Mode mode); //!< Method for creating a NotificationQueue object through XML. virtual void tick(float dt); //!< To update from time to time. void update(void); //!< Updates the queue. void update(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time); //!< Adds a Notification to the queue. /** @brief Returns the maximum number of Notifications displayed. @return Returns maximum size. */ inline int getMaxSize() const { return this->maxSize_; } /** @brief Returns the current number of Notifications displayed. @return Returns the size of the queue. */ inline int getSize() const { return this->size_; } /** @brief Returns the maximum length in characters a Notification message is allowed to have. @return Returns the maximum Notification length. */ inline int getNotificationLength() const { return this->notificationLength_; } /** @brief Returns the time interval the Notification is displayed. @return Returns the display time. */ inline int getDisplayTime() const { return this->displayTime_; } /** @brief Returns the position of the NotificationQueue. @return Returns the position. */ inline const Vector2 & getPosition() const { return this->position_; } /** @brief Returns the font size used to display the Notifications. @return Returns the font size. */ inline float getFontSize() const { return this->fontSize_; } /** @brief Returns the font used to display the Notifications. @return Returns the font. */ inline const std::string & getFont() const { return this->font_; } /** @brief Returns the targets of this queue, reps. the senders which Notifications are displayed in this queue. @return Retuns a set of string holding the different targets. */ inline const std::set & getTargetsSet() { return this->targets_; } bool getTargets(std::string* string) const; //!< Returns a string consisting of the concatination of the targets. /** @brief Sets the position of the NotificationQueue. @param pos The position. */ inline void setPosition(Vector2 pos) { this->position_ = pos; this->positionChanged(); } void scroll(const Vector2 pos); //!< Scrolls the NotificationQueue, meaning all NotificationOverlays are moved the input vector. private: static const int DEFAULT_SIZE = 5; //!< The default maximum number of Notifications displayed. static const int DEFAULT_LENGTH = 64; //!< The default maximum number of Notifications displayed. static const int DEFAULT_DISPLAY_TIME = 30; //!< The default display time. static const float DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; //!< The default font size. static const std::string DEFAULT_FONT; //!< The default font. static const Vector2 DEFAULT_POSITION; //!< the default position. int maxSize_; //!< The maximal number of Notifications displayed. int size_; //!< The number of Notifications displayed. int notificationLength_; //!< The maximal number of characters a Notification-message is allowed to have. int displayTime_; //!< The time a Notification is displayed. Vector2 position_; //!< The position of the NotificationQueue. std::set targets_; //!< The targets the Queue displays Notifications of. float fontSize_; //!< The font size. std::string font_; //!< The font. std::multiset containers_; //!< Multiset, because the ordering is based on, not necessarily unique, timestamps. std::map overlays_; //!< Mapping notifications to their corresponding overlay containers, for easier association and finding. float tickTime_; //!< Helper variable, to not have to check for overlays that have been displayed too long, every tick. NotificationOverlayContainer timeLimit_; //!< Helper object to check against to determine whether Notifications have expired. void initialize(void); //!< Initializes the object. void setDefaults(void); //!< Helper method to set the default values. bool setMaxSize(int size); //!< Sets the maximum number of displayed Notifications. bool setNotificationLength(int length); //!< Sets the maximum number of characters a Notification message displayed by this queue is allowed to have. bool setDisplayTime(int time); //!< Sets the maximum number of seconds a Notification is displayed. bool setTargets(const std::string & targets); //!< Set the targets of this queue. bool setFontSize(float size); //!< Set the font size. bool setFont(const std::string & font); //!< Set the font. void positionChanged(void); //!< Aligns all the Notifications to the position of the NotificationQueue. void addNotification(Notification* notification, const std::time_t & time); //!< Add a notification to the queue. bool removeContainer(NotificationOverlayContainer* container); //!< Remove a container from the queue. void clear(void); //!< Clear the queue. }; } #endif /* _NotificationOverlay_H__ */