---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This lua script creates a totally random generated space station for the orxonox computer game!-- -- (c) Wallah 2008, published under GPL licence! -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IMPORTANT: If you need more parameters, do the following: copy the actual function (just the headline and the end statement) to the end of the file, -- -- like I did with createSpaceStation() and let that function call the new function where you can modify the parameters. For all parameters which the old function-- -- doesn't have you just give the standard default values, which I have defined. This is to make sure, that anyone else who uses the old function can still use it-- -- the same way he/she always did. If you want a function with less parameters, just create a new one at the end of the file and call this function with some -- -- default values. REMEMBER: Function overloading is not possible, be sure to call your function differently from others already existing ones. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This function creates a randomly generated space station. -- The first argument ranSeed, must be false, or a positive Integer, if it is false your space station is always chosen randomly, if you give an integer, -- your space station will be generated randomly, but once you have the space station it will always be the same. -- The argument xLength defines how large the space station will be into the x-direction. -- The argument xVar defines how much the space station will vary at the ends in x-direction, this is so that the station is no cube. -- The argument yLength is the same as xLength, but for the y-direction. -- The argument yVar is the same as xLength, but for the y-direction. -- The argument zLength is the same as xLength, but for the z-direction. -- The argument zVar is the same as xLength, but for the z-direction. -- The argument sSScale scales the station proportionally in all directions. function createSpaceStationPar(ranSeed, xLength, xVar, yLength, yVar, zLength, zVar, sSScale) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This prints xml code, which creates a MovableEntity, which I need to attach all the parts of the space station. print("") -- End create Movable Entity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create a randomseed, so that the math.random() function is actually random. if ranSeed == false then math.randomseed(os.time()) else math.randomseed(ranSeed) end -- End create randomseed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Here you can define some global variables, with which you can modify the space station. -- Define the maximal size of the grid, this value is based on how large you define the area of bodyparts plus 20 gridpoints for attachparts. sSSize=30 if xLength>=yLength and xLength>=zLength then sSSize=xLength+20 elseif yLength>=xLength and yLength>=zLength then sSSize=yLength+20 elseif zLength>=xLength and zLength>=yLength then sSSize=zLength+20 end -- Define how many parts the space station has, this value has to be exact, so be sure to increment it if you're adding a new part. sSParts=9 -- Define how many body parts the space station has, this value has to be exact. Body part means a part, which has connections at least in two directions. sSBodyParts=3 -- Define how many frontParts you have. frontParts=1 -- Define how many backParts you have. backParts=1 -- Define how many side parts for the left side you have. leftSideParts=1 -- Define how many side parts for the right side you have. rightSideParts=1 -- Define how many top parts you have. topParts=2 -- Define how many connection parts you have. connParts=1 -- Define the maximal dimension of a single part, be sure this value is big enough, better it's too big, it's only a matter of efficiency. -- It should be at least 1 bigger than the biggest part needs, because I guarantee that it works with odd numbers, to do so I use the math.floor function. pDim=6 -- Define the griddimension, be sure this value matches the size of a single space station part plus the size of a connection part, which means your parts must be: -- integer*(gridDim-connectionSize), then integer tells you how many griddimensions your part is. gridDim=2.25 -- End define global parameters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This creates a 4-dimensional grid, which tells us if there is a part or not, and in which direction it has connections. -- The parameters x,y,z are the axis of the space station, which iterate to sSSize, the maximal size of the space station. -- The griddimension, this word I will use later, means that the distance of a point to the next point is gridDim in the game, so the absolute x-axis is x*gridDim*sSScale, -- and so on for the other dimensions y and z. -- grid[x][y][z][0] contains 0 if there is no part at the position (x,y,z), otherwise 1. -- grid[x][y][z][1] contains 0 if there is no connection from (x,y,z) in x-direction, "+" if there is one in the positive x-direction, -- "-" if there is one in the negative x-direction, "+-" if there are in both x-directions. -- grid[x][y][z][2] contains 0 if there is no connection from (x,y,z) in y-direction, "+" if there is one in the positive y-direction, -- "-" if there is one in the negative y-direction, "+-" if there are in both y-directions. -- grid[x][y][z][3] contains 0 if there is no connection from (x,y,z) in z-direction, "+" if there is one in the positive z-direction, -- "-" if there is one in the negative z-direction, "+-" if there are in both z-directions. grid = {} for x=-math.floor(sSSize/2),math.floor(sSSize/2) do grid[x] = {} for y=-math.floor(sSSize/2),math.floor(sSSize/2) do grid[x][y]= {} for z=-math.floor(sSSize/2),math.floor(sSSize/2) do grid[x][y][z]={} for i=0,3 do grid[x][y][z][i]=0 end end end end -- End create 4-dim grid. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This creates an array which stores all the parts, it's size is depending on the global values pDim and sSParts. -- The first parameter i, tells us how many parts fit into the array, so it iterates from 1 to sSParts, each part has his own value i. -- The second, third and fourth parameters are the relative coordinates of the part, you have to start at (0,0,0) and be sure you fill the array into the right direction. -- A short example: your part is 2 griddimensions long and you place it in the game, that the relative coordinate point is at (0,0,0) and the part lies in the positive -- z-axis, then you have to use the coordinate point (0,0,1). -- The fifth parameter is an array with size 4, at index=0, you have to set 1 if your part covers the gridpoint at (x,y,z), otherwise 0. -- At index=1,2,3 you define the possible connection directions (1 for x, 2 for y and 3 for z), be sure to use the notation from above (0, "+-", "+", "-"). bodyParts={} for i=1,sSParts do bodyParts[i]={} for x=-math.floor(pDim/2),math.floor(pDim/2) do bodyParts[i][x]={} for y=-math.floor(pDim/2),math.floor(pDim/2) do bodyParts[i][x][y]={} for z=-math.floor(pDim/2),math.floor(pDim/2) do bodyParts[i][x][y][z]={} for k=0,3 do bodyParts[i][x][y][z][k]=0 end end end end -- This contains the name of the mesh file. bodyParts[i][0][0][0][4]="" -- This contains the first possible rotation of your part, pitch=... yaw=... roll=... . bodyParts[i][0][0][0][5]="" -- This contains the second possible rotation of your part, pitch=... yaw=... roll=... . bodyParts[i][0][0][0][6]="" -- This contains the third possible rotation of your part, pitch=... yaw=... roll=... . bodyParts[i][0][0][0][7]="" -- Contains the movement rotation, rotationaxis=... rotationrate=... . bodyParts[i][0][0][0][8]="" -- Contains the attachment, if your part has an attachment, e.g. . bodyParts[i][0][0][0][9]="" -- Contains how many of this part you want to attach to your space station. bodyParts[i][0][0][0][10]=1 end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Here you can add a part to the space station, there are some examples here and how to describe your part is written above in the commentary. -- The part must be inserted so, that the center of reference is at position (0,0,0). -- At position bodyParts[i][0][0][0][4] you have to put the mesh name of your part. -- At bodyParts[i][0][0][0][5] you can rotate your part, with pitch=angle, yaw=angle or roll=angle (x,y or z). Positive angle means in screw direction. -- At bodyParts[i][0][0][0][6] you have another possibility to rotate your part in a different way, e.g. for left and right side parts. -- At bodyParts[i][0][0][0][7] you have a third possibility to rotate your part, e.g. connection parts must be rotated into 3 different ways. -- At bodyParts[i][0][0][0][8] you can rotate your part around his own axis, with rotationaxis="x,y,z" rotationrate=number. -- At bodyParts[i][0][0][0][9] you can attach something to your model, e.g. . -- Insert the CuboidBody, which is only one griddimension and can have connections in every direction. bodyParts[1][0][0][0][4]="CuboidBody.mesh" bodyParts[1][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[1][0][0][0][1]="+-" bodyParts[1][0][0][0][2]="+-" bodyParts[1][0][0][0][3]="+-" -- End insert CuboidBody. -- Insert the DoubleCuboidBody, which is two griddimensions long, and one wide and high and can have connections in every direction except in the middle. bodyParts[2][0][0][0][4]="DoubleCuboidBody.mesh" bodyParts[2][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90" bodyParts[2][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[2][0][0][0][1]="+-" bodyParts[2][0][0][0][2]="+-" bodyParts[2][0][0][0][3]="-" bodyParts[2][0][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[2][0][0][1][1]="+-" bodyParts[2][0][0][1][2]="+-" bodyParts[2][0][0][1][3]="+" -- End insert DoubleCuboidBody. -- Insert the CuboidConnectionBody, it is three griddimensions long and one wide and high and can have only connections at griddimension 1 -- (except the side in direction of griddimension 2) and griddimension 3 (except the side in direction of griddimension 2). bodyParts[3][0][0][0][4]="CuboidConnBody.mesh" bodyParts[3][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90" bodyParts[3][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[3][0][0][0][1]="+-" bodyParts[3][0][0][0][2]="+-" bodyParts[3][0][0][0][3]="-" bodyParts[3][0][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[3][0][0][2][0]=1 bodyParts[3][0][0][2][1]="+-" bodyParts[3][0][0][2][2]="+-" bodyParts[3][0][0][2][3]="+" -- End insert CuboidConnectionBody. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert the back parts. -- If you're space station has no back parts, be sure to set backPartsIndex[0]=false. backPartsIndex={} backPartsIndex[0]="" -- Insert the thruster, which is one griddimension long, two wide and high, it can only have a connection into the negative z-direction. backPartsIndex[1]=4 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][4]="Thruster.mesh" bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90" bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][9]="" bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][10]=5 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][3]="-" bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[backPartsIndex[1]][0][-1][0][0]=1 -- End insert the thruster. -- End insert the back parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert the front parts. If your space station has no front parts, be sure to set frontPartsIndex[0]=false. frontPartsIndex={} frontPartsIndex[0]="" -- The SemiCircleCockpit is 3 x-griddimensions long, 3 y-griddimensions and 2 z-griddimensions, it can only have a connection in the positive z-direction. frontPartsIndex[1]=5 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][4]="SemiCircleCockpit.mesh" bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90 yaw=180" bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][9]=" " bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][3]="+" bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][-1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][-1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][-1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][-1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][0][1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][-1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][-1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][-1][1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[frontPartsIndex[1]][1][1][-1][0]=1 -- End insert SemiCircleCockpit. -- End insert the front parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert the side parts. -- If your space station has no left side parts, be sure to set leftsidePartsIndex[0]=false. -- If your space station has no right side parts, be sure to set rightsidePartsIndex[0]=false. leftSidePartsIndex={} leftSidePartsIndex[0]="" rightSidePartsIndex={} rightSidePartsIndex[0]="" -- Insert the solar panel, which i wanna use as left and right side part. leftSidePartsIndex[1]=6 rightSidePartsIndex[1]=leftSidePartsIndex[1] bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][4]="SolarPanel.mesh" bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][5]="roll=90 pitch="..math.random(0,180) bodyParts[rightSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][6]="roll=-90 pitch="..math.random(0,180) bodyParts[rightSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][8]="rotationaxis=\"1,0,0\" rotationrate=2" bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][1][1][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][1][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][-1][0][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][-1][1][0]=1 bodyParts[leftSidePartsIndex[1]][0][-1][-1][0]=1 -- End insert solar panel. -- End insert side parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert the top parts. -- If you have no top parts, be sure to set topPartsIndex[0]=false topPartsIndex={} topPartsIndex[0]="" -- Insert the CuboidLandingZone. topPartsIndex[1]=7 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][4]="CuboidLandingZone.mesh" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][2]="+-" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][1][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][2][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][1][0][2][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][2][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][0][0][3][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][1][0][3][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[1]][-1][0][3][0]=1 -- End insert the CuboidLandingZone. -- Insert the SatelliteDish. topPartsIndex[2]=8 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][0][4]="SatelliteDish.mesh" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][0][5]="pitch=-90" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][0][8]="rotationaxis=\"0,1,0\" rotationrate=5" bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][0][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][1][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][1][0][-1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][-1][0][0][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][-1][0][1][0]=1 bodyParts[topPartsIndex[2]][-1][0][-1][0]=1 -- End insert the SatelliteDish. -- End insert the top parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Insert the connection parts, which are used to connect all the bodyparts. -- If you're spacestation has no connection parts, be sure to set connPartsIndex[0]=false. connPartsIndex={} connPartsIndex[0]="" -- Insert the CuboidConnection. connPartsIndex[1]=9 bodyParts[connPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][4]="CuboidConnection.mesh" bodyParts[connPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][5]="roll=90" bodyParts[connPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][6]="" bodyParts[connPartsIndex[1]][0][0][0][7]="pitch=90" -- End insert the CuboidConnection. -- End insert the connection parts. -- End create array bodyParts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Here I define some functions which I will use later. --This function actualizes the grid, which I have to call always after I have added a new part to the space station. function actualizeGrid(Index,x,y,z) for i=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do for j=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do for k=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do if bodyParts[Index][i][j][k][0] == 1 then for l=0,3 do grid[x+i][y+j][z+k][l] = bodyParts[Index][i][j][k][l] end end end end end end -- End actualizeGrid. -- This function checks wheter a given parts fits at that position or not. -- If the part fits there it returns 1, otherwise 0. function checkPart(Index,x,y,z) check=1 for i=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do for j=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do for k=math.floor(-pDim/2)+1,math.floor(pDim/2) do -- If the part occupies the position (i,j,k), the grid must be empty there ((x+i, y+j, z+k)==0), if not, check is zero, -- which means that the part doesn't fit there. if bodyParts[Index][i][j][k][0] == 1 and grid[x+i][y+j][z+k][0] == 1 then check=0 end end end end return check end -- End checkPart function. -- This function prints the model with tempPartIndex in the bodyParts array at position lx,ly,lz. -- If you need to rotate the model around his own axis, then you have to set movEntity true and define the details of the rotation in -- bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][8]. -- If your model needs to be rotated like bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][5], then side must be 1, for bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][6] side must be 2, -- for bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][7] side must be 3. function printModel(lx,ly,lz,tempPartIndex,movEntity,side) if movEntity == true then print("") print("") lx=0 ly=0 lz=0 end print("") elseif side == 2 then print(bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][6]) print(">") elseif side == 3 then print(bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][7]) print(">") end print("") print(bodyParts[tempPartIndex][0][0][0][9]) print("") print("") if movEntity == true then print("") print("") end end -- End function printModel(). -- This function sets a part to a side of the space station. -- The arguments lx,ly,lz are the coordinates of the grid, where you want to set the part. -- The arguments xAxis,yAxis,zAxis can be 0 or 1, but only one argument out of the three can be 1. This means two of them must always be zero. You have to set xAxis to one, -- if your part is attached to a side, which faces into the x-direction (negative or positive, this is later specified with Dir), that means the x-Axis is a normal vector -- of the side to which you want to attach the part. The same for yAxis and zAxis. -- The argument Dir must be 1 if your side, where you want to attach the part, faces into the positive direction, -1 if the side faces into the negative direction. The side -- faces into the positive direction means, that the side of the side where the part will be attached is directed into the direction of the positive direction of the -- corresponding axis. -- The argument index is the index of the part for the bodyParts array. -- The argument printMovEnt must be false if your part doesn't need to be attached to an extra MovableEntity. If your part must be attached to an extra MovableEntity -- this argument must be true. The extra MovableEntity is used to rotate the part around his own axis, or something like that. -- The argument printSide is like the argument side of the printModel() function. It defines how your part will be rotated. Read the commentary there. -- The function returns 0 if the part couldn't be set, because it did not fit there or there was no side to attach the part. It returns 1 if the part is successfully set. function setPart(lx,ly,lz,xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,index,printMovEnt,printSide) partSet=0 -- For the bodyParts array I use 1 as x-, 2 as y- and 3 as z-Axis for the definition in which directions a part can have connections. coord=1*xAxis+2*yAxis+3*zAxis -- If I try to attach the part from the positive direction to the side of the space station, the part of the station (where I want to attach the new part) must have -- a connection into the positive direction. Otherwise I look from the negative side and so the part of the station must have a connection into the negative direction. if Dir==1 then conn="+" elseif Dir==-1 then conn="-" end -- I look from the direction defined through Dir, and here I check, whether I have reached a side of the space station, which means at position lx,ly,lz is nothing and -- at the next position is a part which can have a connection into the direction from where I look. if grid[lx][ly][lz][0] == 0 and grid[lx+(-1*xAxis*Dir)][ly+(-1*yAxis*Dir)][lz+(-1*zAxis*Dir)][0] == 1 and (grid[lx+(-1*xAxis*Dir)][ly+(-1*yAxis*Dir)][lz+(-1*zAxis*Dir)][coord]=="+-" or grid[lx+(-1*xAxis*Dir)][ly+(-1*yAxis*Dir)][lz+(-1*zAxis*Dir)][coord]==conn) then -- This checks whether the part fits at that position or not. check=checkPart(index,lx,ly,lz) if check == 1 then -- This prints the part. printModel(lx,ly,lz,index,printMovEnt,printSide) partSet=1 -- This actualizes the grid array with the values of the array bodyParts at the position index. actualizeGrid(index,lx,ly,lz) end end return partSet end -- End function setPart(). -- This function sets a part to a side of the space station. It is called spiralSet, because it starts in the middle of the side and goes out in a form of a spiral. -- The argument xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,printMovEnt,printSide are the same as the arguments from the setPart() function, please read the commentary there. -- The argument index here must be an array, where you define the index for your part for the bodyParts array. The first used index is 1 and goes up to parts. -- The argument parts is the number of different parts which you want to attach to a side. function spiralSet(xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,index,parts,printMovEnt,printSide) if index[0] ~= false then -- The array vector contains the actual position where you try to set the part. vector[0],vector[1] and vector[3] contains the x,y,z-coordinate. vector={} -- This must be done, because there are different sides from where I try to attach a part. coord1=1*yAxis+2*zAxis coord2=(coord1+1)%3 coord3=(coord2+1)%3 for pc=1,parts do tempIndex = index[pc] for eachPart=1,bodyParts[tempIndex][0][0][0][10] do partSet=0 vector[coord1]=math.floor(Dir*sSSize/2)-2*Dir while vector[coord1]~=math.floor(-1*Dir*sSSize/2)+2*Dir and partSet==0 do round=0 while round<=math.floor(sSSize/2)-2 and partSet==0 do vector[coord2]=round vector[coord3]=-round while vector[coord3]<=round and partSet==0 do partSet=setPart(vector[0],vector[1],vector[2],xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,tempIndex,printMovEnt,printSide) vector[coord3]=vector[coord3]+1 end while vector[coord2]>=-round and partSet==0 do partSet=setPart(vector[0],vector[1],vector[2],xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,tempIndex,printMovEnt,printSide) vector[coord2]=vector[coord2]-1 end while vector[coord3]>-round and partSet==0 do partSet=setPart(vector[0],vector[1],vector[2],xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,tempIndex,printMovEnt,printSide) vector[coord3]=vector[coord3]-1 end while vector[coord2]<=round and partSet==0 do partSet=setPart(vector[0],vector[1],vector[2],xAxis,yAxis,zAxis,Dir,tempIndex,printMovEnt,printSide) vector[coord2]=vector[coord2]+1 end round=round+1 end vector[coord1]=vector[coord1]-Dir end end end end end -- End function spiralSet(). -- End define functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is xml code, which means now we attach some parts to the MovableEntity. print("") -- End attach to the MovableEntity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attach all bodyparts. -- Define at which position in the x-direction you're space station will start. x=math.random(-math.floor(xLength/2),-math.floor(xLength/2)+xVar) -- Define at which position in the x-direction you're space station will end. xMax=math.random(math.floor(xLength/2),math.floor(xLength/2)+xVar) while x") print("") -- End ends attachment and MovableEntity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end -- End createSpaceStationPar() function. -- This function is for the lazy guys, which do not care how the space station looks like, so I use some good standard values. function createSpaceStation() createSpaceStationPar(false,4,1,2,1,6,1,100) end -- End createSpaceStaion() function.