1 | Here we list the authors of all the media files in this directory (and possibly sub-directories). All files are released under the CC by-sa license which can be found in the LICENSE file in this directory, unless otherwise specified. |
2 | |
3 | File Author |
4 | assff.JPG Felix Schulthess |
5 | asteroid.png Benjamin de Capitani |
6 | asteroid_ice.png Benjamin de Capitani |
7 | babel-base2.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
8 | babel-trim3b.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
9 | babel-wall1a.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
10 | babel-wall1b.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
11 | babel-wall6a.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
12 | babel-wall6b.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
13 | can.png Hagen Seifert |
14 | CentralStructure.png Hans Sjökvist |
15 | CockpitGlass.jpg Mirko Kaiser |
16 | CockpitNose.jpg Mirko Kaiser |
17 | CockpitSide.png Mirko Kaiser |
18 | crate.png Reto Grieder |
19 | CuboidConnectionBodySide.jpg Mirko Kaiser |
20 | CuboidConnectionBodyTop.jpg Mirko Kaiser |
21 | dirt01.jpg unknown |
22 | Dirt.jpg unknown |
23 | dish.jpg Felix Schulthess |
24 | Doors.png Hans Sjökvist |
25 | drone.png unknown |
26 | DuBall1.jpg Rocco Bottani, Massimo Maffioli |
27 | DuBall2.jpg Rocco Bottani, Massimo Maffioli |
28 | final_gold.png David Gassner |
29 | flare3.png David Gassner |
30 | ghost_complete-texture_Cube.jpg David Gassner |
31 | glass01.png Felix Schulthess? |
32 | glass02.png Felix Schulthess? |
33 | GreenSkin.jpg unknown |
34 | hs-w01s.png Hagen Seifert |
35 | hs-w01.png Hagen Seifert |
36 | hs-w01_reduced.png Benjamin de Capitani |
37 | iceplanet.png Marian Runo |
38 | laserbeam.png unknown |
39 | Lightning_gun4.png Joël Smely |
40 | Lightning_gun_pic2.png Joël Smely |
41 | LightningGun.png Joël Smely |
42 | LightningGun-s.png Joël Smely |
43 | MainStructure.png Hans Sjökvist |
44 | MetalBare.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
45 | MetalBase0020_thumbhuge.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
46 | MetalBase0030_thumbhuge.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
47 | MetalEdge.jpg Georges Grondin (cc-by-sa) |
48 | OrxonoxBlack.png unknown |
49 | OrxonoxGREEN.png Reto Grieder |
50 | OrxonoxORANGE.png unknown |
51 | OrxonoxRED.png unknown |
52 | OrxonoxYELLOW.png Reto Grieder |
53 | OuterCompartment.png Hans Sjökvist |
54 | pirate.jpg Felix Schulthess |
55 | planet.jpg Felix Schulthess |
56 | PlasmaAufh_Aufh.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
57 | PlasmaBlau.png Benjamin de Capitani |
58 | plasmagunParabol_Cylinder002.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
59 | plasmaSilver_Tube.png Benjamin de Capitani |
60 | PSO1024.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
61 | rock.png unknown |
62 | rockettex.jpg Daniel Cristen |
63 | rust.png Felix Schulthess |
64 | RustySteel.jpg unknown |
65 | snowyWhite.jpg Mirko Kaiser |
66 | spacecruiser_16.jpg Felix Schulthess |
67 | Spaceshipbody.jpg unknown |
68 | SpaceShipTransporter036_engine.jpg Axel Bomhauer-Beins |
69 | SpaceShipTransporter036_newtexture.jpg Axel Bomhauer-Beins |
70 | SpaceshipWings.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
71 | spacesruiser.png unknown |
72 | sphere.png Damian Frick |
73 | starship.png unknown |
74 | swallow_tex.png David Gassner |
75 | texture.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
76 | thrust.jpg Felix Schulthess |
77 | tiled_floor.jpg Reto Grieder |
78 | transporter5Fluegel_Cube.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
79 | transporter5Huelle-Cube.001.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
80 | Triebwerk1_Cylinder.jpg Benjamin de Capitani |
81 | wall01.jpg Felix Schulthess |
82 | |