# irkreceive.tcl: # # Various commands invoked in response to input received from the server: namespace eval irk { # This procedure deals with the PING special action: proc RECV,PING {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRK connection" } puts $sock "PONG :$comm $rest" return "" } # This procedure deals with the NOTICE special action: proc RECV,NOTICE {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state append state($token,GLOBALNOTICES) "$rest\n" return "" } # This procedure deals with the ERROR special action: proc RECV,ERROR {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set rest [eval concat $rest] append state($token,ERRORS) "$nick $dest $rest\n" # puts "Got ERROR: $token $nick ---> $dest: $rest" orxonox::execute error "Got ERROR: $token $nick ---> $dest: $rest" return "" } # This procedure deals with the AWAY response: proc RECV,AWAY {token nick user comm dest rest} { set id [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] set rest [lreplace $rest 0 0 [string range [lindex $rest 0] 1 end]] set rest [eval concat $rest] puts "$id is away: $rest" return "" } # This procedure deals with the WHOIS USER message: proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,USER {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Split the rest of the line on space: foreach {unick uuser uhost ustar urnm} [split $rest " "] break # If the WHOIS information is about this user, save it specially: if {[isus $token $unick]} { set state($token,uuser) $uuser set state($token,uhost) $uhost set state($token,urnm) $urnm } # Save the information for a regular user: set state($token,ident,$unick,uuser) $uuser set state($token,ident,$unick,uhost) $uhost set state($token,ident,$unick,urnm) $urnm } # This procedure deals with the WHOIS SERVER message: proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,SERVER {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Split the rest of the line on space: foreach {unick userv} [split $rest " "] break # If the WHOIS information is about this user, save it specially: if {[isus $token $unick]} { set state($token,userv) $userv } # Save the information for a regular user: set state($token,ident,$unick,userv) $userv } # This procedure deals with the WHOIS IDENT message proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,IDENT {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Extract the nick of the user who has identified set unick [lindex [split $rest " "] 0] # If the WHOIS information is about this user, save it specially: if {[isus $token $unick]} { set state($token,ident) 1 } # Save the information for a regular user: set state($token,ident,$unick,ident) 1 } # This procedure deals with the WHOIS CONNECTTIME message: proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,CONNECTTIME {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Split the rest of the input on space: foreach {unick idle connecttime} [split $rest " "] break # Format the connect time for this user: set connecttime [clock format $connecttime] # If the WHOIS information is about this user, save it specially: if {[isus $token $unick]} { set state($token,connecttime) $connecttime } # Save the information for a regular user: set state($token,ident,$unick,connecttime) $connecttime } # Handle the WHOIS CHANNELS message: proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,CHANNELS {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Split the rest on space. set rest [split $rest " "] # Get the nick for which this is the channel list: set unick [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] # The first channel may have an extra ":", if it does get rid of it. set firstchan [lindex $rest 0] if {[string match ":*" $firstchan]} { set rest [lreplace $rest 0 0 [string range $firstchan 1 end]] } # If the WHOIS information is about this user, save it specially: if {[isus $token $unick]} { set state($token,channels) $channels } # Save the information for a regular user: set state($token,ident,$unick,channels) $rest } # This procedure deals with the WHOIS END message: proc RECV,WHOIS,NICK,END {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set state($token,whois,done) 1 } # This procedure deals with various MOTD actions: proc RECV,MOTD {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state append state($token,MOTD) "${rest}\n" return "" } # This procedure deals with PONG actions: proc RECV,PONG {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state if {[info exists state($token,PINGSTART)]} { set elapsed \ [expr [clock clicks -millis] - $state($token,PINGSTART)] puts "$nick: $elapsed msecs" unset state($token,PINGSTART) } return "" } # This procedure deals with NOTICE received from a regular user: proc RECV,NOTICE,USER {token nick user comm dest rest} { if {[string match "\001*" [lindex $rest 0]]} { set rest [ctcpcleanup $rest] RECV,NOTICE,CTCP,USER $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ [lindex $rest 0] [lrange $rest 1 end] } else { set rest [eval concat $rest] puts "$nick sends $dest a notice: $rest" } return "" } # This procedure helps with CTCP notice actions: proc RECV,NOTICE,CTCP,USER {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[info exists state($token,response,ctcp,$action)]} { $state($token,response,ctcp,$action) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } else { $state($token,response,ctcp,error) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } return "" } # This procedure deals with JOIN actions: proc RECV,JOIN {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Check if it's us that joined the channel or someone else. if {[isus $token $nick]} { # puts "You joined $dest" orxonox::irc::info $token "You joined $dest" addChannel $token $dest } else { # puts "$nick joined $dest" orxonox::irc::info $token "$nick joined $dest" addToChannel $token $nick $dest } return "" } # This procedure deals with PART actions: proc RECV,PART {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set chan [string tolower $dest] if {[isus $token $nick]} { # puts "You left channel $chan" orxonox::irc::info $token "You left channel $chan" } else { # puts "$nick left [string tolower $dest]" orxonox::irc::info $token "$nick left [string tolower $dest]" } removeFromChannel $token $nick $chan removeFromChannel $token @$nick $chan return "" } # This procedure deals with MODE actions: proc RECV,MODE {token nick user comm dest rest} { set rest [eval concat $rest] # puts "$nick sets mode $dest $rest" orxonox::irc::info "$nick $token sets mode $dest $rest" return "" } # This procedure deals with NICK actions: proc RECV,NICK {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set newnick [string range $dest 0 end] # If our nick changed, remember it as the nick associated with # this connection: if {[isus $token $nick]} { set state($token,nick) $newnick set state($token,$newnick,PRIVMSG) $state(PRIVMSG,unsolicited) catch {unset state($token,$nick,PRIVMSG)} } # Replace the old nick with the new in all channels that we're on: replaceAllChannels $token $nick $newnick # puts "$nick ${user} ($token) changes his/her nickname to $newnick" orxonox::irc::info $token "$nick changes his/her nickname to $newnick" return "" } # This procedure deals with QUIT actions: proc RECV,QUIT {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set rest [eval concat $rest] # puts "Received QUIT $token $nick $rest" orxonox::irc::info $token "Received QUIT $token $nick $rest" if {[string match ":*" $dest]} { set dest [string range $dest 1 end] } if {[isus $token $nick]} { # puts "You left the server $state($token,host) ($dest $rest)" orxonox::irc::info $token "You left the server $state($token,host) ($dest $rest)" forgetConnection $token } else { puts "$nick quits IRK ($dest $rest)" removeFromAllChannels $token $nick removeFromAllChannels $token @$nick } return "" } # This procedure deals with expected PRIVMSG actions: proc RECV,PRIVMSG {token nick user comm dest rest} { if {[string match "\001*" [lindex $rest 0]]} { set rest [ctcpcleanup $rest] RECV,PRIVMSG,CTCP,CHANNEL $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ [lindex $rest 0] [lrange $rest 1 end] } else { # puts "$nick$dest: [eval concat $rest]" orxonox::irc::say $token $nick [eval concat $rest] } return "" } # This procedure handles CTCP actions on the channel: proc RECV,PRIVMSG,CTCP,CHANNEL {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[info exists state($token,channel,ctcp,$action)]} { $state($token,channel,ctcp,$action) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } else { $state($token,channel,ctcp,error) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } return "" } # This procedure stores the result of USERHOST actions: proc RECV,USERHOST {token nick user comm dest rest} { return "" } # This procedure stores the channel topic: proc RECV,CHANNEL,TOPIC {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set chan [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {[string match ":*" [lindex $rest 0]]} { set rest [lreplace $rest 0 0 \ [string range [lindex $rest 0] 1 end]] } set state($token,$chan,TOPIC) $rest set state($token,$chan,TOPIC,SETBY) $nick set state($token,$chan,TOPIC,SETAT) [clock format [clock seconds]] return "" } # This procedure stores the channel byline: proc RECV,CHANNEL,SETBY {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set chan [lindex $rest 0] set rest [lrange $rest 1 end] if {[string match ":*" [lindex $rest 0]]} { set rest [lreplace $rest 0 0 \ [string range [lindex $rest 0] 1 end]] } set state($token,$chan,TOPIC,SETBY) [lindex $rest 0] set state($token,$chan,TOPIC,SETAT) [clock format [lindex $rest 1]] return "" } # This procedure deals with unsolicited PRIVMSG actions: proc RECV,PRIVMSG,unsolicited {token nick user comm dest rest} { if {[string match "\001*" [lindex $rest 0]]} { set rest [ctcpcleanup $rest] RECV,PRIVMSG,CTCP,USER $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ [lindex $rest 0] [lrange $rest 1 end] } else { # puts "$nick: [eval concat $rest]" orxonox::irc::privmsg $nick $nick [eval concat $rest] } return "" } # This procedure helps with CTCP private messages: proc RECV,PRIVMSG,CTCP,USER {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[info exists state($token,cmd,ctcp,$action)]} { $state($token,cmd,ctcp,$action) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } else { $state($token,cmd,ctcp,error) \ $token $nick $user $comm $dest \ $action $rest } return "" } # This procedure deals with a KICK action: proc RECV,KICK {token nick user comm dest rest} { set kicked [lindex $rest 0] if {[string match ":*" $kicked]} { set kicked [string range $kicked 1 end] } set reason [eval concat [lrange $rest 1 end]] if {[string match ":*" $reason]} { set reason [string range $reason 1 end] } if {[isus $token $kicked]} { # puts "$nick kicked you from $dest because $reason" orxonox::irc::info $token "$nick kicked you from $dest because $reason" removeChannel $token $dest } else { # puts "$nick kicks $kicked from $dest because $reason" orxonox::irc::info $token "$nick kicks $kicked from $dest because $reason" removeFromChannel $token $kicked $dest removeFromChannel $token @$kicked $dest } return "" } # These procedures collect the name list for a channel: proc RECV,CHANNEL,NAMELIST {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state # Scan forward in $rest for the channel name: for {set i 0; set l [llength $rest]} {$i < $l} {incr i} { if {[string match "#*" [lindex $rest $i]]} { break } } # Didn't find it? if {$i == $l} { return } # Extract the channel name and the rest of the input: set chan [lindex $rest $i] set rest [lrange $rest [expr $i + 1] end] set rest [lreplace $rest 0 0 [string range [lindex $rest 0] 1 end]] set rest [eval concat $rest] if {![info exists state($token,$chan,NAMES)]} { set state($token,$chan,NAMES) "" } set state($token,$chan,NAMES) [concat $state($token,$chan,NAMES) $rest] return "" } proc RECV,CHANNEL,NAMELIST,END {token nick user comm dest rest} { variable state set chan [lindex $rest 0] set $state($token,$chan,NAMES) [split $state($token,$chan,NAMES) " "] } # This procedure deals with a request from the server to send a PONG # with a given code. proc RECV,PONG,REQUEST {token nick user comm dest rest} { set pongcode [lindex $rest [expr [llength $rest] - 1]] puts $token "PONG $pongcode" return "" } # This procedure deals with a CTCP PING request: proc RECV,CTCP,PING {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRK connection" } puts $sock "NOTICE $nick :\001PING ${rest}\001" return "" } # This procedure deals with a CTCP TIME request: proc RECV,CTCP,TIME {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRK connection" } puts $sock \ "NOTICE $nick :\001TIME :[clock format [clock seconds]]\001" return "" } # This procedure deals with a CTCP VERSION request: proc RECV,CTCP,VERSION {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state global tcl_platform if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRK connection" } set version "$state(-useragent):$state(-version):$tcl_platform(os)" puts $sock "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION ${version}\001" } # This procedure deals with a CTCP USERINFO request: proc RECV,CTCP,USERINFO {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRK connection" } puts $sock "NOTICE $nick :\001USERINFO $state(-$token,user)\001" } # This procedure deals with CTCP ACTION messages: proc RECV,CTCP,ACTION {token nick user comm dest action rest} { # puts "$nick $rest" orxonox::irc::action $token $nick $rest return "" } # This procedure is a catch all for CTCP actions that we do not # understand: proc RECV,CTCP,ERROR {token nick user comm dest action rest} { variable state if {[catch {set sock $state($token,socket)}]} { error "$token: not a valid IRC connection" } if {[llength $rest] > 0} { puts $sock \ "NOTICE $nick :\001ERRMSG $action $rest: unknown CTCP\001" } else { puts $sock "NOTICE $nick :\001ERRMSG $action: unknown CTCP\001" } } # This is the default action, used by the default dispatcher # when no action can be found for the given $token, $nick, $user, # $comm, and $dest. proc defaultAction {token nick user comm dest rest} { # puts "$token: $nick $user: $comm -> $dest ... [eval concat $rest]" orxonox::execute log "$token: $nick $user: $comm -> $dest ... [eval concat $rest]" return "" } }