[5718] | 1 | Here we list the authors of all the media files in this repository. All files are released under the CC by-sa license which can be found in the LICENSE file in this directory, unless otherwise specified. |
| 2 | |
| 3 | File Author |
| 4 | audio/ambient/allgorythm-lift_up.ogg All-Go-Rhythm - Thierry Zaugg (www.bediff.com) |
| 5 | audio/ambient/allgorythm-resonance_blaster.ogg All-Go-Rhythm - Thierry Zaugg (www.bediff.com) |
| 6 | audio/ambient/luke_grey_-_hypermode.ogg Lukas Grauer |
| 7 | audio/ambient/mainmenu.wav Raphaël Jecker |
| 8 | audio/ambient/task_horizon_-_menu1.ogg unknown |
| 9 | audio/ambient/tha_silent_partner_-_void.ogg unknown |
| 10 | audio/sounds/laser1.wav unknown |
| 11 | fonts/bluebold.ttf unknown |
| 12 | fonts/bluecond.ttf unknown |
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| 21 | fonts/MonoSpatial.ttf unknown |
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| 25 | fonts/SaxMono.ttf unknown |
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| 27 | fonts/Selectric.ttf unknown |
| 28 | fonts/ShareTechMono.ttf unknown |
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| 34 | fonts/VeraMono.ttf unknown |
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| 41 | gui/fonts/Commonwealth-10.font http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 42 | gui/fonts/DejaVuSans-10.font http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 43 | gui/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 44 | gui/fonts/FairChar-30.font http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 45 | gui/fonts/fkp-16.font http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 46 | gui/fonts/fkp.de.pcf http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 47 | gui/fonts/Font.xsd http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 48 | gui/fonts/Iconified-12.font http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 49 | gui/fonts/Iconiv2.ttf http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 50 | gui/fonts/icon.txt Daniel Zadorozny - http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 51 | gui/fonts/Legal.txt Andrew Zabolotny |
| 52 | gui/fonts/README http://www.iconian.com/ |
| 53 | gui/imagesets/DriveIcons.imageset unknown |
| 54 | gui/imagesets/DriveIcons.png unknown |
| 55 | gui/imagesets/FairChar.imageset unknown |
| 56 | gui/imagesets/FairChar.tga unknown |
| 57 | gui/imagesets/GPN-2000-001437.tga GRIN (http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/) |
| 58 | gui/imagesets/Imageset.xsd unknown |
| 59 | gui/imagesets/MainMenuBackground.imageset Benjamin Knecht |
| 60 | gui/imagesets/TaharezLook.imageset unknown |
| 61 | gui/imagesets/TaharezLook.tga Lars "Taharez" Rinde |
| 62 | gui/imagesets/Vanilla.imageset unknown |
| 63 | gui/imagesets/vanilla.tga Shane Parker |
| 64 | gui/imagesets/WindowsLook.imageset unknown |
| 65 | gui/imagesets/WindowsLook.tga Paul "CrazyEddie" Turner |
| 66 | gui/looknfeel/Falagard.xsd unknown |
| 67 | gui/looknfeel/TaharezLook.looknfeel unknown |
| 68 | gui/looknfeel/Vanilla.looknfeel unknown |
| 69 | gui/looknfeel/WindowsLook.looknfeel unknown |
| 70 | materials/programs/AmbientOneTexture.glsl unknown |
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| 72 | materials/programs/Blur0_vs11.hlsl unknown |
| 73 | materials/programs/Blur0_vs.glsl unknown |
| 74 | materials/programs/Blur1_ps20.hlsl unknown |
| 75 | materials/programs/Blur1_vs11.hlsl unknown |
| 76 | materials/programs/Blur1_vs.glsl unknown |
| 77 | materials/programs/Blur_ps.glsl unknown |
| 78 | materials/programs/BumpMapping.cg unknown |
| 79 | materials/programs/Combine_fp.cg unknown |
| 80 | materials/programs/Example_Basic.cg unknown |
| 81 | materials/programs/Example_Basic.hlsl unknown |
| 82 | materials/programs/GlassFP.cg unknown |
| 83 | materials/programs/Grass.cg unknown |
| 84 | materials/programs/GrayScale.cg unknown |
| 85 | materials/programs/hdr_bloom.glsl unknown |
| 86 | materials/programs/hdr.cg unknown |
| 87 | materials/programs/hdr_downscale2x2luminence.glsl unknown |
| 88 | materials/programs/hdr_downscale3x3brightpass.glsl unknown |
| 89 | materials/programs/hdr_downscale3x3.glsl unknown |
| 90 | materials/programs/hdr_finalToneMapping.glsl unknown |
| 91 | materials/programs/hdr.hlsl unknown |
| 92 | materials/programs/hdr_tonemap_util.glsl unknown |
| 93 | materials/programs/InvertFP.cg unknown |
| 94 | materials/programs/LaplaceFP.cg unknown |
| 95 | materials/programs/OldMovieFP.cg unknown |
| 96 | materials/programs/OldTV.cg unknown |
| 97 | materials/programs/PosterizeFP.cg unknown |
| 98 | materials/programs/Radial_Blur_FP.cg unknown |
| 99 | materials/programs/SharpenEdgesFP.cg unknown |
| 100 | materials/programs/skinningTwoWeightsShadowCasterVp.glsl unknown |
| 101 | materials/programs/skinningTwoWeightsVp.glsl unknown |
| 102 | materials/programs/StdQuad_vp.cg unknown |
| 103 | materials/programs/StdQuad_vp.glsl unknown |
| 104 | materials/programs/TilingFP.cg unknown |
| 105 | materials/programs/ToonShaderPS.cg Stefan Lienhard |
| 106 | materials/programs/ToonShader_ps.frag Stefan Lienhard |
| 107 | materials/programs/ToonShader_vs.vert Stefan Lienhard |
| 108 | materials/scripts/assf5.material Nicolas Schlumberger |
| 109 | materials/scripts/assff.material Felix Schulthess |
| 110 | materials/scripts/assf.material Nicolas Schlumberger |
| 111 | materials/scripts/asteroids.material Felix Schulthess |
| 112 | materials/scripts/axes.material Felix Schulthess |
| 113 | materials/scripts/BlackAndWhite.material unknown |
| 114 | materials/scripts/Bloom.material unknown |
| 115 | materials/scripts/Bump_Specular.material Janis Edelmann |
| 116 | materials/scripts/can.material Hagen Seifert |
| 117 | materials/scripts/Carrier.material Felix Schulthess |
| 118 | materials/scripts/Cone.material Felix Schulthess |
| 119 | materials/scripts/Console.material Felix Schulthess |
| 120 | materials/scripts/crate.material unknown |
| 121 | materials/scripts/cube.material Felix Schulthess |
| 122 | materials/scripts/CuboidSpaceStation.material Mirko Kaiser |
| 123 | materials/scripts/drone.material Janis Edelmann |
| 124 | materials/scripts/DuBall.material Rocco Bottani, Massimo Maffioli |
| 125 | materials/scripts/earth.material Marian Runo |
| 126 | materials/scripts/Embossed.material unknown |
| 127 | materials/scripts/Example.material unknown |
| 128 | materials/scripts/Examples.compositor unknown |
| 129 | materials/scripts/Examples.program unknown |
| 130 | materials/scripts/Flares.material unknown |
| 131 | materials/scripts/Glass.material unknown |
| 132 | materials/scripts/h2_green.material David Gassner |
| 133 | materials/scripts/hdr.material unknown |
| 134 | materials/scripts/hoover.material unknown |
| 135 | materials/scripts/hs-w01.material Hagen Seifert |
| 136 | materials/scripts/hs-w01s.material Hagen Seifert |
| 137 | materials/scripts/iceplanet.material Marian Runo |
| 138 | materials/scripts/Invert.material unknown |
| 139 | materials/scripts/jumpthrust.material Felix Schulthess |
| 140 | materials/scripts/Laplace.material unknown |
| 141 | materials/scripts/laserbeam.material Hagen Seifert |
| 142 | materials/scripts/LightningGun.material Joël Smely |
| 143 | materials/scripts/LightningGun-s.material Joël Smely |
| 144 | materials/scripts/LightningGun-s.tga Joël Smely |
| 145 | materials/scripts/Map.material Si Sun |
| 146 | materials/scripts/MotionBlur.compositor unknown |
| 147 | materials/scripts/MotionBlur.material unknown |
| 148 | materials/scripts/Ogre.material unknown |
| 149 | materials/scripts/OldMovie.material unknown |
| 150 | materials/scripts/OldTV.material unknown |
| 151 | materials/scripts/Orxonox.material Felix Schulthess |
| 152 | materials/scripts/OrxonoxSky.material Felix Schulthess |
| 153 | materials/scripts/PE_materials.material unknown |
| 154 | materials/scripts/pirate.material Felix Schulthess |
| 155 | materials/scripts/plane.material Reto Grieder |
| 156 | materials/scripts/planet.material Felix Schulthess |
| 157 | materials/scripts/Posterize.material unknown |
| 158 | materials/scripts/RadialBlur.material unknown |
| 159 | materials/scripts/rock.material Janis Edelmann |
| 160 | materials/scripts/satellite.material Felix Schulthess |
| 161 | materials/scripts/Shaders.compositor unknown |
| 162 | materials/scripts/SharpenEdges.material unknown |
| 163 | materials/scripts/spacecruiser_16.material Felix Schulthess |
| 164 | materials/scripts/spacecruiser.material Tim Widmer |
| 165 | materials/scripts/sphere.material Felix Schulthess |
| 166 | materials/scripts/starship.material unknown |
| 167 | materials/scripts/Stats.material Benjamin Hildebrandt |
| 168 | materials/scripts/StdQuad_vp.program unknown |
| 169 | materials/scripts/Tiling.material unknown |
| 170 | materials/scripts/tomato.material Felix Schulthess |
| 171 | materials/scripts/ToonShader.material Stefan Lienhard |
| 172 | materials/scripts/Trail.material Fabian 'x3n' Landau |
| 173 | materials/scripts/Transparency.material unknown |
| 174 | materials/scripts/UEATransporter036.material Axel Bomhauer-Beins |
| 175 | materials/scripts/wrench.material Benjamin Knecht |
| 176 | materials/textures/arrows.tga |
| 177 | materials/textures/assff.JPG |
| 178 | materials/textures/atmosphere.png |
| 179 | materials/textures/atmospheretype1.tga |
| 180 | materials/textures/atmospheretype2.tga |
| 181 | materials/textures/atmospheretype3.tga |
| 182 | materials/textures/atmospheretype4.tga |
| 183 | materials/textures/atmospheretype5.tga |
| 184 | materials/textures/babel-base2.jpg |
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| 186 | materials/textures/babel-wall1a.jpg |
| 187 | materials/textures/babel-wall1b.jpg |
| 188 | materials/textures/babel-wall6a.jpg |
| 189 | materials/textures/babel-wall6b.jpg |
| 190 | materials/textures/backGround.tga |
| 191 | materials/textures/backlightflare.tga |
| 192 | materials/textures/backlighttrail.tga |
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| 194 | materials/textures/bar2a.tga |
| 195 | materials/textures/bar2b.tga |
| 196 | materials/textures/bar2c.tga |
| 197 | materials/textures/bar2.tga |
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| 199 | materials/textures/bigflare1.tga |
| 200 | materials/textures/can.tga |
| 201 | materials/textures/CockpitGlass.jpg |
| 202 | materials/textures/CockpitNose.jpg |
| 203 | materials/textures/CockpitSide.png |
| 204 | materials/textures/console2.tga |
| 205 | materials/textures/console3.tga |
| 206 | materials/textures/console4.tga |
| 207 | materials/textures/console5.tga |
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| 214 | materials/textures/cursor.tga |
| 215 | materials/textures/decal.jpg |
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| 217 | materials/textures/Dirt.jpg |
| 218 | materials/textures/dish.jpg |
| 219 | materials/textures/drone.tga |
| 220 | materials/textures/DuBall1.jpg |
| 221 | materials/textures/DuBall2.jpg |
| 222 | materials/textures/explosion3.tga |
| 223 | materials/textures/explosion.tga |
| 224 | materials/textures/final_gold.tga |
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| 226 | materials/textures/flare2.tga |
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| 231 | materials/textures/GLX_icon.png |
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| 233 | materials/textures/goldwrenchpickup.jpg |
| 234 | materials/textures/GreenSkin.jpg |
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| 236 | materials/textures/healthbar_bg.tga |
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| 252 | materials/textures/LightningBall_8.tga |
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| 318 | materials/textures/spacecruiser_16.jpg |
| 319 | materials/textures/SpaceShipTransporter036_engine.jpg |
| 320 | materials/textures/SpaceShipTransporter036_newtexture.jpg |
| 321 | materials/textures/spacesruiser.tga |
| 322 | materials/textures/starbox_bk.jpg |
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| 327 | materials/textures/starbox_up.jpg |
| 328 | materials/textures/starship.tga |
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| 333 | materials/textures/wall01.jpg |
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